The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1851 Breakout

Raibies, the fifth-level pharaoh of the Hades Empire, eventually became another collection in Thane's laboratory.

It's just that something slightly unpleasant happened during the distribution of the spoils.

Mel, the fourth-level dragon vein warlock, insists that half of the ownership of this fifth-level pharaoh should be given to her.

In fact, it was Thane who blocked Raibies's explosive period of releasing the seal, and kept dragging him back until he could escape.

Faced with Thane, who has the blessing of two world-class secret treasures, Rabyes has to admit defeat!

In addition to this fifth-level pharaoh, the other eye-catching combat target on this battlefield should be the sixth-level one-horned monster that the eight-winged angel Fumila first dealt with.

The powerful physique and the sharp horn that can emit light waves of alien laws are the signatures of this level six monster.

The eight-winged angel Fumila didn't have a good solution for it for a while.

But everything changed after the arrival of Trilis and the sixth-level dragon warlock Kors.

The green fire magic with extremely high attack power of Trilis cannot be resisted by the level six monster with its hard scales and flesh and blood body.

The violent green fire element factor even attached to the surface of the sixth-level monster and burned fiercely.

No matter how hard he struggled and got rid of, he could not extinguish the flame of elemental law burning on his body.

The fighting style of Level 6 Dragon Warlock Kurth is more direct and violent.

He directly transformed into a red fire dragon, stepped forward and knocked down the level six monster several times.

In terms of physique and tonnage, Coors was much bigger than this monster after he turned on the dragon transformation.

In fact, Cuilisi also has good physical training and melee abilities.

But Thane did not see his master showing off his powerful physique on the battlefield. Most of the time, Trilis still used magic to attack.

Perhaps this is because there is no one on this battlefield who can allow Trilis to exert her full strength.

Under the leadership of Triris and Cools


After the legions arrived, the Phenha Empire legions around Haiyun World began to quickly collapse and retreat.

The Hades Empire is famous, but they are not invincible.

When they encounter a force far more powerful than themselves, they will also be defeated with casualties.

After the battle was almost over, Thain took Tourmaline and went forward to meet his master and others.

At this time Tourmaline has returned to human form.

In the form of a dragon turtle, her size is more than dozens of times that of Thane's Demonic Law's true form.

But in human form, her height only reached Thain's waist, and Thain had to hold her hand. She really looked like a child who hadn't grown up.

When they appeared in front of Triris and others, Mel, who had finished his transformation, happened to appear behind his father Kurs.

Mel's height is not much taller than Tourmaline.

It was probably the first time that two little girls with the same long dragon breath met, but they seemed to have taken a liking to each other right away.

Tourmaline's most obvious dragon-like feature is that she has a pair of small dragon horns.

Although Mel in human form does not have dragon horns, she does have a pair of purple-gold dragon wings on her back.

After giving a respectful mage salute to his master, Thain explained to her the current situation around Haiyun World.

Tourmaline stretched out her right hand to Mel in a familiar manner.

Originally, Mel was still brooding over the trivial matter of Thain "stealing" her trophies, but at this time, she seemed to have forgotten about that. Facing Tourmaline's outstretched hand, Mel was stunned for a moment, and then extended her right hand.

The two little girls immediately went aside to whisper.

Tourmaline is extremely generous, and from time to time he takes out some good things from his arms and shares them with Mel.

Mel's eyes widened when he saw this.

But she is relatively "poor".

After seeing Bixi giving him a lot of "delicious food" and "fun things".

Mel searched all over his body, and in addition to taking out a few dragon blood potions that he had refined, he actually took out a handful of purple-gold dragon scales and gave them to Tourmaline.

I also have this Dragon Scale Thane, but I didn’t expect that Mel would use it as a major gift to others.

It was probably the first time that Tourmaline received someone else's dragon scales as a gift, so she blinked for a moment.

But Bixi will definitely not take the initiative to pick off her dragon scales, because Thain knows that she is afraid of pain.

The relationship between the little sisters Bixi and Mel seemed to heat up very quickly after they first met.

Both of them are at the fourth level of strength, Bi Xi is bigger, and she is richer, which makes her look like a big sister for a while.

Not paying attention to the small movements of Tourmaline and Mel, Thain focused more on Cuilis and Master Cools in front of him.

Because the Mingha Empire was famous, Thain had learned through the conversation between the two masters in front of him that the true spirit magician of the Dragon Vein Warlock family had also arrived in the star field and was flying straight towards the center of the star field.

Cursian Warlock sighed: "The Minghe Empire should not be underestimated. In the battlefields I passed through when I came, with the same number, it is difficult for our wizard civilization army to take advantage of the Minghe Empire's army."

"The sealing techniques of those Pharaohs are really expensive." Coors said.

Kors was weaker than Trilis, but his words also won Trilis' approval.

This is because they have not encountered a sixth-level pharaoh for the time being. Otherwise, the battle would never be so easy.

"Next, shall we continue to go deep into the center of the Motorola star field? Or just outside this area?


Support the battlefield? Triris asked.

Because Kors represents the Dragon Vein Warlock family, it is estimated that the true spirit level warlock had already made war plans when he arrived.

Therefore, Trilis had better cooperate with the actions of the Dragon Vein Warlock Family before receiving instructions from the Flame Conclave and other high-level wizard civilizations.

As expected, the Dragon Vein Warlock family had a rough war strategy. Kurth replied: "We only need to be on the periphery..."

Before Coors finished speaking, a dragon roar that shocked the surrounding space suddenly came from the depths of the distant starry sky.

When Coors and others heard this, their expressions changed instantly.

The source of the dragon's roar is naturally the center of the Motorola star field.

And this dragon roar was uttered by Baal, a seventh-level true spirit warlock.

As the unique communication method of the Dragon Vein Warlock family, after hearing the dragon roar, Kors immediately said to Trilis in front of him: "Let's get out of here right now!"

"The danger in this star field is greater than we imagined!" Coors said, with an anxious look on his face. A pair of red dragon wings behind his back instantly burst the magic robe, and then transformed into a giant dragon form.

"Even after the arrival of Master Baal, the true spiritual warlock, he couldn't deal with the powerful men of the Hades Empire in this star field?" Cuilis said in shock when she saw this.

"Boom!" Deep in the distant starry sky, a larger number of death clouds and more evil Minghe Empire legions appeared from all directions.

This time, among the legions of the Minghe Empire that surrounded Haiyun World, there were many pharaohs who were at level six or even at the peak of level six.

It seems that the Minghe Empire has already predicted this and has launched a targeted attack on the support legions of the wizard civilization.

"The whole army listens to the order! Break out from the Haiyun World Battlefield!" Sensing that the strength of the incoming enemy was far more powerful than herself and others, Cuilis ordered the wizard civilization army on this battlefield.

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