The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1877 Sealed Eye (Additional update)

The fierce domination melee lasted for more than ten years.

For the battle of domination, this duration is not too long.

But this battle has reached the limit of what individual masters can bear.

The eighth-level Star World King was the first to leave the battlefield.

It may be that his previous actions of shouting at the third pharaoh angered this tyrannical being.

So during the battle, the Third Pharaoh spent some time staring at the King of Star World and fucking him hard.

In the third year of this war for domination, Mokarst released his first layer of sealing status.

Facing three eighth-level masters at the same time, Mokarst had to use all his strength and could not overdo it.

The unblocked Mokarst is very strong.

Even if they gather the power of Vivian and the other three, they can only barely resist his edge.

And Mokarst is in no rush to kill any of them.

After all, the eighth-level masters are not cabbage. Even the ordinary seventh-level masters will take a while to kill them with the thickness of their master souls, not to mention the eighth-level masters who transform into eternal souls. Each one is harder than the last.

Mokarst is more about testing his limits in battle.

It has to be said that the three eighth-level masters indeed made Mokarst feel a different pressure than in the past.

Especially the witchcraft attacks released by Vivian, Magic Caster has never seen them before!

The Nirvana Fire dominated by the Fire Phoenix is ​​also very surprising. It can actually refine the surface defense of Demon Karst.

On the contrary, the eighth-level Star World King is the most mediocre one, and Mokarst is also the most familiar with him.

When the old boy, the King of Star World, showed signs of trying to escape, Mokarst became angry.

The third pharaoh thought that he had just started to "warm up" and had not yet finished his fun. Why did this despicable and shameless guy leave? !

The King of Star Universe's soul reserve is far less than that of the young Fire Phoenix Lord and the eighth-level witch Vivian.

As a top-level civilization, the wizard civilization can rely on the Tower of True Spirit to


Slowly restore part of the soul of domination.

But this kind of ability is not available in the large world of Huanyu.

If a being like the King of Star World wants to restore the soul of his master, apart from some extremely rare secret methods, the most common way is to find the star treasure to absorb.

What is the astral treasure?

The golden apples and holy fruits of the wizarding world are not enough!

It is estimated that the golden apple tree must be cut down and allowed to absorb the original life essence in the golden apple tree trunk, so that the omnipotent soul of the eighth-level master can be effectively restored.

But how could this happen?

People who can cut down golden apple trees have not yet appeared in the surrounding star fields.

If there is such a bold person, he must first pass the test of Odin, the Titan God King, and Hela, the Goddess of Death.

In addition, some tyrannical life forms that achieve mastery with plant-based origins may also be able to produce life essence that is enough to restore the omnipotent soul of the alien master.

But these existences, without exception, are too rare.

The wizarding civilization has always been lavishing resources on the Wanhua Psychic World, and at the same time, it also injects massive wealth into the revitalized fairy world every year.

But I haven’t seen the Wizards Alliance give birth to a new plant-based master.

It is enough to show how rare this type of existence and treasure is.

At this moment, the King of Star World, who had no power to resist, wanted to leave, so he immediately led Fire Phoenix and Vivian to leave this place as well.

The third pharaoh, Mokarst, obviously did not enjoy the battle to the fullest!

He is so powerful that even the duration of the explosive period after the seal is lifted far exceeds that of the Pharaohs who ranked lower.

"Want to leave?"

"Did I agree?" The third pharaoh, Mokarst, unsealed his right hand and looked straight at

Take him to the King of Star World.

As he continued to approach the King of Star World, it was visible to the naked eye that the right arm of the Third Pharaoh King had some deep-seated rule changes.

This is the second seal release state that only the rare beings of the Pharaohs of the Hades Empire can master!

And it can be seen that Mokarst is not only able to unlock the double seal with his right arm, but he has mastered all the mysteries of the double seal as a whole!

Not to mention, this is a tyrannical existence that controls the chain of seals.

However, during the battle with Vivian and others, Mokarst did not use the sealing chain, the civilizational treasure of the Mingha Empire.

In fact, after obtaining this civilized treasure, Mokarst only used it a very limited number of times.

The last time it was used was more than 20,000 years ago, when it was used in the battle with Diersga, the strongest person in the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

At this time, Mokarst, who was gradually releasing his second seal, showed an extremely shocking pressure of law.

The entire surrounding starry sky seemed to be distorted and turbulent due to the explosion of magic karst.

Endless energy whirlpools and elemental storms began to converge towards Magic Karst.

"Crackling!" Black lightning and even countless space cracks gradually appeared in the surrounding space.

This kind of power and coercion has exceeded the limit of ordinary eighth-level masters.

When Mokarst showed his complete fighting form, the King of Star World, Vivian and others did feel a slight risk of falling!

The big hand of jet-black energy formed by the right arm of Mokarst is about to capture the King of Star World.

Vivian took action.

Although the Third Pharaoh has long been wary of Vivian, whose aura and law methods are strange.

But the skills of the former leader of the Northland Witches still exceeded the expectations of the third Pharaoh.

A huge eye shining with mysterious blue light,


Suddenly appeared in the center of this battlefield.

And the power of law that penetrates from this eye is precisely the "power of sealing"!

A high-level world-class secret treasure - the Eye of Sealing!

Unlike the Third Pharaoh, who seeks the ultimate explosion in a short period of time by releasing his self-seal.

The main function of the high-level world-class secret treasure Sealed Eye in Vivian's hand is to seal the opponent's power!

At this time, Mokarst was in the second unsealed state. After being illuminated by the light of the blue law from the Eye of Sealing, its cellular factors that were originally undergoing deep fusion suddenly became silent again.

The star realm is so vast and filled with wonders!

The wizarding civilization actually has this method to restrain the sealing technique of the Ming He Empire!

Isn't this addition and subtraction equivalent to offsetting the sealing status of the pharaohs of the Hades Empire?

No wonder the wizarding civilization sent Vivian to this battlefield.

Judging from the effectiveness of the law, the sealed eye she has mastered is really a bit restrained by the powerful men of the Minghe Empire.

The terrifying energy tide and rule pressure that had originally accumulated gradually calmed down again under the influence of the Eye of Sealing.

The third pharaoh, Mokarst, who was at the center of the gathering storm, still maintained his movement towards the King of Star World.

It's just that the big hand of pitch black energy gathered at his arm has dissipated under the influence of the eye of seal.

At this time, the third pharaoh still maintained his first-level unblocked state.

If it hadn't been for the special blue light of law in the surrounding starry sky that had not dissipated, everything that had just happened would have seemed like a dream and illusion.

The third pharaoh looked at his palm blankly at this time.

From unlocking the second-level seal to being knocked back to the first-level state, Mokarst seems to have not recovered from this incredible process.

"There were some errors in the previous chapter, Xiaodou corrected them. Thank you book friend for the reminder~"

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