The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1835: The Probing Attack of the Kingdom of Light and Wei

Seth Levin's request for a fight attracted the attention of the King of Light Dimension.

For a long time, although the civilization of the Kingdom of Light and the wizard civilization have not established a cooperative relationship in the form of a written contract.

However, because the two world civilizations have to face the formidable enemy of the Hades Empire at the same time, they have formed a relatively tacit alliance.

The civilization of the Kingdom of Light needs the wizard civilization that has risen in the past 200,000 years to share part of the pressure from the Hades Empire.

In fact, in areas that are under pressure from the Hades Empire, the civilization of the Kingdom of Light is much deeper than that of the Wizarding World.

The overall strength of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light has remained stagnant for nearly 300,000 years, which is related to the all-round suppression of the Minghe Empire.

On the other hand, the Minghe Empire has never stopped expanding and progressing over the years.

This is why it is said that the situation of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light is a bit similar to chronic death.

They must seek change!

Making good friends with the wizarding civilization and accepting the Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce with various civilizations and backgrounds is what the civilization of the Kingdom of Light has been trying to do in recent years.

Unfortunately, the straight-line distance between the civilization of the Kingdom of Light and the Wizarding World is further than that of the Minghe Empire.

In addition, the Minghe Empire is blocking it.

So far, the civilization of the Kingdom of Light has not reached a dialogue with the wizarding world about dominant creatures.

Not long ago, the civilization of the Kingdom of Light sent its own fourth- and fifth-level creatures, with the help of the cover of the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce, to overcome the reconnaissance blockade of the Hades Empire and go to the warring star territory of the wizard civilization.

With the olive branches brought by those fourth- and fifth-level light giants, I believe that the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization should also be able to understand the intentions of the civilization of the kingdom of light.

As an old rival of the Minghe Empire, the Minghe Empire frequently mobilized its own armies, especially many master-level beings, to carry out beheading plans across wizard civilizations.

Even though the other party left for a short time, perhaps only a dozen years passed, the civilization of the Kingdom of Light and Dimension still felt something.

In particular, the third pharaoh left the civilized border battlefield of the Kingdom of Light and launched a personal expedition with great fanfare.


In the great world of the universe, this is also the accurate information received by the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

Facing the Minghe Empire's move to shift the battle situation, it is impossible for the civilization of the Kingdom of Light to do nothing!

If we divide different civilizations in the star world into good and evil.

If the Minghe Empire is an absolutely evil civilization, then the Kingdom of Light and Wei will definitely be classified into the good camp.

In fact, most of the powerful people from other worlds who have come into contact with the civilization of the Kingdom of Light have a good impression of this group of giants of light.

If the Minghe Empire had not blocked the external communication channels of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light, the civilization of the Kingdom of Light might have developed better.

"What are you going to do? Do you need to ask Dierska to take action?" the King of Light and Dimension asked Seth Levin in front of him.

The strength of the King of Light Dimension is not strong among eighth-level creatures.

He only holds the right to use one of the two cultural treasures of the Kingdom of Light - the Plasma Spark Tower.

Every level 4 or above giant of light will be bathed in the light of the plasma spark tower when he breaks through and is born.

Including the giants of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light, who can fuse extremely high concentrations of light element energy particles with their flesh and blood bodies, they are also deeply related to this cultural treasure.

Compared with another cultural treasure, the Heart of Light, the Plasma Spark Tower is the foundation of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

Without the Spark Tower, the overall strength of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light will drop by half!

The King of Light Dimension is not very powerful, but one advantage he has is that he is very good at listening to other people's opinions.

The top leaders of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light have always been very harmonious with each other, and have a deep connection with the King of Light.

Facing the question from the King of Light, Seth Levin, who had already thought of a general countermeasure before coming, pondered for a moment and then replied, "In the early stage, we will mainly focus on probing and attacking."

"There is no need to ask Dierska to take action, I will take the lead

Lead a part of the Army of Light and try to attack the garrison line of the Hades Empire. "

"Zorisfi and Jerryjic, just go out with me when the time comes." Seth Levine said.

Zorisfe and Jerijik are both the masters of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light, and they have the strength of the early eighth level and the late seventh level respectively.

Among them, Zorisfei’s age and prestige are very high in the entire civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

However, although Zorisfi is also an eighth-level master, strength is not his strong point.

The reason why he was chosen was that Zorisfi was very good at large-scale legion-level dispatching and was cautious and steady.

In the many years of war in the Mingha Empire, Zorisfei suffered several losses in addition to dealing with masters of the same level.

But the Legion of Light under his command has not suffered any heavy losses at the hands of the Minghe Empire.

With Zorisfei leading the frontline battlefield, the combat effectiveness of the Legion of Light will be higher than usual.

And Jerry Jik is the seventh-level Lord of Light promoted by Seth Levine.

In terms of strength, Jerryjik is also among the best in the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

He once killed a late-level seventh-level monster king in the Hades Empire by himself.

With these two people cooperating with him to carry out the tentative attack in the early stages of the war, it was enough in Seth Levin's opinion.

As for Seth Levin's request for a battle, the King of Light didn't think about it for too long before nodding his head in agreement.

The civilization of the Kingdom of Light is still moving very quickly.

After the high-level officials met to reach a decision, they quickly launched an attack on the Hades Empire on the border of civilization.

The Hades Empire's preparations for revenge on the wizarding civilization spanned thousands of years because the civilizations of the two worlds were too far apart.

In the past 100,000 years, the civilization of the Guangwei Kingdom has only been directly connected with the Minghe Empire.

Until now, there are still a large number of Minghe in the Wenxing Domain of the Kingdom of Light.


The Imperial Monster Legion is wreaking havoc.

The giants of light who are above level 4 rarely have any leisure time after successfully advancing.

It is often necessary to travel to battlefields in various star fields.

The strong pressure from surrounding hostile civilizations has restricted the development of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

But there is also one advantage, which is relatively obvious, that is, the middle and low-end civilization of the Kingdom of Light, especially the young generation of strong men, maintain an extremely active fighting posture.

Continuous fighting is one of the pillars of the evolution of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

They are not like the magicians of the wizarding civilization, who can complete their promotion by doing research in the laboratory.

The tentative attack of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light soon had the expected effect.

After withdrawing a large amount of dominator-level combat power, facing the sudden attack from the civilization of the Kingdom of Light, the Minghe Empire indeed showed some weakness on their long border.

The current remaining dominant power of the Minghe Empire is enough to cope with the attack of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

However, the civilized army of the Kingdom of Light, headed by Seth Levin, did not choose to fight to the death with the remaining army of the Hades Empire.

Instead, they jump to attack and constantly move the front.

The civilization of the Kingdom of Light also has special giants of light who are good at space methods. In addition, some time ago, the Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce crossed the blockade and brought many things from far away alien stars to the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

This makes the fighting methods of the Civilized Legion of the Kingdom of Light become more diverse.

For example, a prop called "Portable Teleportation Crystal" is very popular among the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

The only pity is that the trading items brought by Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce are always limited.

Maybe after a few battles, it will be exhausted.

How to establish more stable communication links with other star domain civilizations is the first priority for the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

"There's another update before eight o'clock~"

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