The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1801 Piccolo

The war in the Cadillac demiplane lasted for a total of two years and four months.

It ended more than half a year earlier than the three years requested by Master Sain.

It's the forbidden curse again, and it's the main artillery bombardment of the Union Fortress.

After the war, there seemed to be something wrong with the center of the Cadillac demiplane, including the fact that the overall mass of the demiplane seemed to have decreased by 117 when measured.

Instead, there is an additional ring of meteorites outside the Cadillac demiplane.

There are also many federal metal debris floating among them.

The Gallente Federation's garrison force in this half-plane was wiped out by Thane by nearly 70%.

Even after the entire Cadillac demiplane was occupied, the pursuit continued. 🅆

In the end, the federal combat power that could successfully escape from the pursuit of Thain's legion should not exceed 15.

The appearance of the eight-winged angel Fumila directly sounded the death knell for the federal army in this demiplane battlefield.

After the Gallente Federation's planar bunkers were removed, it was indeed the attack of Fumila and her Angel Legion that completely made the Gallente Federation Legion lose their desire to continue fighting.

If Thane hadn't surrounded and killed more of the federal forces, the war in this demiplane would have ended much faster.

After the battle, Thain did not devote himself to the pursuit. Instead, he handed over the pursuit to the people below and flew to the battlefield where Triris was sitting to recover.

Trilis herself is currently located in a starry sky battlefield.

This is also the battlefield where the confrontation between the wizard civilization army and the Gallente Federation fleet group is the most intense.

Since Thain opened up the situation in the Cadillac demiplane, and with the subsequent advancement of the wizard civilization army there, Trilis will inevitably usher in changes.

When she saw Thain, Triris' face looked a little happy.

Thain was able to complete the critical task assigned to him by Trilis ahead of schedule. Trilis, as the master, also gained more face in front of outsiders.


Trilis is not the only level six creature in this starry sky battlefield.

In addition to the two alliance sixth-level gods, the Wizarding World also sent a sixth-level knight to assist Trilis.

The God of Corruption, who is relatively familiar with Thane, is not on the battlefield in the surrounding star field at this time.

It is said that the God of Corruption has stayed in the ancient desert world group and will participate in the battle in the star field there together with the Rose Dynasty civilization.

"Well done! There are two more tasks for you to choose from. Which one do you want to perform?" Trilis smiled at Thain after meeting.

"The first is to continue to lead the Cadillac combat regiment and go deep into the battle, and then cooperate with me to attack the federal main fleet in the starry sky in front of us to speed up the progress of the war in the BF307 star field."

"There is another mission, which is to go to the border of the BF307 star field. There is a relatively important alliance combat corps that has just arrived. We need to send someone over here to contact them. The other party may participate in our next attack on the Golden Rock World. A group war," Triris said.

Regarding the two tasks given by Triris, Thain thought about it and accepted the second one.

Because before arriving at the frontline battlefield, when Thain visited the dominant knight Klopp, the other party talked about letting Thain visit other war zones and contact more powerful players from the alliance plane.

The newly arrived wizard alliance army actually required Trilis to send people to contact them personally. It was obviously not an army led by ordinary fourth- and fifth-level alien gods.

Triris was slightly surprised by Thane's choice, but she didn't say much. She just mentioned, "Since you want to go there, then you can go. Originally, I was thinking of letting your master Bo Jiagaru go there." It’s just a trip.”

"Which alien god leads the legion that actually requires us to send a fifth-level magician to contact him?" Thain couldn't help but ask.

Triris replied, "It is Piccolo, the strongest man from the Namek Star Territory. It is also currently recognized by the Wizards Alliance as the tyrannical existence that is most likely to impact the realm of dominance in the past tens of thousands of years."

Thane had heard Piccolo's name more than once before.

This guy is quite famous in the Wizarding Alliance. After all, he is a dominator-level potential seed, and he seems to have made great contributions to wizarding civilization in the past 100,000 years.

But no matter how famous Piccolo is, as long as he has not been promoted to level seven, his unified life level is also the peak of level six, which is equivalent to Thain's master Cuilis.

Seeing that his master looked and was in a good mood at this time, Thane couldn't help but ask, "Master, who is more powerful compared to Piccolo, the strong man from the Namek Star Region?"

Thain's presumptuous inquiry made Trilis' originally good mood quickly turn down. 🅆🄲

She stepped forward and knocked on Thain's head, saying, "Why do you always care about these things?"

"If you have this time, wouldn't you like to delve into the mysteries of magic?"

The scolding from his master made Thain shut up immediately.

At the same time, Thain had a rough idea of ​​the answer to his question.

It seems that there is a clear distinction between level six and peak level.

Like the demigod level, in the star realm, the sixth level peak level can also be regarded as an independent level.

Thain, who received the order from his master, sent a message to the Ashes Holy Tower Legion in the Cadillac demiplane, and then flew straight to the border of the BF307 star field.

Thain arrived in advance, and it was not until nearly two months after his arrival that a huge alliance combat army with a scale of tens of millions arrived belatedly.

Namek is a cultivation civilization, a medium-sized pinnacle plane that has developed to its extreme.

In addition to the strongest Piccolo, who has the sixth level of peak combat power, Thane also learned that Namek is at least


There are four other sixth-level experts and hundreds of fourth-level creatures.

This time, the Namek Legion, which arrived at the border of the BF307 star field at the same time as Piccolo, also had a sixth-level creature and more than twenty fourth-level creatures.

This power is really impressive, mainly because Piccolo's own personal combat power is exaggerated.

I don’t know if he is considered the first person under the master.

A powerful wizard in the wizarding civilization on the same level as Piccolo, Thane thought of Rose, the Spider Queen of the Black Realm.

I don't know whether Rose's actual combat power is stronger or weaker than Piccolo's.

Although Thane had interdimensional communication with Rose last time, he had no actual contact with her in the past two hundred years.

The legion led by Rose seems to have penetrated deep into the Gallente Federation. The war zone where Thain is located is still quite far away.

It may be that his identity as a fifth-level magician and Trilis's disciple attracted the attention of the powerful people on Namek.

Piccolo, the sixth-level peak powerhouse, briefly met with Thane in person in the space fortress under his name.

As a core member of the Wizards Alliance, Thane noticed that Piccolo's car also belonged to the latest model of the Wizarding World Space Fortress.

It seems that the tradition that space fortresses need to be several lower version models before they can be sold to members of the Wizards Alliance does not apply to all situations.

Meeting this well-known alliance strongman for the first time, Piccolo gave Thane a very strong feeling.

This is an alliance god who is half a head taller than Thandu. His dark green skin is permeated with bright red muscle fibers.

The first impression given to Thain by the other party's attire was that the other party was a priest or an elder, wearing white clothes and a special elder hat.

But Thane had already learned in advance from other aspects that Piccolo was actually a warrior.

Two green tentacles appeared in front of Piccolo's forehead. This is the most eye-catching organ symbol of the Namekians, and it seems to greatly enhance their sensitivity.

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