The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,780 Two Souls in One Body (Additional update)

With Byron leading him all the way, Thain arrived at the 14th floor of the subspace prison.

In fact, the strength and risk factor of the detainees can also be judged from the number of detainees in the Atlanta Interstellar Prison.

Starting from the 7th floor, only creatures of level 4 and above are detained in the prison.

As for the 14th floor where Lina is located, those imprisoned here are basically fifth-level creatures or a very small number of fourth-level peak creatures.

Locking Lina here is enough to show the Atlanta Interstellar Prison's assessment of her strength and risk factor.

Because he and Byron had already maintained a good relationship in the conversation just now, Thane learned from his mouth that the Jerry wizard who was severely injured by Lina was a fourth-level peak magician. 🄼

It was precisely because of his accusation that Lena was detained at the Atlanta Star Prison.

If Thane wants to get Lena out of the interstellar prison, he must first get through the work of Master Jerry.

But who is that guy? What's the origin? Thane had no idea.

This made Thain's mood inexplicably gloomy.

And Lina was able to seriously injure a level four peak magician, which also surprised Thane.

After placing Thane in an empty prison chamber, Byron temporarily left.

Not long after, Lina, with special magic shackles on her hands and feet, appeared opposite Thane.

A dark-colored translucent energy curtain blocked the space between Thain and Lina.

When he saw Lina for the first time, Thane couldn't help but fly forward. He recognized at a glance that this was indeed Lina, and Lina's eyes also showed excitement at this time.

"What happened? How did you become like this?" Thain flew to the curtain and asked Lina.

At this time, Lina's appearance was still different from her past.

Lina used to have two forms: one was a lolita form with short red hair. The second is the royal sister form, with long black hair.

But the Lina in front of her... is a bit between the two. Her height is slightly taller than in the first form, now 1.6 meters, but her hair has turned black.

Lina's face did not change much, but Thain noticed that her pupils had darkened a little, and there was a faint black-gray flame burning on her body surface.

Thane is no stranger to this flame, it is the Cangshu Fire that Lina masters.

After meeting Thain, Lina's expression went from excitement, to sadness, to finally calmness.

She looked at Thain in front of her with complicated eyes and said, "You don't have to worry about me. What I've done this time is a bit big, and my current body is..."

Before Lina finished speaking, her expression suddenly changed.

The original temperament also changed accordingly, transforming into a guy that Thain didn't recognize at all.

The more raging fire of the skeleton was burning on the surface of Lina's body at this moment.

"How could you ignore it?!"

"Isn't he your lover? Do you want to be locked up in this interstellar prison for the rest of your life?" A sharp shout came from Lina's mouth.

Thain's face suddenly showed a look of shock and anger, "Who are you?!" Thain asked.

At this time, "Lina"'s face showed a charming or cold smile, and she replied, "Who else could it be? Of course it's your dear Lina?"

Fierce green fire seeped out from Thain's body. In anger, Thain was unable to restrain his true form of the Devil's Law.

"Bang!" The demon's fist, burning with raging fire, hit the energy curtain in front of him. Although it did not break the curtain, it caused the surrounding space to shake slightly.

The voice of fourth-level knight Byron soon appeared in Thane's ears, asking him if something had happened.

Thain glanced at Lina in front of him, took a few deep breaths, and replied, "Nothing."

By this time Lina had returned to her original state.

Obviously the guy in Lina's body didn't want to expose himself too much.

The sadness on Lina's face was even more obvious at this time. Under Thain's concerned gaze, she finally revealed the situation to Thain.

"She is my mentor, Meikaly." Lina said with a sigh.

"What?" Thain said in disbelief.

When Thain visited Lina, Warden Norton was also interviewing an important prisoner on the 18th floor of the Atlanta Interstellar Prison.

This is a level six creature wearing a tall hat and an owl mask.

They are both prisoners, but this guy is treated quite well?

Whether it's the tall hat, the mask, or the clothes he's wearing, they all reveal considerable energy fluctuations.

After being arrested and sent to Atlanta Interstellar Prison, the other party's equipment was not confiscated.

Standing in front of this sixth-level creature is the uncrowned king of the Atlanta Interstellar Prison - His Excellency Warden Norton.

This is a middle-aged magician with a rich figure and some baldness.

Warden Norton gives people a very kind impression at first, but in the star field surrounding the wizard civilization, even some famous sixth-level demons or devils are not willing to have too much contact with him.

The orderly management of the Atlanta Interstellar Prison is proof of its ability.

In terms of personal strength, Norton is a sixth-level peak magician.

"How is your considering?"

"Would you like to accept employment from our wizarding world and do something for us?"

"As for the Alliance Master you provoked, the War King of the Challenger World, we will help you settle things and appease him." Norton said, sucking on the pipe at the corner of his mouth.

Transforming from an idle and free sixth-level creature to a thug of the wizard civilization is obviously not what the sixth-level creature in front of him wants.

He knows best how dark the wizarding civilization is.

If you get on the warship in the wizarding world, it will not be easy to get off again.

But the question now is how he can resolve the crisis at hand. Just this Atlanta interstellar prison is not something he can easily escape from.

Although he had made a decision in his heart, this sixth-level star realm expert who had caused quite a stir during the civilized war was still not willing to express his attitude readily.

I saw him sarcastically saying, "It is said that the Kada Star Thieves Group is the criminal group in the surrounding star areas that the wizard civilization is most committed to combating. But I didn't expect that this group, whose backbone members are basically composed of high-level devils and demons, is actually secretly You thugs from the wizarding world.”

"What? You want me to join your Wizarding World camp and become your black glove?" the sixth-level creature sneered.

When he was carelessly caught this time, he actually fell into the hands of the Kada Star Thieves Group, rather than being captured by the powerful wizard civilization.

Originally, this guy thought that his fate was to be casually pinched to death by the devil master.

But he didn't expect that the other party would end up throwing him into the Atlanta Interstellar Prison.

From the moment he entered this interstellar prison, this guy understood a lot of things instantly.

Master Norton was not in a hurry. He knocked on his pipe and replied, "It's not a 'Black Glove', to be precise, it's a 'Gray Glove'. You are not qualified to be a 'Black Glove'."

"I suggest you think about it carefully. If you are still unwilling, I will send you to the three floors above."

"Your detention period, according to the laws of the Wizards Alliance, is seven hundred thousand years." Norton smiled.

Upon hearing this, the corner of the sixth-level creature in front of him twitched his mouth, and the face under the mask also became much stiffer.

“Finally, I’d like to ask for a monthly pass~

And today, the average order has finally reached 1,000, I’m very happy, thank you all for your support~”

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