The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1817 Rose鈥檚 Strength

Naturally, I have heard of Thain from the Hades Empire.

Among the gifts he gave to Lina was a rare dark bloodline specimen called the Doronto Horn, which was produced in the Hades Empire and seemed to be a powerful monster originating from the Hades Empire.

Thain has also been exposed to various information about the Hades Empire over the years.

He knew that this was a distant and potentially hostile civilization that posed a great threat to wizard civilization.

As for the specific strength of the Minghe Empire, the specific conflicts between them and the wizard civilization, and where the star field coordinates of the Minghe Empire are, this is not something that Thain can explore. 馃厗

Sometimes thinking too much is not necessarily a good thing.

Regarding the threat from the Hades Empire, this is really not something Thane should worry about.

It's something that the dominant beings should consider.

But now that Spider Queen Rose mentioned this matter and seemed to have heard some gossip, Thane couldn't help but ask, "Ms. Rose, do you have any inside information?"

"About the warning summons mentioned by your father..." Thane looked at Rose with curiosity and questioning eyes.

Rose put on airs now. She did not answer Thain's question immediately, but looked at Fumila with her beautiful eyes.

Seeing this, Thain had no choice but to calm down his expression and called Fumila in front of him.

Rose is not a traditional magician in the wizarding world, so she naturally cannot ask Thain to take Fumila away for dismantling and research.

If Rose looked at her a few times, she wouldn't lose a few screws on Fumila's body.

Sure enough, after Fumila approached, Rose looked at the intelligent robot in front of her with a smile and said, "I don't know the specific dangers that the Minghe Empire will bring."

"But my father has instructed me not to act rashly in the near future."

"Generally, when it comes to big moves between top civilizations, the other party will definitely feel it in advance."

"Maybe it's my father who has a premonition, or maybe Dongfang


What warning came from the group of astrologers in Astrology Highland. "

"All in all, I guess there may not be peace for a while." Rose predicted boldly.

In fact, Rose's father didn't give her any detailed warning at all. He just informed her to "calm down" in the near future.

Rose is already a level six creature, so there is no need to say what level her father is.

As a well-known strong man in the black realm, Rose's father is one of the few strong men in the entire wizarding civilization.

The early warning from him was definitely not groundless, so much so that Thain couldn't help but cheer up after hearing it.

Thain thought of himself. He seemed to have no dangerous missions that required him to go deep into the frontline battlefield recently. In this case, he shouldn't encounter any danger, right?

Assigned by Trilis, Thain has mainly performed resource escort or logistical maintenance tasks in recent years.

And Trilis has no intention of going to other battlefields on the front line for the time being.

This rare period of stability has made Thain much less vigilant in recent years.

The prompt from Spider Queen Rose made Thain think twice.

In addition to catching up with Rose and handing over supplies, Thane also asked Rose about Faer没n.

Thain knew that there were more than two hundred level four or above demon kings in Faerun waiting for rescue.

Although the vast majority of those demon kings are castrated fourth-level creatures with "weak divine power", there are still too many of them.

And anything that can pull out pus is a good plaster. Why pick so many during a civilized war? Even a demon king with weak divine power is definitely stronger than a bunch of third-level creatures!

With Rose's skill and the repressive force of the wizarding world, these demons

After being released, he is a pure and high-quality thug.

Not to mention, Leo Tolstoy, the Lord of Bloody Purgatory, was clearly a tyrannical individual who had reached the sixth level of peak existence.

Rose should have reached a deeper cooperation with him back then, otherwise the bloody war monarch would not have expended his energy to capture Wojin, the fifth-level wealth goddess, alive as a gift for her.

Thane was also very tempted by the amazing wealth contained in the continent of Faer没n.

And he was still in that plane, leaving behind a trace of seeds about truth and the use of magic. I wonder if the seeds have germinated now.

Therefore, Thane is quite interested in the continent of Faer没n.

The goddess of wealth next to him is just a clone of Vol'jin. Thain wants to explore more detailed information about Faer没n, especially when it comes to issues such as when to send troops to Faer没n in the future. The only way to find out is with Rose, the Spider Queen in front of him. Talking will give you the answer.

Rose's answer made Thain slightly disappointed. 馃劜

With the solid rules and barriers of Faerun, it is unlikely that the wizard civilization will launch an expedition to Faerun before the civilized war with the Gallente Federation ends.

The thickness of the barriers in that large world has reached a point where it is difficult for even Dominator-level creatures to break through.

Perhaps only the combined efforts of digital masters can break through the rules and barriers of that world, and the consumption will be huge.

At this juncture of the middle stage of the civilized war, who would go to Faer没n for a tough fight?

According to the base of gods in the Faerun continent, the opponent's strength far exceeds that of Apocalypse World, and is close to the former Rose Dynasty civilization.

You must know that when the Gallente Federation destroyed the Rose Dynasty civilization in a relatively short period of time, it took the entire country.

Although a little disappointed, Thain was not discouraged.

The continent of Faer没n was discovered by him and Rose together. With Thane's growing and expanding strength, Rose would have no choice but to conquer Faer没n in the future.


Will bypass Thane.

Maybe Rose still needs the power of Thane and the masters behind him. If she wants to swallow up a world as large as Faer没n with just a corner of the Black Territory, Rose may not have the teeth.

It was also after contact with Rose's body again, with the double detection of the Maskless Mask and the Rubik's Cube, as well as the danger assessment from the eight-winged angel Fumila, that Thain learned that Rose had not reached the peak level six.

Her current strength is probably at the late sixth level.

However, considering that there may be a master weapon or other back-ups at her side, Rose's true combat power should be able to reach the peak of level six.

Rose's strength is also constantly getting stronger.

When Thane first came into contact with Spider Queen Rose, the opponent's strength should only be around mid-level six.

With only mid-level six strength, he dared to peek into a large plane.

It can only be said that Rose is more courageous than Thane.

What rivals this woman's strength is her madness.

In the Lomet Star Territory, Thane also met Kael'thas, the King of Blood Elves.

This is a handsome male elf with light blond hair and a gorgeous long-running blood-red dress.

Kael'thas, who has been promoted to level five, is weaker than Thane in terms of strength, but he has an ability that even Thain is eyeing - drawing strength from the opponent's blood.

In just over 3,000 years since the Civilization War broke out, Kael'thas was able to quickly advance from the mid-level to the fifth level because of his ability.

At the same time, Kael'thas is also one of Rose's most valued evil gods. She has a much higher status than those dark elf goddesses. It is said that she also has good commanding skills.

Kael'thas was polite when facing Thane.

After all, Thane is a being who can talk to his master. Considering the other party's politeness and modesty, Thain has a good feeling about the king of blood elves.

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