The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1804 Heavy Industry Plane

Thane had some impressions of the Molten Steel Tyrannosaurus.

This is a powerful alliance creature that mainly devours metal.

In the early years, when he just returned to the wizard civilization, this molten steel tyrannosaurus made a deep impression on Thain on the battlefield.

Moreover, the Molten Steel Tyrannosaurus is also the special creature in the Wizards' Alliance that has directly benefited the most from the Gallente Federation's war.

Is there any more direct way to improve strength than eating?

Whether it is a giant mecha or a space battleship, the special outer alloy armor used by the Gallente Federation is the favorite food of the Molten Steel Tyrannosaurus.

By constantly devouring metal and accumulating a layer of metal scales on its body, the Molten Steel Tyrannosaurus is one of the most powerful beings in the wizarding civilization that can fight against the Gallente Federation Legion!

It's just that when Thane first came back, the Molten Steel Tyrannosaurus seemed not yet under the command of the mechanic Vel'Koz, and it had its own wizard civilization force working for it.

Now it seems that this powerful Alliance creature has belonged to Vel'Koz's thugs.

And it seems that it has also undergone extremely in-depth mechanical modifications by Master Vel'Koz.

After Master Vel'Koz joined this front, the battlefield was not consistent with that of Thane.

However, as long as this war proceeds smoothly, sooner or later they will meet one day.

After Thain arrived at the target front, it didn't take long for the four-legged army of the Wizarding Civilization to launch a general attack on the Gallente Federation Army of the Golden Rock World Group.

The Golden Rock World Group is a medium-sized star field, and the overall star field territory is quite large.

This is a vast star field with more than a hundred rules and complete planes.

Just in terms of the number of complete planes with rules, the Golden Rock World Group seems to have nothing outstanding compared to the Black Bat Star Territory and the Sea Star Territory.

But because the Gallente Federation has invested a lot of energy, financial and material resources in this star field.

A large number of demiplanes, even broken planes, were forcibly destroyed by federal technological means.


Transformed into a heavy factory cluster plane.

Similar heavy industry planes do not need to invest as much in transforming the ecological environment as those living planets.

In many heavy industry planes, there are not even many federal creatures stationed there, and only a handful of operation and maintenance personnel stay there.

Advanced automated processes allow these federal heavy factories to continuously produce various types of war equipment and spaceships without any supervision.

If these "heavy industry planes" are also included, the total number of planes that Thain and other wizard civilization legions need to complete a breakthrough attack on the Golden Rock World Group has reached 371!

In addition, the Gallente Federation has even built small military processing plants on many meteorite belts in the starry sky.

What Thain and others need to do is to kill all the enemies in sight.

As for what the City of Steel requested, which was to preserve and take over as much of the federal heavy factories as possible, he also said that it was just "as much as possible".

In the war against the Golden Rock World Group, Thane did not expose his eight-winged angel Fumila right from the start.

The federal plane that Master Fatis gave to Thain and others to attack was not a particularly difficult plane to conquer.

Among the four planes, only one plane is stationed with more federal combat units. The other three planes have relatively few mechas and fleets stationed. The resistance is mainly composed of various forms of fortresses and automated weapons.

The four-way encirclement war between the wizard civilization and the Golden Rock World Group was actually destined to end long after Trilis and others completed the conquest of the outer star field.

The federal garrison troops who stayed here to guard the large heavy industry cluster probably knew their fate.

They rarely take the initiative to break out, and most of them stick to their positions.

The plane where you are stationed.

For these federal legions, Thain didn't know what to say about them.

In fact, this war of civilizations has nothing to do with justice and evil.

No matter how noble the wizarding civilization and the Gallente Federation promote themselves, or how despicable they discredit their opponents, their core essence is still about the fundamental interests of the two civilizations.

Including interests in resources and wealth, as well as interests in the geopolitical field.

Your wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation are so close that they cannot move away. When they develop to a certain extent, there will inevitably be a war.

The winner dominates the surrounding star field, and the loser becomes the servant.

As for the high-level experts and low-level creatures on both sides who died during the war... it can only be called short-term pain relief or partial casualties that one party will inevitably experience when a powerful civilization moves towards prosperity.

Victory always requires piles of dead bodies.

"Attack!" Gene, the fourth-level knight, waved his flaming sword forward.

On this star field front, he was the first level four creature under Thane to launch a charge.

The Zeon Knight looks like a flaming giant nearly two thousand meters tall in combat status.

Under his leadership, millions of wizard civilization combat legions in the surrounding area began to advance together.

The heavy contamination of the Golden Rock World Group by the Federal Heavy Factory has made the barriers of most rule-complete planes in this medium-sized star field vulnerable to attack.

Not to mention the "heavy industry planes" transformed from demiplanes and broken planes.

This is also one of the benefits that Thain and others can enjoy when they attack the federal army in this star field.

In the space fortress, looking at the Zeon Knight in the center of the plane battlefield, Thain did not immediately join the battle. Moreover, Thain probably did not need to take action in this war.



Thane is paying attention to Jean Knight.

This is a fourth-level knight who is unwilling to suffer losses. Thain discovered this in a short period of contact with Jean.

As the leader of a region and the controller of all legions under his command, Thane needs to be familiar with the character traits of each of his strong men.

Regarding the issue of Jean Knight, Thain tried his best to be fair and just to him.

For example, Jean performs the vanguard mission of taking the lead in attacking every time, so compared to Xia Ya, Lenna and others, Jean's final spoils distribution ratio will be higher.

Jean also saw Thain's statement. Don't think that the knights are all rough guys. These guys who established the knight's hall and have life levels above level four all have their own accounts in their hearts.

It has to be said that Knight Zeon's impression of Thain is still very good, and he is worthy of his desperate decision to lead the Knights Hall under his command to move to the Land of Ashes.

And Jean also heard about the fact that Thain gave his sister a dean's allowance increase.

A scholar dies for a confidant.

Jean felt that none of the fourth-level knights and magicians he had come into contact with before were as "kind" as Master Thain!

Don't look at the income difference, which may only be hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands of magic coins.

But Jean Knight is more true to this, and he is also very satisfied with the current status quo.

"Crush all the ants that stand in front of us!" Gene, who transformed into a flame giant, pointed forward and roared.

"I didn't code it on the plane. There was an aunt in front of me who kept pushing the backrest back. It was too crowded and the computer couldn't open. I coded this chapter at Nanjing Airport after landing.

There is still some time before taking off to Macau, so Xiaodou will try to write more.

During the annual meeting, if the daily update volume is less than 3 chapters, it will be counted as outstanding chapters and will be replenished later. I hope you understand~"

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