The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1831 Counter-siege (additional update)

The battle between Volta and the Seventh Pharaoh lasted for five years.

When five years passed and the Seventh Pharaoh failed to completely kill this pair of seventh-level masters and servants, he also felt something bad.

He is the seventh pharaoh of the Hades Empire, a stronger being than the eighth pharaoh!

Under normal circumstances, the combat effectiveness of the Seventh Pharaoh is in the mid-eighth level. Once the self-seal is released, he is enough to compete with late-eighth level creatures.

With such great strength, he was unable to defeat the will of a seventh-level master within five years? !

Standing on the back of the Fang Evil Dragon, Volta once again rushed towards the Seventh Pharaoh.

The dragon spear in his hand turned into pure power of law at that moment, and Volta and the Fang Evil Dragon entered some kind of mysterious and special state.

"That power again!"

"What exactly is this? Is it similar to the fusion of monsters from our Hades Empire?" Seeing Volta in front of him with the fanged evil dragon charging at him again, the Seventh Pharaoh couldn't help but cursed.

In fact, the current state of Volta and the Fang Evil Dragon has a professional term in the wizarding world called "human and dragon becoming one."

This means that the dragon knight and his mount have reached a state of complete selfless cooperation.

I am in you, you are in me, we are one with each other.

There are thousands of dragon knights in the wizarding world, but only a handful can truly achieve the state of human-dragon integration.

And there is no one who has reached such a level of fusion between Volta and the Fang Evil Dragon!

Absolute trust and mind-to-heart communication can even allow them to share the soul of the Lord.

The mystery contained in this situation even exceeds the research topics conducted by the true spirit magicians in the wizarding world!

Some phenomena are sometimes difficult to explain even with truth!

There is no doubt that Volta, who is in a state of human and dragon integration, already has the ability to fight at a higher level.

This special state is somewhat similar to the dual cultivation of magic and martial arts often mentioned in wizard civilization. Both can fight across levels.

"Jie Jie Jie, it's really hard


Imagine, Volta, you still have such great potential that has not been developed. "

"I just wanted you to help me resist for a while." The voice of the eighth-level black magician Nigel appeared again in this starry sky battlefield.

Compared with a few years ago, Nigel, who has been resting for a while, seems to have a stronger voice and confidence.

Dark, regular thick clouds once again appeared in the starry sky from far to near.

Because of the interference from Nigel's true body of law, the border of the Anadarko star field, which was originally extremely bright and had a high temperature, seemed to darken a lot for a while.

Many black knights riding giant dragons looked around curiously.

Yes, after Nigel came back, he blocked not only the light of one or two plane battlefields, but the entire star field border gradually became dim.

"Are you going to trouble me after I was hit by the Gallente Federation's endless light?"

"Jie Jie Jie, you really almost succeeded."

"Do you have any other back-ups? I heard that when Bev and the others surrounded and killed the eighth pharaoh of your Hades Empire, the other party showed a partial unblocking state for the second time?"

"Come on, come on, how about you show me a second unblocking performance?"

"Otherwise, it would be boring. Your aura seems to have begun to decline." Nigel's sinister laughter spread to this dominant battlefield.

However, his appearance did not separate the two sides in a fighting state.

The main reason was that Volta's attack was too hasty, and the Fang Evil Dragon also cooperated with its master, entangling the Seventh Pharaoh to death.

When the seventh-level master wastes his soul desperately and confronts the eighth-level creature head-on, if the eighth-level master does not have any overwhelming method to apply the law, there is really not much he can do for a while.

Negor's departure and return put great pressure on the seventh pharaoh.

He promised

I believe that this old man's strength is not on par with mine, maybe even stronger.

Because the Seventh Pharaoh couldn't guarantee that he could still run that far alive after taking a shot from the Gallente Federation's Endless Light.

Not only did Nigel run away, he came back!

Just because of Nigel's actions, he has surpassed countless master-level creatures in the star realm.

He is worthy of being the master who has seen all kinds of storms and big scenes.

Nigel's strength, character, and foundation all stand at the top of the domination-level creatures.

The seventh pharaoh had already begun to think about retreating.

It's not that he really couldn't beat Nigel at his peak, but he felt that he might not be able to beat him.

At this time, the outbreak of the Seventh Pharaoh is still about two or three years away.

If Nigel hadn't come back, he would have had a chance to kill either Volta or the Fang Evil Dragon during this time.

Moreover, the loss of the Seventh Pharaoh’s Dominant Soul is not too much.

Compared to Volta's loss, the amount of his soul of dominance that was consumed by the piercing strike was really nothing to mention.

After a brief judgment, the Seventh Pharaoh suppressed his anger and began to retreat backwards.

If he wants to leave, no one should be able to stop him.

From a strategic perspective, the Seventh Pharaoh has achieved his set goal.

"Oh? Want to leave?!"

"You destroyed three of my precious corpse-refining beast creations, and after chasing me for so long, old man, I also lost a lot of my master soul."

"If you don't leave something behind, can we let you go?!" Nigel Jiejie sneered.

Under the black mist, he waved his black magic robe forward, and a large number of mysterious magic arrays appeared around this dominating battlefield!

In fact, Nigel has not completely left over the years.

While he quickly adjusted his breath to repair his injuries, he silently used his power of dominance to carve many magic formations around the battlefield.



In terms of magic circle attainments, in the wizarding world, apart from Douglas, who is in charge of the Sky City, no one should be able to surpass Nigel.

At some point, Nigel, like Douglas, embarked on the path of dabbling in and studying everything.

As I walked, I unknowingly reached a point where I needed people to look up to me.

What needs to be paid for it is a long time and countless terrifying wealth.

Many people know that Black Realm is very poor, but Nigel is not poor at all.

Nigel's wealth does not mean that he has harvested the upper-level resources of the Black Realm, nor does it mean that he has made huge profits from it as the black glove of the wizard civilization.

In fact, before taking over the Kada Star Thieves Group and becoming the dark hand hidden in the wizarding world, Nigel had basically earned enough resources for all his future experiments.

The same situation can also be verified with another eighth-level dark summoner in the wizarding world.

Otherwise, why would the other party leave the wizarding civilization so casually, go to a distant alien star field, and explore the origin of the truth of the star world for so long.

Endless waves of magical energy spurted out from the magic arrays arranged by Nigel, and soon completely enveloped the dominating battlefield.

A pitch-black giant cage appeared in the boundless starry sky.

The appearance of this cage is somewhat similar to the situation in the underworld star field war zone where Bev and others are located.

The only difference is that over there, the fifth pharaoh led people to surround Bev and others.

Here, it was Nigel who led Volta and the Fang Evil Dragon to surround the seventh pharaoh.

"Jie Jie Jie, let me tell you something. In fact, I am also a necromancer, and I can also do some summoning." Nigel said with a dark smile.

"Come out and help me kill this guy! I'll pay each of you 500 million of the best soul essence!" Nigel waved his magic wand.

Several spatial fluctuations appeared around this dominant battlefield.

"7 more chapters need to be added~"

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