The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1806 Little People

Bianchi is a working B-level engineer at Thomas Industries.

He came to the Golden Rock World Group 48 years ago.

Originally, Bianchi's assignment time in this medium-sized star field was 12 years.

But unfortunately, when he was just halfway through his cross-star field mission, the army of wizard civilization blocked the star field, thus blocking Bianchi's way home.

In fact, long before the arrival of the wizard civilization army, the Federation maintained a small number of escape channels.

But at that time, the people who were allowed to evacuate first were federal military scientists, high-tech talents, special engineering personnel, etc.

Secondly, there are ordinary engineers like Bianchi, mecha and ship maintenance personnel, logistics workers, etc.

However, there are still some people whose retreat priority is lower than Bianchi and others. They are soldiers of the military!

Bianchi naturally failed to catch the golden passage to evacuate the Golden Rock World Group.

There are many federal non-combatants like him, and there are probably millions of them in the entire Golden Rock World Group.

Human life is the least valuable thing in the Gallente Federation... After all, so many living planets and migratory planets have been established, and the total population of the Gallente Federation is more than tens of thousands of times that of wizard civilization humans.

He might die in this strange yet familiar star field. Whenever Bianchi thought about this in the past two years, his eyes could not help but feel a little sour.

He is only over a hundred years old this year, and is in his prime according to the average life span of the Gallente Federation.

Bianchi had a child who was conceived by his wife just before he left the Gallente Federation and went out to work.

The fierce war with wizard civilization in recent years has put great pressure on the civilized atmosphere and survival within the Gallente Federation.

When a highly risky, high-paying expatriate job was presented to him, Bianchi, who had just given birth to a son, accepted the job without much thought.


Division’s assignment.

Risk and return are directly proportional. In the few years since Bianchi first came to the Golden Rock World Group, the federal coins he earned were enough for his wife and children to live a good life in a few decades.

Not to mention, since being trapped in the Golden Rock World Group and unable to get out, Bianchi, who has excellent drone system modulation technology, was hired by the military twenty-seven years ago to become a federal fleet unmanned aerial vehicle. Maintenance officer of man and machine.

Based on the time he joined the federal military and the number of drone repairs he completed over the years, Bianchi even holds the title of lieutenant.

Of course, Lieutenant Bianchi didn't have any soldiers under his command.

In this small maintenance base, apart from Bianchi himself, all that is left are nearly 5,000 combat drones of various types and the remains of more than 20,000 scrapped or damaged drones.

"Boom!" Violent explosions and energy movements appeared in Lieutenant Bianchi's ears, and these turbulences were gradually approaching from far away.

Everything indicates that the last moment is coming.

Bianchi took out an LCD photo card wrapped in a handkerchief from his sleeve pocket, which was filled with jet black oil stains.

The handkerchief was given to me by my wife. The original pink silk handkerchief was now stained by machine oil so that it was difficult to see its original color.

However, the LCD photo card has been well maintained, and you can still clearly see the images inside.

The photo card recorded a photo of Bianchi with his wife and son when he had just left the Gallente Federation decades ago.

My wife’s peaceful smile and my son’s lively waving movements seemed like yesterday.

Looking at the photo card in his hand, Bianchi was originally anxious, uneasy, fearful, and confused.

The confused mood gradually calmed down.

"When I just left the Gallente Federation, the planet where my wife and others lived was not affected by the war, and it should not be affected now." Bianchi thought to himself, or he prayed.

"When we last met, Colonel Doug said that all our military engineers who die in battle will be treated as killed in action."

"In addition to receiving compensation from the company, my wife and the others will also receive a pension from the federal military. I hope Colonel Doug did not trick us." Bianchi continued to think.

"Boom!" The sounds of fighting and explosions are getting closer and closer.

In the maintenance base, the drones modulated by Bianchi himself have all flown off the runway and are either still fighting or have been destroyed.

"Ta! Ta! Ta!" The sound of horse hooves was mixed with the explosion and energy turmoil.

Bianchi knew that the source of those horse hoofbeats must not come from the Gallente Federation Legion, but from the evil civilization called the "Wizard Civilization". 🅆

And Bianchi also knew that most of the hostile creatures he saw were not wizarding world creatures, but just their servants and vassal minions.

The native humans of the Wizarding World are quite similar to the humans of the Gallente Federation.

However, the average height of humans in the wizarding world is higher, including thicker bones. In addition, there are some subtle differences in internal organs.

In addition to the increasingly approaching sound of horse hooves, Bianchi also heard some familiar Gallente Federation languages.

This is a wizard-civilized creature instigating rebellion and inducing the Gallente Federation's underlying creatures. Bianchi knows that those wizard-civilized creatures want to occupy these federal heavy factories.

The fact that Bianchi stayed alone in this small base was also related to this matter.


The induction from the wizard civilization not only did not shake Bianchi's psychology, but made him more determined than before.

The LCD photo card on his chest gave Bianchi infinite strength. He was fighting for his family.

Soon, a terrifying monster with a bull's head and a body several meters tall entered the small base where Bianchi was located.

He didn't recognize the Minotaur as the Minotaur, but that didn't stop him from firmly pressing the control valve in his hand.

"Boom!" A violent explosion swept inside and outside this small base.

Bianchi, along with the nearly two hundred Minotaurs and dozens of centaurs near here, were all annihilated into dust in the explosion.

The local explosion that occurred on the battlefield below happened to be seen by Thain who was in the sky of the plane.

Thane was used to small explosions of this level.

Just in the battlefield below, there were countless similar explosions.

Thain didn't care as much about the destroyed federal heavy factories as he did at first.

Because he has experienced enough, Thain also knows that some things cannot be completely prevented.

The good news is that under the conquest of Zeon and the Centaur Legion, this dimensional battlefield has gradually begun to be fully occupied.

And unlike previous wars, some federal creatures seemed to have chosen to surrender on this battlefield, thus preserving many heavy factories.

"Inform the magicians who are good at mechanical mysteries to receive and review the preserved federal heavy factories."

"Next, prepare to go to Flame Star No. 5!" Thain ordered.

"I just finished writing this chapter in the hotel. There are only three updates today. I hope you can forgive me~"

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