The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1888 The Family

The space spring shaped by the master of the Fountain of Destruction is much more stable than the broken time and space channel that Thane traveled through before.

This is the true use of the power of space!

Thain felt almost no discomfort as he walked through the tunnel.

Even the time spent traveling through the aisles is relatively short.

When the power of space laws is used to its extreme, it is not difficult to reach alien civilizations outside distant star fields in an instant.

The flow of time and space around him continued to retreat backwards, and the white light at the end of his field of vision became more and more eye-catching.

When Thane reached the end and stretched out his hand.

A huge sense of time and space pulled Thain into this strange star field instantly.

Immediately afterwards, the eight-winged angel Fumila, the fourth-level creature the God of Dusk Saliva, and members of the Ash Star Thief Group also appeared in this star field one after another.

It seems that the relationship between the Fountain of Destruction and martial arts civilization is not as close as Thain imagined.

Or maybe the Fountain of Destruction threw Thain over casually and didn't position it accurately.

At this time, the location of Thain and others was obviously not the mother plane of martial arts civilization.

Even Thain couldn't see any rules and complete plane in the surrounding starry sky.

"This should be the star field where martial arts civilization is located. Let's search around now to see where there are life forms." After walking out of the time and space spring, Thain said to the people around him.

The eight-winged angel Fumila does not move. Her main duty in most cases is to protect Thane, unless Thain specifically assigns her to perform a task.

After experiencing the Wanquan World Group and his entourage, they were forced to coerce the God of Dusk Saliva who followed Thain and others at first. This time, he sincerely admired Thain.

Even Lord Fountain of Destruction of the Ten Thousand Springs World Group can match his words. The Thain in front of him is obviously more worthy of being followed by the God of Dusk Salivation than the Lord of the Water Pattern World.

"Yes, Lord God of Ashes." The God of Dusk Saliva respectfully replied, and then he appointed everyone from the Star Thieves Group to start


Explore and fly in all directions.

There is no need for Thain to put any shackles on the God of Dusk Saliva now. He can feel that he has conquered this fourth-level creature with average strength.

Alabi, the star thief's henchman, is also the most positive person.

But as the God of Dusk Saliva returned to his heart, Alabi had a vague feeling that his ranking in the Ash Star Thieves Group would slip down another place.

A few days later, a member of the Star Thief actually sent a message back, saying that he had discovered something.

However, before Thane and others arrived, the group of Star Thief members who discovered the situation were attacked, and the communication channel was filled with howls of crying for their fathers and mothers.

Thane, Fumila, and the God of Dusk are the fastest to reach the target point.

When they crossed this meteorite belt, they found that a dimensional war was breaking out here.

The world of Jueluo is a low-level plant plane, belonging to the Rongyue civilization.

The native creatures in Jueling's world are mainly plant-based creatures, and there are also some flesh-and-blood creatures.

As the rulers of the plane, they are a group of tree people with brown skin and very thick hair.

The Jueluo world has been in a state of relative peace since the beginning of civilization.

Although there are records of being conquered by the Rongyue civilization in history, those suffering years have been artificially erased.

At least in the years since they joined the Rongyue civilization, most of the time, the tree people in Jueluo World still lived well.

Although the Rongyue creatures will take away most of the resources produced by their plane, the remaining material nutrients are enough for the native creatures in the Jueling World to live well.

But this peaceful time was interrupted five hundred years ago.

Since the powerful Tianming Empire in the surrounding world began to develop its influence on the Rongyue civilization,

After the invasion and conquest, the hard days for the creatures in the world came.

At the beginning, it was just to transport some combat legions and resource supplies to the frontline.

But when the flames of war spread around the world of Jueling, even the people of the Jueling tree with simple wisdom and low desires felt the misery that the situation was over.

Is it possible that the powerful Rongyue civilization, a medium-sized world civilization with nearly two hundred rules and complete planes, still cannot withstand the attack of the Tianming Empire?

Most of the creatures at the bottom of the world have never heard of the Tianming Empire, and they have never left their home plane for almost their entire lives.

Perhaps the beings standing at the top of the Jueluo World, especially the Lord of the Jueluo World and the Velvet Fairy, two strong men above level four, have a rough understanding of this war and the overall strength of the Tianming Empire.

But the bottom organisms don't have many channels to obtain additional information.

Spending your life in ignorance and confusion is also a true portrayal of most bottom creatures.

"General, a group of alien creatures of unknown origin have appeared outside the world of Juelu to spy on us."

"I have sent the left wing of the 'Crane Control Army' to drive them away." A demigod-level humanoid creature wearing brown heavy armor said to the fifth-level strongman in front of him.

This fifth-level powerhouse comes from the Tianming Empire. He is a member of the most powerful Ximen family among the famous families in the Tianming Empire. His name is Ximen Feixiao.

The force composition of the Tianming Empire is different from that of the Wizarding World and Fairyland Civilization.

The wizarding world is based on the holy tower and the knight's hall as the cornerstone of its rule.

The fairyland civilization places more emphasis on sects, and the great saints and Taoist courts have great power.

By looking at its name, the Tianming Empire knows that it is a special civilization of an imperial system. The idea of ​​imperial power being supreme is particularly important in the Tianming Empire.

And the Tianming Empire does not exist either


Institutions like the Pharaoh's Temple in the Hades Empire were used to decentralize power.

In addition to the greatest power of the imperial family, those who have some power under the royal family are the members of the major aristocratic families.

Among them, the Ximen family was married to the previous generation of the First Emperor of the Tianming Empire.

Therefore, among all the aristocratic families, they are strong enough to rank among the top three.

At the same time, the Ximen family also gave birth to many powerful people above level four.

General Ximen Feixiao was one of the leading figures of the younger generation of the Ximen family, and the family placed great hopes on him.

General Ximen is a bearded man.

The members of the Ximen family are very strange. The male members are all powerful and hairy, but the female members have white skin and beautiful appearance.

Otherwise, the ancestor of the Ximen family would not have been favored by the previous generation of the First Emperor.

In great contrast to his rough and brave appearance, General Ximen Feixiao is actually a "wise general" who is thoughtful and steady in his actions.

If it weren't for his appearance, General Ximen would have looked forward to having a feather fan and scarf when he grew up, just like the strong men trained by the Li family and the Liu family.

But now he was wearing heavy armor and holding a long sword with a ghost head in his hand.

Ximen Feixiao didn't pay much attention to the sudden appearance of an exotic creature of unknown origin.

The war that took place in the Rongyue Star Territory has lasted for nearly five hundred years, and during this period there was always no shortage of hyenas and mosquitoes trying to get a piece of the pie.

They don't dare to confront the regular legions of the Tianming Empire head-on, and always like to make some profit from corners.

General Ximen thought it was another group of interstellar thieves or interstellar idle forces passing by to try their luck.

But when his lieutenant reported that there were fluctuations in biological power above level four, General Ximen raised his head and looked outside the plane.

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