The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1808 Naked eyes

The so-called "domain" does not mean the divine domain controlled by creatures above the fourth level of the belief system.

Rather, it is a deeper qualitative change similar to the legal level.

Most of the sixth-level knights and magicians in the wizarding world have this method.

Including some extremely powerful fifth-level peak experts, they may also be able to touch this level.

Different knights and magicians of level four and above take different paths. Real high-level experts will not reach that level through reproduction and imitation.

Everyone takes a different path, and the domain manifests itself differently.

"You are Thane, right? You did a great job. Is that your puppet?" Halfway through the war, Vel'Koz, a level six mechanic, flew not far from Thain, assisting him in alternate battles. while asking.

Vel'Koz was naturally referring to the eight-winged angel Fumila. He did not recognize it for a moment as a special robot produced by the Gallente Federation.

This is because Angels of this type account for a very small proportion of the entire Gallente Federation’s huge robot base.

The Icarus Zaibatsu is only one of the robot manufacturers that cooperates closely with the Gallente Federation military, and it does not control the robot business of the entire Federation.

Angel-type robots are a bit more high-end than ordinary federal robots.

"Yes, this is my robot war servant Fumila. Her main structural core is federal technology. In addition, I also incorporated some magic technology."

"Is that your Molten Steel Tyrannosaurus, Master Vel'Koz? It's so powerful in combat." Thain replied with a smile, then looked at the Molten Steel Tyrannosaurus King who was in combat mode and asked.

At this time, Vel'Koz and Thane's eyes were very similar. They were both staring directly at each other's proud mechanical technology products.

Vel'Koz was attracted by the mystery of Fumila's angel-type combat weapon, while Thane was amazed by the profound mechanical mysteries of the Molten Steel Tyrannosaurus King.

Compared to Fumila, the Molten Steel Tyrannosaurus King


They are life forms that have been deeply transformed through the magical energy mechanical technology of wizard civilization.

The naked looks between the two sides quickly shifted to each other's world-class secret treasures.

Vel'Koz did not recognize Thane's Formless Mask. His focus was on the blue-purple diamond-shaped Rubik's Cube floating next to Thane.

Thain was also curiously looking at the mechanical eyes surrounding Vel'Koz. They were both explorers of the truth, and both sides had the urge to dissect the other's proud achievements on the spot.

"This thing seems to be called a 'Rubik's Cube', right?" Vel'Koz couldn't help but ask.

Thain, who turned on the flame demon's true form and was blocking the energy beam from the front, nodded.

"I saw this thing once before at my mentor's place. How do you feel... it has changed a lot compared to last time?" Vel'Koz couldn't help but ask again.

After Thain brought the Rubik's Cube back to the wizarding world, he handed it over to the wizarding civilization once.

But the wizard civilization later upgraded it to a world-class secret treasure, and then returned it to Thain.

During this period, it shows that Victor, the only true spirit-level mechanic in the wizarding world, was involved in the research of the Rubik's Cube.

Regarding Vel'Koz's question, Thane chose to pretend to be deaf and dumb. After using the magic wand in his hand to release the "Ashes Breath" magic, Thain turned around and asked, "Huh? What did you just say?"

Thain's statement made Vel'Koz's extremely curious eyes become much more restrained.

He glanced at the battlefield ahead and replied, "Nothing."

After a long time, Thain simply replied, "After the Rubik's Cube fell into my hands, I modified it many times."

"Perhaps some variation and sublimation of the original law occurred during this period? I

After all, he is not a professional mechanic and does not have a strong say. "Sain smiled.

Thain's answer made Vel'Koz give him a very meaningful look.

Velikos then said something very interesting: "It can be transformed into equipment that can house six-level golems and millions of golems, and it can transform and sublimate props that have already reached the level of world-class secret treasures."

"If this can't be called 'professional', I think there are no so-called 'professional' mechanics in the wizarding world." Velikos said.

Upon seeing this, Thane smiled and said, "Master Vel'Koz is so complimentary."

The war that took place on Flame Star No. 5 lasted for a total of twenty-one years.

The Gallente Federation Legion was once again losing ground on this battlefield.

There is also a sixth-level federal war fleet, which has suffered more than 80% loss here.

Another federal level six mecha crashed here.

In the end, less than one-third of the remaining Gallente Federation troops continued to withdraw towards the center of the Golden Rock World Group, pursued by the legions led by Thane and others.

Nowadays, the periphery of the Golden Rock World Group has been blocked by the four armies of wizard civilization.

Continuing to flee into the Golden Rock World Group is also an end without tomorrow for the Gallente Federation Legion.

After the war, the legion led by Thane and the legion led by Victor took a short rest and then continued to advance deeper into the Golden Rock World Group.

Under the command of Cuilis, Fatis, Piccolo, Bai Xing and others, the Wizard Civilization Legion did not intend to give the Gallente Federation garrison of the Golden Rock World Group a break.

"Your Secret Fire of Ashes is more extreme than my Fire of Celestial Skeleton. What's even more valuable is that you are extremely tolerant. What kind of 'monster' are you?!" Wearing a pink skirt. Lina", she couldn't help but look up at Sean



The "Lina" in front of her is of course not Lina, but the fifth-level black magician Mei Kelly.

When leaving the wizarding world, in order to more conveniently study the situation of Meikali and Lina's two souls, and also to monitor this guy, Thane directly brought the two to the front line of the civilized battlefield.

At this time, it was Mei Kelly who was in charge of Lina's body.

Even if the other party's soul has been suppressed to an extremely deep level, Mei Kaili can still have certain permissions for activities every once in a while.

When Thain participated in the war, he naturally kept her in captivity, and Yuri and the Flame were responsible for taking care of her.

Now that the war is temporarily over, Thane can release her and be a little freer.

"What did you say?!" Thain's devil's claw suddenly slapped Meikali's buttocks.

With the physical strength of Thain after refining his body, a loud "pop!" echoed in the surrounding laboratory space.

A period of physical training experiments were indeed effective.

Lina, who was originally extremely weak, was able to withstand Thain's slap.

It hurts, of course.

Meikali rubbed her butt in embarrassment and pain, and stared at Thain.

Mei Kelly, who always wears black robes and has an extremely gloomy temperament, wears a pink magic dress for the first time.

Thain felt that the dark mage aura of Lina and Meikali was too strong.

This magic robe can just "blow away" their negative aura.

Judging from the final result, the magic robe that Thain personally selected is quite good.

It fits their petite frame perfectly.

"There is still only one chapter to be updated today. You don't have to wait any longer. When we get back, we will replenish the outstanding chapters and normal updates will resume on the 10th~"

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