The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1883 Fountain of Destruction (Additional update)

Tourmaline's seemingly reckless move created a good start for Thain and others after arriving at the Ten Thousand Springs World Group.

Sure enough, as the God of Mu Shi said, most of the spring owners in the Ten Thousand Springs World Group are not brave and ruthless people.

Most of them have a peaceful mentality, and they also have the characteristics of embracing all things with the power of the water law.

Maybe it was because Bixi and the big red fish were playing too well, and Dingding Qingquan, the nearest level four creature, couldn't hold back.

The abundant power of the water element in the tourmaline makes the spring owners of the Ten Thousand Springs World Group feel a closeness originating from instinct.

Sometimes it is not necessary to be an acquaintance, even if it is the first time you meet someone, as long as the other person's temperament makes you feel comfortable, you can become a close friend.

Tourmaline and big red fish, tinkling clear springs, are such types.

The other spring owners around were also a little unable to hold back.

The fourth-level creature Ding Ding Qingquan now turned into a clear wave of water element, stirring around the tourmaline.

The two cyan ribbons of tourmaline were also hovering beside her two dragon arms, moving automatically and majesticly without wind.

It complements the surrounding clear springs.

The Wanquan World Group is a super large star field, and many of its internal creatures have seen the world.

For example, many surrounding spring owners discovered something unusual about the two cyan ribbons of tourmaline.

Of course, the vaguely oppressive dragon power possessed by Tourmaline also marks that she is by no means an ordinary level four dragon beast.

After Bixi had enough trouble with the indigenous strongmen of the Wanquan World Group, Thain stepped forward and said through spiritual transmission: "We are a group of lost travelers who happened to travel here and usually do some interstellar trade. .”

"I heard that the Ten Thousand Springs World Group is connected to many powerful plane civilizations in the surrounding star regions, so I hope to use the channels of the Ten Thousand Springs World Group to travel to our favorite star regions for travel," Thain said.

He didn't immediately say that he was from a wizarding civilization.

Who knew wizard civilization was as big as this one?


Is the relationship between Xingxingyu good or bad?

If a powerful wizard civilization happened to offend someone from the Ten Thousand Springs World Group, Thane would not want to take the blame for him.

And just judging from their clothes and appearance, it would be difficult for ordinary people to immediately recognize them as beings from the wizarding world.

Dingding Qingquan, which was closest to Thane and others, was the first to respond.

The water element then turned into a human form and made a female voice: "If you want to travel to the alien star field, if you are closer to the star field, I suggest you go to the plane where my brother's fountain of vitality is."

"He has many spring water transmission arrays there, and has established stable transmission channels with many medium and small worlds around him."

"If you want to go to the special planes and civilizations beyond the more distant star fields, then you have to go to the worlds deeper in our Wanquan World Group." Dingding Qingquan replied.

Water elemental creatures, like other lineage elemental creatures, often have no gender distinction.

However, in the process of acquired development and growth, these elemental creatures will also evolve obvious personalities and gender orientations.

This fourth-level creature from Dingding Qingquan is obviously more feminine.

After expressing his gratitude to him, Thain was about to leave with Tourmaline.

In the original plan, Thain and others were going to the Fountain of Vitality plane, and the God of Dusk Saliva also said that there were many teleportation channels there.

But judging from what Ding Ding Qingquan said, the Fountain of Vitality plane may not yet have a transmission channel to support their return to the wizarding civilization.

Next to Bixi, the red level five fish followed him very enthusiastically and expressed his willingness to lead the way.

The name of this fifth-level big fish is Hongyu Feitang. This is a name that does not fit the style of Wanquan World Group. I don’t know why it was given such a strange name.

But through its sincere eyes

God, and the way he looked when playing happily with Tourmaline, Thain thought that it was probably talking about his real name.

Bixi is also a scheming girl, directly stating that her name is Bixi.

Thane is a little more reserved, calling himself the "God of Ashes."

After playing around for a while, Bixi seemed to have sensed Thain's gaze. She put away her eye-catching giant dragon turtle form, then transformed into a little girl and stood beside Thain.

But this little girl couldn't stay idle at all.

After a while, at Hong Yu Feitang's invitation, she jumped directly onto his back, grabbed his dorsal fin, and traveled through the sea of ​​stars.

Because the power of water vapor around the Ten Thousand Springs World Group is extremely strong, the power of water laws within this star field is even more vigorous.

Every time Thain and others walked for a while, they could see many strange regular phenomena formed by the convergence of the power of water laws.

The sound of the waves seemed to echo in my ears. 🄲

But when you feel it carefully, it is the brisk cheers of Tourmaline.

The God of Dusk Saliva was also extremely shocked by the familiar situation of the local strong men of Tourmaline and Wanquan World Group.

This was the first time he saw that some of the fifth-level creatures in the Wanquan World Group were willing to serve as "mounts".

Of course, Red Feather Feitang is not Tourmaline's mount, they just play well.

When the tourmaline emits a very special dragon power, there are also two beings in the depths of the Wanquan World Group and outside the more distant star field, each feeling something.

Taotao's pitch-black law spring water rolls inside and outside this large world.

A huge black beautiful lotus flower stands in the center of this large world.

Observe this lotus carefully and count its number, you can find that it has eleven grades in total.

There is another half-grade, which is still in a state of slight growth.

The law fluctuations and levels of this pitch-black lotus platform far exceed the level of Thain's Formless Mask and Rubik's Cube!



Perhaps Thane’s Phaseless Mask and Rubik’s Cube will also have a lot of room for growth in the future.

But at least for now, it is far inferior to this lotus platform.

On the lotus platform, there was a deep and oppressive spring water that was dark and vaguely destructive. He glanced at the direction where Long Wei appeared just now.

The intensity of dragon power that just appeared was nothing to him.

But this aura of Long Wei gave him a sense of familiarity.

With the powerful power and majestic spiritual thoughts of this spring water, as long as he wanted to, there was no secret that he could not detect within and outside the Wanquan World Group.

Not long after, another pool of pitch-black spring water appeared in front of him.

However, the aura and pressure of this spring water is much weaker than the existence on the lotus platform.

This spring that was summoned is called the Fountain of Darkness. It possesses the sixth level of peak strength. It is also a well-known existence on the periphery of the Wanquan World Group.

But in front of this fountain that exuded vague destructive power, he behaved with great respect and respect.

"Lord Fountain of Destruction, what do you want from me?" Fountain of Darkness asked.

"Bring those little guys here for me, I'm very interested in them." Fountain of Destruction said.

In the rolling black waves, the surrounding environment and appearance of Thain, Tourmaline and others are vividly presented in it.

However, Bixi and Thain, who were the parties involved, were not aware of it at all.

Dark Fountain glanced at the situation in the waves, and then replied: "Yes."

“There are currently 1,292 monthly tickets.

Brothers, the updates have finally been added. It took nearly four months, and Xiaodou finally paid off the owed updates!

Woohoo, I can start saving manuscripts from tomorrow~

As for the voting for the Writers Association, brothers, please continue to vote for Xiaodou, 5 votes per day, and the voting will not end until the 10th of next month, please everyone! "

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