The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1848 Haiyun World

Trilis is not the only one responsible for the reinforcement of the Motorola Star Territory.

When the wizard civilization armies on the surrounding battlefields heard that this star field was under attack, they all came here for reinforcements one after another.

"Master, do you know much about the Minghe Empire?" After the army set off, Thane came to Trilis' space fortress and asked.

Thain had heard a few words about the Hades Empire from many channels before, but he actually didn’t know much about the true situation of this top civilization.

All I know is that this is a powerful top civilization, and it is extremely far away from the wizarding world.

The last time Thain spent a huge price to buy the treasures of the Hades Empire from the Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce.

Not only is it valuable in itself, but the cost of transportation is quite a lot.

In response to her disciple's question, Cuilis pondered for a moment before replying: "The power of the Hades Empire is far stronger than that of our wizard world. I once heard from Master Saneses that the Hades Empire is ours." The greatest enemy of wizarding civilization in modern times, they pose a greater threat than the Gallente Federation."

"It's not just our wizard civilization, the Hades Empire is also at odds with other top civilizations in the surrounding star fields."

"In terms of its attitude towards foreign civilizations, the Hades Empire adopts a strategy of absolute suppression and conquest." Cuilis said.

Then, Trilis took out a crystal ball from her magic robe.

She handed it to Thain and said: "This crystal ball contains most of my knowledge about the Hades Empire, including the specimen information about the creatures of the Hades Empire that I collected in my early years. Take it and take a look."

"Thank you, Master." Thain said.

After getting more information about the Hades Empire from Triris, Thane had to sigh at the power of this top civilization.

Feared by many alien civilizations around it, even in the depths of the distant starry sky, the Hades Empire is truly a powerful enemy of the wizarding civilization in the future.



br\u003eModorola Star Territory.

When Thane and others arrived, a fierce war had already broken out in this medium-sized star field.

The plane Bixi is in at this time is called Haiyun World, which is a low-level water plane.

Originally, the wizard civilization had established a very convenient and developed transmission channel in this water world, and Bixi and others were originally going to be teleported directly from here to the Modo planet where Bai Xing was located.

However, the encirclement of the Minghe Empire's army made the space teleportation arrays around this low-level plane lose their effect.

Thain and others also need to fly to the world of Haiyun.

As for the medium-sized world-Modo Planet, Thane and others have completely lost contact with it.

At this time, the war that is breaking out on the periphery of the Motorola star field is mainly composed of the wizard civilization reinforcements and the Hades Empire army.

Thain has not seen the Sea Legion in the Wizarding World yet.

The reason for this situation is that either the Mingha Empire's army has quickly cleaned up the sea legions in this star field, or Bai Xing felt that the enemy was difficult to resist, so it quickly shrank its defensive front and transferred all its forces back to the Modo planet. Stick to it.

But either way, it means things are bad here.

The good news for Thane is that the Haiyun world where Tourmaline is located is not far from the border of the Motorola star field.

After requesting orders from Trilis, Thane took the lead in leading a portion of the elite army to fly towards the coordinates of the Haiyun world.

The composition of the lower-level legions of the Hades Empire was very complicated. Apart from the soldiers wearing black armor and the professional pharaohs wrapped in bandages, the largest number were the legions of monsters whose size and tonnage were astonishing.

These monster creatures range in height and size.

The average height is more than fifteen meters, and of course there are some extremely small alien monsters with special abilities.

The only thing the monsters have in common is that they are all extremely ferocious and exude the aura of violence and killing.

This is a standard war machine specially bred.

When seeing these monster legions of the Hades Empire, Thane somehow suddenly remembered the Molten Steel Tyrannosaurus King he saw in the Golden Rock World Group.

"If we use the secrets of mechanics to transform these monster creatures from the Hades Empire, we may be able to cultivate an army of mechanical monsters suitable for wizard civilization."

"After all, judging from individual intelligence, these monster creatures seem to be more stupid and reckless than the Titans." 🄲

"And their huge bodies can better mount magic cannons or other mechanical alchemy equipment." Thain sighed.

As his level of alchemy has become more and more advanced, no matter what he sees, he can now connect it to the fields of alchemy and mechanics.

During the journey to Haiyun World, Thain and others experienced many battles.

Because of his eagerness to rescue Tourmaline, Thain released the eight-winged angel Fumila from the beginning.

Also following Thain were Yuri, who was driving the Flame, and Lenna, who was in full combat mode.

The low-level soldiers are left to the Ashes Legion to take care of. Thain and others mainly deal with threats from creatures above level four.

Thain was not fond of fighting, so he just repelled the powerful men from the Minghe Empire who appeared in front of him.

With the eight-winged angel Fumila opening the way in the front, and with no creatures of the same magnitude and sixth level from the Hades Empire temporarily blocking their way, Thain and others' advance was quite smooth.

It's just that there are too many Hades Empire legions wandering around this star field, and the sudden attack by Thane and others


Advance speed is faster.

So when Thane and his team arrived around the world of Haiyun, they were actually somewhat out of touch with the army led by Trilis.

Fortunately, Thain and others arrived in time.

Outside the world of Haiyun.

When Thain arrived at this battlefield, the first thing he saw was the tourmaline body above the sea level. He raised his dragon claw and took a hard photo.

At this time, Tourmaline is fighting two level four monsters from the Mingha Empire.

One of these two monsters resembles a lizard and has a tail like a meteor hammer.

The other end has wings on its back and a pointed beak on its head.

With one against two, Tourmaline showed no sign of decline at all, but instead tended to become more and more fierce.

Two world-class secret treasure ribbons, one on the left and one on the right, are wrapped around the sides of Tourmaline's body. With the blessing of the power of the Ribbon Law, Tourmaline can deal a heavy blow to the enemy in front of it with every blow.

After discovering that Thain's aura had arrived, Bixi raised her head and waved excitedly in the direction of Thain.

At this time, there are fifth-level creatures fighting in the surroundings of this low-level plane.

And the other party is a pharaoh-level existence from the Mingha Empire.

With countless bandages wrapped around his body, he showed a clear and overwhelming advantage against Sachs, a fifth-level knight in the wizarding world.

The fifth-level knight Sachs opened his true body of the law, which was a strong creature that resembled a giant elephant, with four arms and eight sharp tusks.

However, when facing the fifth-level pharaoh of the Mingha Empire.

The Saxophone Knight not only suffered severe injuries to his trunk, but also had three of his tusks broken off.

"You go help Tourmaline first, and Fumila come with me to support the Saxophone Knight!" Thain ordered upon seeing this.

"I'm not in good condition today. I only have three updates. I'm very sorry."

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