The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1960 The Jie Jiao Army Arrives (Additional Update)

The battle in the Baiyun Longzhang plane lasted for nearly twenty years.

For a medium-sized plane war, this time is already very short.

It took much longer than this for Master Sai's sect to take over the Wild Orangutan World.

At the same time, the last time he used magic letters to communicate with the elders of his sect, Thane learned that the battlefields on various fronts between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation included the slightly disadvantaged battlefield areas around the wild orangutan world.

I don’t know why, but the progress of the war around the medium-sized star field is always so slow.

Trilis mentioned casually, it seemed that it was because the beast star field around the wild orangutan world could not be attacked for a long time.

However, it doesn't matter what the situation is like on the battlefield over there. He is mainly responsible for the current war in the God Star Territory.

The majestic giant fortress metal robot left a deep impression on both warring legions during the Baiyun Longzhang plane war.

In fact, Thane had the most profound impact on the friends of the Tianming Empire.

At the beginning, the warriors of the Tianming Empire regarded Thain as an ordinary fifth-level magician.

Later, Thane appeared to be fused with Fumila.

Later, Thane released the forbidden spell.

At the end, Thane showed his majestic appearance in transforming the planetary fortress and controlling the giant fortress metal robot.

How can this be a fifth-level magician? !

Almost all the strong men from the Tianming Empire who have come into contact with Thain, including Ximen Feixiao who is most familiar with him, regard Thain as a level six strong man from the bottom of their hearts!

This is the power of knowledge.

As the representative of magicians in the wizarding world, Thane gave the warriors of the Tianming Empire, who had not yet come into contact with the mainstream power of wizarding civilization, a bit more respect and respect for the spellcasters of wizarding civilization.

A giant federal mecha fell at the feet of Thane's giant fortress metal robot.

They are also "giant metal creations". The height of this Gallente Federation level six mecha is less than the knee height of Thane's giant metal fortress robot.

The heavy right foot stepped hard on the sixth level

On the body of the mecha.

Standing on the surface of this level six mecha at the same time were Fumila with eight metal wings spread out, and Bei Peng with his true form of law activated and holding a pair of sticks.

"Zi la! Zhi la!" Electronic sparks burst out on the surface of the level six mecha.

Thain's giant fortress robot also had some superficial wounds, but as the winner and the larger one, Thain's surface wounds were not obvious.

Inside the head of the giant fortress metal robot, Thane was looking to the east against the background of the bloody setting sun in the Baiyun Longzhang plane.

The six-level battle there has basically come to an end.

The howl of the dragon lingered in the Baiyun Longzhang plane for a long time.

Among the two local sixth-level dragon gods, Qingyun Dragon King was suppressed by Gongsun Wudi, and his dragon tendons were pulled out from his neck alive.

The miserable howl of Qingyun Dragon King could be clearly heard by Thane, who was more than half a plane away.

In addition to the dragon tendons, his dragon horns, dragon beads, dragon hearts, dragon scales, dragon bones, dragon eyes... all of his treasures were divided up by the powerful people of the Tianming Empire!

This is a feast of dragons.

The power of dragon-type creatures also makes their body materials far more valuable than ordinary lineage creatures.

The other slightly stronger White Jade Dragon King was a female Dragon God. She was also suppressed by Gongsun Wudi.

Gongsun Wudi seemed to have other ideas when it came to this level six dragon beast.

She did not pull out the White Jade Dragon King's dragon tendons, but showed some signs of conquering the opponent.

With the Qingyun Dragon King being skinned and cramped in front of him, the White Jade Dragon King had to think carefully if he wanted to resist.

After special research by magicians in the wizarding world, spellcasters have long discovered that female creatures in the star realm are far calmer and more fearful of death than male creatures.

Far away from the star field, there is a civilization spreading a saying, which is very interesting: In this world, men always think about how to die, and women always think about how to die.

Always thinking about how to live.

This sentence and the research of spellcasters in the wizarding world may be one-sided.

But a lot of the time, they do make some sense.

The resistance of the White Jade Dragon King is getting smaller and smaller...

Her whimpering dragon cry seems to represent the future fate of the Baiyun Longzhang plane.

When it comes to dealing with the Gallente Federation Legion, the Tianming Empire Legion headed by Gongsun Wudi has no intention of letting go. 🅆

All federal combat units were ruthlessly wiped out by the Tianming Empire Legion.

Gongsun Wudi personally destroyed at least three of the main attack ships of the Federation's sixth-level war fleet group!

The AT protective force field, which was constantly bright and dark, could not stop Gongsun Wudi's iron fist at all.

During the battle, Gongsun Wudi was far less wild than Bei Peng, but every attack she made was difficult for the enemy to resist.

The "rumbling" battleship crash scene appeared next to Gongsun Wudi.

After basically disintegrating the resistance of the Gallente Federation Legion on the surrounding battlefields, Gongsun Wudi, with long hair flying and heroic appearance, raised his head and looked to the west.

He seemed to be looking at Thane, who had transformed into a metal giant from a giant fortress, from a distance.

The war on the Baiyun Longzhang plane in the Divine Star Territory is coming to an end.

On the wizarding civilization battlefield, since the Immortal Dragon Clan arrived on the battlefield, the Immortal Interception Army, which was the first to allow the wizarding world to join the game of this civilized war, finally came out after being repeatedly called for.

In the past 100,000 years, the civilization of the Immortal Realm has mainly adopted the method of external civilized war-based on the Immortal Courts and Immortal Emperors of all parties.

For example, this time to support the wizard civilization, its main legion was led by Emperor Chen Gou of the East Pole who personally conquered!

Hundreds of millions of immortal troops, stepping on auspicious clouds and various magic weapons, arrived at the target star field amidst the sound of "booming" immortal drums.

In terms of eliteness, these immortal armies are much stronger than the shrimp soldiers and crab generals led by the Dragon Clan.

In the field of high-level combat capabilities, interception

Teach me that this time I will dominate!

In addition to the arrival of Duobao Tianzun in person, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit also brought many immortal phoenixes to participate in the battle.

There are even two new master-level phoenixes among them, one is Jiao Ming and the other is Youjiu.

These two dominant-level phoenixes are both early-level seventh-level creatures.

Although the strength is not outstanding, the birth rate of this master... No wonder the Phoenix clan is a powerful and rare race that can be compared with the dragon clan biological blood!

In particular, Youjiu is actually a phoenix with two elements, dark and poisonous. Its poisonous flames and magic rain are particularly suitable for large-scale civilized battles.

The place where Duobao Tianzun and others arrived is located at the border of the star field of the great world.

This is the large-scale star teleportation array provided by the wizard civilization.

Vivian and others had previously retreated here mainly to maintain the safety of these large-scale remote teleportation arrays across the star field.

Now that the fairyland army has finally arrived at the border of the world, the true spirit witch Vivian can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After Duobao Tianzun and others arrived, the true spirit witch Vivian personally came to receive them.

Faced with some questions raised by Vivian, the true spirit witch of the wizard civilization, Duobao Tianzun replied: "My master's mount Kui Niu, also known as the Bull Demon King with the title of 'Pingtian Great Sage', went back to summon his demons. The soldiers and monsters are gone and will arrive on this battlefield soon."

"Besides him, Kui Niu asked me to tell you that his two sworn brothers are ready to join the wizarding civilized war. They may arrive at the civilized battlefield earlier than him." Duobao Tianzun said.

"Oh? When will they arrive?" Vivian asked happily.

"Right away." Duobao Tianzun replied.

After Vivian pondered for a moment, she said: "Don't let them come to Huanyu World, let them go directly to the battlefield of the Wizarding Civilization Center!"

"There were four missing chapters before, and the monthly ticket price exceeded 300 yesterday. Now I owe you a total of five chapters.

I’ll give you an update today~

I stayed up late last night and wrote it. If it’s not good, I hope everyone will forgive me~”

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