The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,764 Gifts and Discussions

Ba Xia has five children in total. The eldest is as stable as a rock in the wizarding world, and the second is performing tasks for the Wizards Alliance in a specific star field. The "children" Ba Xia is talking about at this time are obviously Bai Xing, Mo Yan, Bi Xi, etc.

Bev also knew that the Baxia family had never disconnected from the fairyland.

Since the conflict between Buddha, Taoism, demons, humans, good and evil in the fairyland civilization has become more and more intense, the communication between the wizard civilization and the Qingyang world has been interrupted several times, but the Baxia family has not been interrupted. Open the connection with the ancestral dragon lineage of the Immortal Realm.

(sQingyang Realm is an important transit plane for communication between wizard civilization and the fairyland in the past. Many powerful wizards and civilizations have been to the Qingyang Realm, and monks from the fairyland civilization want to travel to the star domain where the wizarding civilization is located. , most of them have to pass through Qingyang Realm first.)

Both are top-level civilizations. Although the Fairyland Civilization does not have as large and complicated a system as the Wizards Alliance, in terms of its own strength, the Fairyland Civilization is much better than the Wizarding World.

In terms of diplomatic relations, the Fairyland Civilization has always been an important strategic partner of the Wizarding Civilization. 🄼

Although the fairyland civilization has been somewhat "chaotic" in the past 100,000 years, the top leaders of the wizarding world still hope to have a good relationship with the fairyland.

The Baxia family is playing the role of a glue in this.

Bev also knew that during this civilized war, members of several branches of the ancestral dragon lineage in the fairyland and a few creatures arrived in the wizarding civilization to help participate in the war.

Although they are only level four little guys, this is enough to show that the relationship between wizard civilization and the fairyland has a long history.

Bevgui is a master-level powerhouse, and she even knows the general movements of a few level four little guys on the civilized battlefield, which is enough to prove how dedicated she is as a leader of civilization.

Almost everything is considered carefully in mind.

Since she was visiting a few little ones, Bev thought about it again, and several tiny floating eyes appeared in front of her.

This is the tentacle secondary eye of the Evil Eye Tyrant.

"There is still a small amount of the omnipotent soul of domination in these eyes. As an elder, I can't help but express my gratitude to the little ones. Let's treat these eyes as gifts to them." Bev pushed these eyes away. Said to Baxia.

The dominating soul of an eighth-level creature has been solidified and becomes an eternal soul. There is almost no chance that the omnipotent soul will be stripped out of the body by the opponent.

Therefore, the Eighth Pharaoh's omnipotent soul has basically been worn out and consumed in the battle just now.

Only the evil-eyed tyrant who has a lucky heart still has a certain omnipotent soul remaining in its tentacle eyes.

This omnipotent soul of Weibo has very limited effect on Bev and others, but it is priceless for creatures below level six.

If he is in the critical period of breakthrough, this ray of omnipotent soul can even directly help him to complete the promotion without any side effects.

This is also one of the reasons why the Dominating Omnipotent Soul is so popular among creatures below level six.

These eyes were just a gift from Bev to Ba Xia's children. For Ba Xia's contribution in this war of dominance, Bev finally allocated a large batch of the best crystals and beholder worlds from the Hades Empire. The special crystal core produced is handed over to the other party.

Although Ba Xia has a kind-hearted character, the reputation of dragon creatures for being greedy for money has been spread in countless star fields in the star world, so it is impossible for Bev to do anything to covet his spoils.

Compared to those extremely valuable master materials, perhaps these rare crystals that are shiny and have a more intuitive price are more in line with Ba Xia's appetite.

As expected, Ba Xia had no objection to Ms. Bev’s distribution of the spoils.

When the mountain-like pile of crystals appeared in front of Ba Xia, the giant dragon turtle just moved his dragon claws, and the huge batch of top-grade crystals were pulled into his shell by Ba Xia.

There are indeed a lot of these crystals, but Baxia's size is obviously larger!

Moreover, Ba Xia's move of hiding the treasure in his turtle shell looked familiar to everyone.

It seems like a little guy also likes to do this.

Before leaving, Baxia expressed his gratitude to Ms. Bev for the gifts she gave to her children.

The huge dragon claw slapped heavily in the starry sky.

Under the influence of the tyrannical law of power, a space passage appeared directly in front of Ba Xia.

The War of Overlord has ended, and the confinement of Bev and others on the surrounding star fields has also been lifted.

Although Basia moves slowly, as a master, it shouldn't take too long to reach the battlefield where Bai Xing and others are.

After watching Ba Xia leave, Bev once again divided the spoils with the masters of the wizarding world present.

When she saw the evil eye tyrant's main eye, Bev couldn't help but think of something, and said with great emotion, "Our wizard civilization also has a secret treasure refined from the eye of domination, and its grade is no less than Abadang's 'Darkness'." blade'."

"It's a pity that the quality of this seventh-level eye is still far behind. Otherwise, it could be paired with that eye." Everyone present was also an old man from the wizarding civilization, and they knew that the other eye Bev was talking about was What.

Mourinho, the eighth-level fire phoenix master, was an unplanned help in this siege.

It is precisely with the participation of Fire Phoenix that the consumption of these wizard civilization masters has been reduced a lot, and Bev has also saved the use of civilization treasures.

When Bev asked Huo Fenghuang what his next plan was, Huo Feng replied as expected that he wanted to see his sister Binghuang first.

"Ice Phoenix's current injury is not serious, and she has received all-out treatment from our wizarding world."

"What I want to discuss with you is whether, after you finish visiting Ice Phoenix, you can go to the Star Territory of Huanyu World to wait."

"I guess that the Minghe Empire will not let it go after suffering this loss."

"There may be a war breaking out in the world of Huanyu. It will be safer if you have an eighth-level master in charge." Bev said.

Regarding the low-level alien gods of the alliance, Bev and other decision-makers in the wizarding world have always issued orders directly to them in a commanding tone.

But for a powerful master like Fire Phoenix, even Bev had to use a "discuss" tone when talking to him.

Huofeng is different from other alliance masters. First of all, he does not have the ties of his plane and the tribe under his command. Secondly, he is not deeply entangled with the overall interests of the wizard civilization.

Although the wizarding civilization had a great debt to the Fire Phoenix in the past, its promotion was also closely related to the help of the previous masters.

But over the years, Fire Phoenix has repaid all the favors from the wizarding world, even more so.

Even if he leaves the Wizards Alliance directly now, he doesn't owe the Wizarding World anything.

However, Huofeng has a shortcoming, and that is his sister.

Fire Phoenix's sister, Ice Phoenix, is obviously deeply involved in the wizarding civilization.

As long as the ice phoenix has not broken away from the wizarding civilization, the fire phoenix will never be able to decouple from the wizarding world.

Facing Bev's good advice at this time, Huo Fenghuang didn't hesitate for long before nodding and agreeing.

This time, he rushed back to the Wizarding Star Territory during the Civilization War, and was already ready to participate in the war.

A phoenix cry echoed in the surrounding starry sky for a long time.

With the addition of an eighth-level warrior like Huo Feng, the smile on Bev's face became a little brighter.

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