The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1826 Rogge (additional update)

The short period of time from the appearance of the fat man to his conversation with Roland brought great shock and impact to the rulers of the Minghe Empire on the surrounding battlefields.

The first question that arises for the Pharaoh King who possesses the seventh level of peak strength is "Where does he come from?"

The second question that immediately arises is "How did he get in?"

The ear-piercing scream and the gloomy power of death converged into fingers and pressed towards the fat man.

This time, the fat man didn't care about talking to Roland. Faced with the "finger of death" from the seventh-level peak pharaoh, he also stretched out one of his fingers.

The same strong power of death gathered in his fingers.

Two fingers of death from different civilizations and different understandings of laws collided in this starry sky.

The sweeping elemental tide turned directly into billowing gray death clouds, rushing in all directions.

Now that the fat man Rogge is here, Roland does not need the underlying blessing power of the Beren Empire Legion on the surrounding battlefields.

In terms of strength, this fat man is half a step ahead of me. ๐Ÿ…†๐Ÿ„ฒ

In terms of ability, this guy is even more of a necromancer.

What is the Necromancer's most famous feature?

Is it their death magic? No, no, itโ€™s the undead army they can summon and command!

One person is an army. For the necromancers, this is definitely not an exaggeration.

And Roland, who knew the fat man Rogge very well, also knew that the opponent had other trump cards.

The collision of the rich power of death caused the seventh-level peak pharaoh of the Hades Empire to return without success.

When masters exchange moves, even if it is only for a short moment, it is enough for the opponent to tell how much the opponent weighs.

The seventh-level peak Pharaoh is reluctant to admit that without turning on the unblocked state, his power of death is indeed slightly weaker than that of this wizard and civilized magician.

"The death barrier you arranged outside the battlefield seems to me to be too immature, as if your Minghe Empire itself


Don't you pay much attention to this? "

"He is still a magician of our wizarding civilization. His understanding of various magic circles and rules fields has a long history."

"Look at me, I easily broke through the death matrix you arranged without much effort." Fat Rogge suddenly suffered from a professional disease after squaring his fingers with the seventh-level pharaoh of the Hades Empire. He chatted with the other party about his opponent's inadequacy in the field of death laws.

"The same goes for your 'finger of death' just now. How old are you, and you still blindly focus on the superposition of the concentration of the power of death?"

"Don't you know that the more mysterious fourteen-pointed star array and the structure of the power of the spiral law will greatly enhance the condensation of the power of death?"

"This is much more efficient than simply stacking concentration." Rogge touched his chin and analyzed.

From the perspective of a magician in the wizarding world, Rogge's words were normal truth-exploring dialogue.

But for the seventh-level peak pharaoh of the Minghe Empire, it was a complete humiliation!

Although the two monster kings were both Dominant-level beings, their understanding of the power of rules was far less profound than Rogge and the seventh-level Pharaoh King, so they were stunned for a while.

On the other hand, another late seventh-level general of the Hades Empire understood some of Rogge's description of the application of the rules of truth, but like the other pharaoh, he was mostly furious at this time.

"Hmph haha โ€‹โ€‹ho ho ho... Are you talking to me about the use of the power of rules?!"

"I'm immature?!" After a burst of strange laughter, an angry voice came from under the thick "bandage" of the seventh-level peak Pharaoh King.

This surface seal, which is unique to the traditional characteristics of the Minghe Empire, began to be unlocked quickly!

Stronger than before

A fierce aura immediately emitted from the body of the Pharaoh in front of him.

Although every time the seal is released, they will fall into a period of weakness, but when they are in an explosive state, the strength of the powerful men in the Minghe Empire will jump significantly.

With this ability, the Minghe Empire's cross-level challenges and other situations are much more frequent than those of other worldly civilizations in the star realm.

Not only the Pharaoh King at the peak of the seventh level, but also General Ming He, another late-level seventh level. While the black armor on his body changed form, his own aura also began to show a significant increase.

It seems that the process of using the self-sealing technique between the Hades Empire military and the Pharaoh Temple is a little different.

Judging from the appearance, General Mingha, who is wrapped in a layer of black armor, at least has a little more aesthetics than the other more powerful Pharaoh.

Rich black energy gushes out from the cracks in General Minghe's armor.

Seeing that even this guy's strength had faintly risen to a small level, Roland, who was bare-chested and had both arms, was no longer as calm and calm as before.

He hurriedly shouted to the fat man who was still analyzing the truth of death, "Where is your skeleton? Call him out quickly!" ๐Ÿ…†

"There are other corpse-refining beasts, suture monsters, death splicing objects, etc., and they are all released!"

"There are two monster kings next to him!" Roland informed.

Roland's voice made Fat Rogge roll his eyes.

All the little bit of my family fortune was explored by these guys.

But this time, the fat man didn't care about hiding his secrets. When the aura of the seventh-level peak pharaoh on the opposite side was so tyrannical that even he couldn't bear it, he quickly waved his right hand, and a white and crystal-clear flying skeleton looked like a white jade skeleton. Show up next to him.

This white jade skeleton is Rogge's treasure.

He would not trade with others even if he were beaten to death, and his personality was extremely twisted and could be called a pervert.


He even had some indescribable feelings towards this death-related skeleton.

This skeleton was dug out by Rogge in the ruins of a top civilization in his early years.

It has accompanied Rogge's growth for many years, and has been quietly accompanying Rogge, spending countless quiet and boring years in the laboratory, and witnessing Rogge's growth to the realm of dominance.

Even the White Jade Skeleton itself has made rapid progress in strength during this long process.

Thanks to Rogge's accumulation of bonuses regardless of cost, the White Jade Skeleton has already had the power to rival the Overlord.

Perhaps its original origin was extraordinary, but Rogge discovered it and gave it a new lease of life!

Roland also knew that this skeleton was enough to rival the Master, so he urged Fatty to release it as soon as possible.

Since its appearance, this skeleton has been firmly by Fatty's side, protecting him.

It was also when the white jade skeleton protected Rogge, blocking him for a short time from the threatening attacks from the two monster kings and the two masters of the Hades Empire.

Rogge, who was chanting a spell, waved his magic wand one after another.

The obscure power of death and space power appeared one after another in front of Rogge and others.

The Black Warrior Emperor, the Mummy King, the Epiphany of Despair, the Hunky Ladybug, the Hades Lich...

One after another, powerful creatures of death and darkness walked out of Rogge's eight- or ten-pointed star array.

These tyrannical beings summoned by Rogge all have the lowest level of six levels of strength, and the highest ones have reached the peak of level six, even close to the level of dominance!

Under Fat Rogge's summoning of the dead, in just a moment, the number of people on his side exceeded that of the other side? !

"Currently, there are 351 monthly tickets, and 9 more chapters need to be added~Finally itโ€™s in single digits!

I heard there is a double monthly pass event this month? qaq"

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