The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1822: Long Range Attack

As one of the oldest spellcasters in the wizarding world, Nigel has almost witnessed the entire process of the wizarding civilization leaping from a medium-sized world to a top-level civilization.

Such an old guy belongs to the type that grows stronger with age.

When he felt the power of a strong alien being locked on him, Nigel not only did not panic, but instead let out a burst of hoarse laughter, "Jie Jie Jie, someone is eyeing me...Who is it?"

"This kind of power is obviously not the giant mecha of the Gallente Federation, nor is it the few useless masters who obey the Gallente Federation..."

"Hmm, it seems that the other party is using the force of darkness and death? The Minghe Empire? Jie Jie Jie, this suits me quite well."

"If it were normal times, I would definitely have fun with you, but now...ahem!" Nigel smiled and suddenly coughed a few times. 🄲

The black blood accumulated in elemental form overflowed from the corner of Nigel's mouth.

This is the ultimate doomsday weapon that instantly kills the Norman Federation's seventh-level artificial being with one shot.

Even though Nigel was extremely confident in his own strength, after taking a shot from Endless Light, he really wasn't in the mood to face a strange master whose strength was not much different from his own.

In the world of black magicians, there is no such thing as hard steel.

Being unable to defeat, or the situation is not right, slipping and escaping, etc., is a "common occurrence" for black magicians.

The eighth-level black magician Nigel has experienced countless battles in his life.

This eighth-level pharaoh of the Hades Empire has locked on Nigel. Is there really nothing he can do?

"Oh, it's really troublesome..."

"The 'Puppet Reincarnation Technique' in witchcraft spells had a breakthrough some time ago. Fortunately, I made a carrier at that time. I didn't expect that it would be used so soon."

"I don't know how long I can deceive that guy? I'd better leave from here first."

"It's a bit impossible to get rid of the other party completely. It's best to find someone to help."

"In this Gallente Federation battlefield behind enemy lines...


I can only go find him, hehehe. "

After that, with an evil sneer, Nigel, who was hit by the Gallente Federation's endless light, turned into a black cloud of obscure rules and flew into the distant starry sky.

At this time, the starry sky environment around Nigel was instantly cleared by the terrifying raging ability of the endless light. Only some regular anomalies and chaotic elemental storms were still lingering nearby.

The traces of Nigel's departure were not obvious. This wily eighth-level black magician was very good at hiding his whereabouts.

And when leaving this storm-ravaged place, Nigel also threw away a scarecrow.

This is a scarecrow made from the body of a dominator. Looking at its materials, it should come from the body parts of a certain plant-based dominator.

The obscure and mysterious power, along with some strong personal aura unique to Nigel, filled the inside and outside of this scarecrow.

After being thrown carelessly by Nigel, the scarecrow flashed and disappeared in the opposite direction from when Nigel left.

This scarecrow is the "secret of puppet reincarnation" mastered by Nigel.

For life forms below level seven, this method of truth can indeed achieve an effect close to "reincarnation".

But it obviously does not apply to Nigel, who has an eighth level of life. Its greatest function is to simulate Nigel's breath and life trajectory, and deceive the seventh pharaoh of the Hades Empire to stay away.

This special method, rich in mystery and ancient witchcraft spells, is often used by wizards, the oldest profession in the wizarding world.

In addition to being a black magician, Nigel is also one of the two oldest eighth-level wizards in the wizarding world.


Nigel took the first emperor of the Hades Empire with him.

The Seven Pharaohs hide and seek.

On the battlefield between the Wizarding Civilization and the Gallente Federation, many changes occurred one after another.

The first was the Hades Empire Legion led by the Tenth Pharaoh. Because they could not hide their exaggerated energy fluctuations, they were finally discovered by the wizard civilization.

How to deal with such a powerful army from the alien star realm is the first decision made by the top leaders of the wizard civilization.

In view of the powerful strength of the Hades Empire, it is not impossible to reopen a main battlefield in the star field around the Mobius Meteor Belt.

The wizard civilization legion, which has been going smoothly for thousands of years, will finally face another critical moment after the war in the underworld star field ends.

The combat legions sent deep into the depths of the Gallente Federation must be withdrawn a little as a backup.

And some of the left-behind legions in the wizarding world must be mobilized. To tap into greater war potential is what the wizarding civilization must do now.

In addition to the Hades Empire Legion around the Mobius Meteor Belt, the war far away in the Great World has also attracted great attention from the wizarding civilization.

The Minghe Empire vowed to take back all control of the world, but the wizard civilization obviously refused to let it go completely.

Because the distance is too far, the support and radiation influence from the wizarding world will not be able to get there for a while.

Considering that the war has started over there and what the specific situation is, Bev and others here are already beyond their reach and can only rely on the masters of the wizarding civilization over there to make their own decisions.

Fortunately, some time ago, another Fire Phoenix who had been promoted to level eight was sent over. The wizard civilization has been stationing troops there very heavily.

I don't think there will be any problem for the time being.

Just as Bev, who was at the main base on the border of the underworld star field, was about to end her call with the King of Star World in the great world.

A burst of special power interference caused the projection particles belonging to the King of Stars to appear in front of Bev.


Gradually dissipate.

"This is..." The movement projected by the King of Star Universe was frozen at the last second.

There was a look of horror etched on his huge head.

This King of the Star World is an eighth-level master who has been famous for many years, but in terms of his calm demeanor when facing danger, he is not as calm as the Bev in front of him.

"Oh? Even here, the master of the Minghe Empire conducts a long-range attack?"

"It seems that the last time we killed the eighth pharaoh, it really made this top civilization furious." Bev sighed softly, and then stood up from her seat.

As a leader of civilization, Bev sometimes has no choice.

When her father handed over the burden to her, it determined the path Bev would take in the future.

This is actually the path chosen by the wizarding civilization that is expanding at a rapid pace - never retreat, never compromise, and never fear enemies far more powerful than itself.

The eighth pharaoh of the Hades Empire caused trouble within the wizarding civilization, instigating a rebellion against the Evil Eye Tyrant, causing severe damage to the Ice Phoenix, and the wizarding civilization was severely damaged in the early stages of the Beholder World Battlefield, etc.

These situations seem to be caused by the Evil Eye Tyrant and the Gallente Federation, but in fact the Hades Empire is the main driving force behind it.

The Eighth Pharaoh had bullied the wizarding civilization, and it was no wonder that he was caught in a trap designed by Bev and others and beaten to death.

Before and after killing the Eighth Pharaoh, Bev and other high-level officials in the wizarding world did not regret their actions.

Even if they knew that they would provoke the more powerful Minghe Empire.

"I've been waiting for you to come for a long time. It's later than I expected." Bev twirled the silver ring on her finger, wore a necklace of light, and held a magic wand, and walked outside the fortress base.

A ball of law light emitting soft pale white light surrounded Bev and flew out with her.

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