The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1938 Blood Crystal

What Kidd is best at is the law of space. {What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

Since surrendering his life to the wizarding civilization, Kidd has done everything in these years.

Some helped the wizarding civilization steal the high-tech secrets of the Gallente Federation, and some participated in attacks on Federation transport ships.

This time, he took on the responsibility of a messenger.

It's just a matter of sending messages to ordinary masters. Kidd really doesn't want to come into contact with the notorious devils and demon groups.

He was very worried that due to a small oversight on his part, he would be crushed to pieces and eaten by this group of powerful creatures with violent temperaments and a bad reputation.

But does he have a choice...

Not to mention Kidd's caution in front of him, the demon king Carter Gustavo lowered his head and examined it after receiving the magic letter.

The demon king reading the magic letter looks very calm.

None of the demon kings gathered around dared to breathe.

In fact, those who are familiar with the two masters of the Qatar Star Thieves Group: Carter Gustavo and the White-Eyed Witch know that these two masters are actually relatively easy to get along with.

Most of the time, they are reasonable.

The reason why the reputation of the two masters is so fierce is that it is set off by the fourth and fifth level devils and demons below.

Of course, the two masters' decisive killing records also added a bloody resume to them.

From a camp perspective, these members of the Kada Star Thieves Group should belong to chaotic evil!

Just as many powerful people from other worlds, and even the plane gods who are members of the Wizards Alliance, have guessed, the Kada Star Thieves Group is indeed the black glove hidden in the dark by the wizard civilization.

They specialize in cleaning up some disobedient guys for the wizarding civilization, and they do all the dirty work.

The reason why this notorious star thief group has not been eradicated by the wizard civilization is of course because of the connivance of the wizard civilization itself.


the result of!

Who would cut off his left and right hands?

The Cardar Star Thieves Group is really useful.

"Oh? Isn't the white-eyed witch here?" After reading the magic letter, Gustavo tapped the armrest of the seat with his sharp black devil nails.

A strange blue-purple demonic flame suddenly rose up, burning out the letter and erasing the direct evidence of communication between the wizarding civilization and him.

The demon throne sitting under Gustavo is dark in color, ferocious and sharp in appearance, and covered with barbs.

The style of Blood Throne of the Blood Battle Monarch, another level six peak demon king whom Thane came into contact with when he was in Faerun, was quite different in style.

In fact, the throne under Gustavo has quite a history.

This is the demon lord Gustavo, a replica of the throne owned by his previous master.

The original throne is called the "Throne of Destruction"!

That's something that ordinary creatures can't control at all, not even dominant-level creatures!

Gustavo's "Devil's Throne" is not as good as the "Throne of Destruction", but at present, it barely reaches the level of a low-grade world-class secret treasure.

At the level of the dominant life form, world-class secret treasures are no longer so rare.

As long as those dominator-level creatures have that thought, even if they do not have the talent in the field of weapon refining, they can easily knead some low-quality world-class secret treasures with their powerful dominator power!

It’s just that few dominant-level creatures would do that.

With their noble status, if they make something that is not suitable for their own use

Low-grade and inferior world-class secret treasures are completely embarrassing themselves! Besides, the power of domination is not wasted like this.

Therefore, world-class secret treasures are still rare in the star realm.

What Gustavo saw in the letter about the White-Eyed Witch was that the female devil master would continue her mission of destruction in the heart of the Federation and would not come to the world of gods to join the war.

Since the "black magician leader" Nigel was injured and returned to the wizarding world, the black magicians and black knight groups dispatched by the wizarding civilization have gradually fallen silent in recent years.

The only ones who are still active in the Gallente Federation and are wreaking havoc in the middle and rear are these demons and groups of devils who work with their heads in their belts.

Compared with demons who often like to stage very bloody and cruel ritual scenes such as "flesh altars", demons are much more low-key in this regard.

To achieve their own goals by confusing people's hearts.

Many of the federation's living planets have experienced chaos and even large-scale rebellion crises in recent years, which are all related to the small actions carried out by the devil groups behind the scenes.

Keeping the devil clan in the heart of the federation to cause trouble can be considered a good use of their resources.

In a flash of thought, Gustavo, who had thought about the demon clan's next war plan, looked at Kidd with his evil eyes.

Among the demon community, Gustavo has always been respected as the "wise man" and has a "elegant" temperament. He is different from ordinary big, rough demons.

Gustavo did not continue to scare Kidd in front of him. He smiled and said: "The people who will conquer and develop the world of gods with us this time are an alien plane called the Tianming Empire. They are also steadfast in the wizarding civilization. ally."

"There are some things that we, the devil clan, are not easy to come forward with."

"It's up to you to take over.


How about acting as a link between our Qatar Star Pirates Group and the Tianming Empire? Gustavo asked.

Although he asked with a smile, Kidd really didn't have the courage to refuse.

Fortunately, the wizarding civilization did not assign him any more important tasks. Kidd gave an extremely stiff smile. Although he was wearing a white mask, he still inevitably showed timidity and nervousness.

"Okay, I'm very happy to help you!" Kidd replied.

Gustavo didn't say much. After standing up from the demon throne, he took a look at the scarlet plane below that had been completely reduced to a land of flesh and blood, and said to a sixth-level peak demon king next to him. : "Give some of the blood crystals collected in this world to this child."

"After all, you are doing something for us, so we have to follow some rules." Gustavo said with a smile.

At this time, Kidd couldn't help but take another look at the miserable scene of the rotting plane below, and his body was shocked.

And then the "blood crystal" handed over by the demon king in front of him made Kidd's eyes widen under the mask.

This kind of blood crystal, judging from its appearance, is more appropriately called a "blood crystal diamond".

This is a batch of treasures that condense the essence of flesh and blood of creatures in the entire world.

When Thain was in Faerûn, the blood essence of creatures in the canyon collected by Spider Queen Rose had already surprised Thain at that time, and also greatly improved his body refining process at that time.

The "Blood Crystal Diamond" in front of us is obviously even more precious. It embodies the life essence of countless creatures in the entire medium-sized world!

Who else could do this except a very destructive demon?

"Thank you, sir!" Holding a pack of blood crystals that had stained his white gloves red in his hand, Kidd bowed down and thanked him respectfully.

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