The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1958 Two areas

The "Purge War" outside the Baiyun Longzhang plane is proceeding very smoothly.

The Gallente Federation and the indigenous gods in this medium-sized world are determined to stick to their mother plane. Naturally, the defense strength of the hundred or so planes outside this medium-sized star field will be greatly reduced.

And there are still a large number of local gods in the entire Divine Star Territory who are on the battlefield in the Gallente Federation Star Territory and have not yet been withdrawn in time.

On the premise that the main god Marduk does not show up to take action, what can they do to stop the Tianming Empire from attacking with all its strength?

Thain believed that even if he had not made similar suggestions in the previous camp meeting, coach Gongsun Wudi would have arranged it this way.

Gongsun Wudi is a sixth-level peak warrior with rich war experience. Her ability to command on the battlefield is even better than that of Thain.

Thain, who was born as a magician, sometimes limited himself to just talking on paper, while Gongsun Wudi took all aspects into consideration.

For example, in the years since he entered the Divine Star Territory and participated in the war, Thain's troops have never been short of logistical supplies. Even when he needed any external support, he had not yet reported it to the Tianming Empire headquarters. Gongsun Wudi seemed to have a "telepathy" and sent the support in advance. Legion was sent over.

It's really easy to fight with such a coach.

The auxiliary planes outside the Baiyun Longzhang plane and the defensive lines deployed by the Gallente Federation were successively destroyed by the Tianming Empire. For the local gods who clung to this world, the pressure was increasing day by day.

The God of Burning Wind initially resisted the idea of ​​cooperating to instigate rebellion against other gods.

He was also afraid that if he was exposed, he would be chewed into bloody mud by the furious Qingyun Dragon King.

He was even more afraid that after being discovered by the Gallente Federation, a volley of artillery fire would blast him into pieces.

But the God of Burning Wind was more afraid of death. For the limited life, he decided to give it a try.

The first person the God of Burning Wind wooed was the God of Black Dog, who had a good relationship with him.

The black dog god looks like

He is very ugly, has a rather withdrawn temperament, and is very repelled by other gods in this plane.

After pulling him into the group, at least the God of Burning Wind does not have to worry, as other indigenous gods in the Baiyun Longzhang plane will soon know about it.

The Black Dog God's sense of smell is very sensitive, and even the God of Burning Wind is a little doubtful whether this guy has a hidden priesthood in a related field.

When the God of Burning Wind came to him, the God of Black Dog was not surprised at all, but seemed to be actively waiting for him.

"I have discovered a long time ago that there is something wrong with you. You have actually contacted the powerful wizard civilization outside the plane..."

"I think it's better not to contact other people about this matter for the time being. It's enough for the two of us!"

"Isn't it just to destroy a few cloud pillars of the laws of this world?"

"After we take action, as long as the wizard civilization legion from outside the plane can come in in time, no one will have time to cause trouble for us in the chaos." The Black Dog God stared at his dark eyes and said.

This humble-looking guy is more bold than the God of Burning Wind expected.

Facing the Black Dog God's suggestion, the Burning Wind God pondered for a moment, and then nodded in agreement.

Sure enough, working alone and working with two people are completely different experiences.

Because the Black Dog God also joined their covert operation, the Burning Wind God did not feel his heart beating like it did at the beginning.

Looking at the calm Black Dog God in front of him, the Burning Wind God was also inexplicably calmer.

The Tianming Empire launches its attack on the Baiyun Longzhang plane earlier than expected!

The cleanup of the surrounding resistance planes has temporarily relieved the Tianming Empire from worries.

Bottom line

Compared with the combat power of the upper-level legion and the higher-level army, the Tianming Empire’s side is more than three times that of the Baiyun Longzhang plane!

The main reason is that the coach Gongsun Wudi is too strong.

If she exerts all her strength, she is estimated to be able to withstand all the six-level combat powers in the Baiyun Longzhang plane by herself.

The offensive momentum is rapid, not only in the Baiyun Longzhang plane, but also in the Divine Starfield battlefield, Thain heard that the Tianming Empire Legion is also advancing very fast on other fronts.

While you are sick, I will kill you.

Because Marduk, the Goddess of God, had not yet appeared, in order to maximize the results of the war, Thain heard that His Majesty the Emperor of the Tianming Empire had personally taken action more than once to remove stumbling blocks on the advancement of the Tianming army.

When the masters take action shamelessly, it is undoubtedly a disaster for the underlying creatures.

Thain originally thought that Emperor Tianming would not be able to take action frequently due to the emperor's honor.

But now it seems that he is thinking too much.

Tianming Emperor Gongsun Wuji was a pragmatic king who didn't mind fame so much. 🅆

When the fierce battle begins.

The God of Burning Wind and the God of Black Dog in the Baiyun Longzhang plane took action boldly.

They followed Thain's instructions and first destroyed the law cloud pillar where they were stationed, and then began to attack and destroy the other two law nodes around them!

What is surprising is that the God of Scorching Wind is not the only one showing signs of rebellion in the Baiyun Longzhang plane.

In another area farther away, there was also chaos and fighting.

There is more than one smart person!

After the Tianming Empire wiped out the garrison forces around the Baiyun Longzhang plane with overwhelming force, the indigenous gods who were besieged in this world, even with the assistance of the Gallente Federation Legion, did not have much confidence that they could stop them. The invasion of the Tianming Empire army.

The emergence of two internal chaos,

It indeed brought a big loophole to the defensive battle of Baiyun Longzhang plane.

Because the nodes of the Law Cloud Pillar were destroyed, the cloud barrier that originally seemed extremely solid gradually began to show signs of instability and weakening.

The Tianming Empire army outside the plane did not give the White Jade Dragon King and the Gallente Federation generals much time to react.

Thain quickly led his legion to attack the location of the God of Burning Wind and others.

On the other side, Gongsun Wudi led his direct descendant Hu Ben Army to launch a strong attack on another chaotic area.

Don't imagine plane wars to be too high-end and formatted.

When chaos occurs, both sides do not need any formation or military appearance in order to seize the fighter plane. It is completely a large-scale "group fight" scene.

The leader of the charge on Thain's side was the sixth-level knight Bepen.

As a knight, she should shoulder this responsibility.

And as a medium-sized plane, Baiyun Longzhang World, when squeezed in, its internal space is actually a little more "spacious" than the average low-level plane.

In the other main attack area, Gongsun Wudi went into battle personally.

The coach takes the lead in the charge, and the Tianming Empire army on the battlefield over there is even more diligent!

The White Jade Dragon King and the Qingyun Dragon King panicked under these changes, and the first to support them was the area where Gongsun Wudi was.

On Thain's side, only a level six giant mecha rushed over.

This is also a disadvantage for the defender.

The Baiyun Longzhang plane is quite large, with such a wide plane barrier. The legions stationed inside do not know at the beginning which node the enemy forces outside the plane will attack.

Even if there is only an hourglass information lag, the impact will be fatal to this kind of plane war.

Thain will not give his opponents a chance.

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