The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1810 Body Refining Magician

On the experimental platform, the female Draco's struggling movements were gradually calming down.

The other party was not dead, but was injected with a large amount of paralysis medicine by Thane.

Thain still attaches great importance to this living Level 4 biological specimen.

Although he already has a sixth-level apocalyptic biological specimen on hand, it is just a corpse.

Moreover, dragon creatures themselves have stronger bloodline attributes than other lineage creatures.

Thain, who has already conducted in-depth research on the Apocalypse Potion, is trying to find out more about the secrets of body refining from this female Celestial Dragon.

The experimental process was relatively successful.

After a preliminary dissection of the female Draco's body, Thane extracted a special glandular fluid.

This kind of glandular fluid can strengthen the body of female creatures, but unfortunately it only has 1375 effects on male creatures. 🄲

However, one extra feature for male creatures is that it has a strong aphrodisiac effect.

Yuli, Lenna, and Lina all practiced body training.

After obtaining the "Celestial Dragon Liquid", Thane trained them a lot.

Of course, Thain has not forgotten his old friend.

Cousins ​​Selena and Irene have always been stuck in their original state, which is worrying.

Taking advantage of the fact that the war in the ancient desert wasteland world group had not advanced to a too intense level, Thain also took the time to teach them about their karma and resolve their doubts, and also tried to train the two women.

Thain's idea is to have more skills than to overwhelm himself.

There is no need for Selina and Irene to study the mysteries of body refining. They just need to spend a hundred hourglasses of time every day to accept Thain's body refining modulation.

Only Thain can do this by allowing two weak, low-level female magicians to refine their bodies.

He might have thought that doing so was a waste of time before, but as the civilized war progresses, Thane increasingly feels that having a strong physique can indeed gain more lives on the battlefield.


Save opportunities.

As Thain starts to strengthen the body of the girls, the spring belongs to the girls.

Selena and Irene, who had been stuck in their original realm for many years, were promoted to level three.

At their age, it was really a bit late to advance to level three.

According to the existing promotion rules in the wizarding world, their chances of reaching demigod and level four in the future are very slim.

But nothing is absolute.

It is not unheard of for magicians to accumulate the knowledge and truths they possess to a certain extent, causing a qualitative change, and thus being promoted rapidly in a very short period of time.

In response to the situation of the girls, Thain took out a gold and silver potion refined by his mentor Lu Lianman last time, diluted it and gave it to the girls to absorb.

If you are a knight or a passive evolution professional, with the blessing of this cutting-edge medicine, your physical fitness will definitely increase in all aspects.

Even if it is a direct leapfrog, it is not an exaggeration.

However, the promotion of a magician relies more on the accumulation of knowledge, the understanding of the power of elements, and even the understanding of the law, so the effect is not that obvious.

However, what can be seen is that the appearance of the two women is much younger and more beautiful to the naked eye.

Among the women in Thane, Irene has always been the most proactive character.

Because his physical fitness has been greatly strengthened and he has become much younger, he has been pestering Thain for a while.

Seeing that the situation was excellent, Thain also began to offer body refining and diluted versions of gold and silver medicine to the Holy Tower Dean Meili.

As a result, in less than half a year, Meili was successfully promoted to Demigod.

From this, Thain entered

It can be deduced that the promotion of a magician is not only related to mental strength and knowledge, but also physical fitness can greatly promote the promotion of a magician in some cases.

The total amount of gold and silver potions spent by the girls was only about 20 per pill.

It is true that the potion made by Lu Lianman is so overbearing that only creatures of level four or above can take it.

If a creature below level four takes too much rashly, there is a risk of body explosion.


"Send that female Celestial Dragon to my specimen collection room."

"There shouldn't be much time to study her next. New combat orders have been issued from above." Thain said.

After this female Draco was sent to Thane's specimen collection room, she would definitely not be bored, because she was not the only collection there.

Maybe she could become friends with the rest of Thane's collection of specimens.

It is also an extremely interesting thing to think about making eye contact with each other through a translucent barrier or elemental barrier made of special materials...

The latest mission instruction belonging to Thain is to form a mixed army of mecha readers from the Rose Dynasty civilization to occupy two low-level planes within the ancient desert wasteland world group.

They were two dilapidated and desolate worlds dominated by sand and earth elemental environments.

Although the territory of the Ancient Desert Wasteland World Group is extremely vast, its internal resources are not concentrated, and many plane worlds are relatively barren.

The two planes attacked by Thane and others are barren planes, but for the same reason, there will be fewer Apocalypse World legions here, and the proportion of indigenous biological legions will be higher.

The main forces of the Apocalypse World in the Ancient Desert Wasteland World Group are all located in the extremely resource-rich planes at the center of the world group.

The sixth-level peak creature Salem is gathered there, and it once plundered the surrounding areas.


Amazing wealth accumulated from many dimensions.

Now, these wealth belong to the creatures of Apocalypse World, and in the future, they will belong to the wizard civilization army.

"Although I have a good relationship with the fifth-level reader Winoa, we should act separately in this war."

"I will not interfere too much with your command." Before the war, Thane said to a fourth-level reader and three fourth-level mecha warriors who collaborated with him in the war.

"Before setting off for the expedition, Lady Winoa told us to obey Master Thain's orders."

"If you have any battle plans, just tell us directly. We will live up to Master Thain's mission assignment!" The fourth-level reader assured Thain.

Since the last expansion of the energy amethyst trade with the Rose Dynasty Civilization, Thane's relationship with this member of the Wizards Alliance has become much closer.

At the same time, Rose Dynasty Civilization is also the only alliance world that has deep contact and cooperation with Thane.

In other large alliance planes, such as the world of orcs or the world of titans, although Thane has established good friendships with the half-orc god Eugene, thunder god Thor and others, there is no deep interest relationship between them.

Last time, the Sol brothers actually sold Thain a golden apple with a bite taken out of it.

When they meet next time, Thain will have to talk to them properly.

"Then, you will serve as the second batch of assault troops and attack the dimensional barriers of the two worlds below."

"The first batch of legions are made up of slave biological cannon fodder assigned to us by the Wizards Alliance."

"After launching the charge, I will assign the space fortress and the magician army to provide you with long-range fire support." Thain said,

"Yes!" replied the fourth-level reader with a short braid.

"I coded another chapter at the airport, and my computer ran out of power qaq~"

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