The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,676 Dimension Upgrade (Additional Update)

"Don't be completely distracted by the situation in front of you!"

"Our wizard civilization is not necessarily worse than others. You just know that the Aiyoulandie civilization has "infinite energy" and "space-time concussion bombs", but our wizard civilization may not have similar means!"

"Some time ago, the 'Endless Light' released by the Gallente Federation in the Sethus Starfield was not necessarily less powerful than the space-time shock bomb it mentioned."

"Even the Endless Light of the Gallente Federation is more thorough. It directly erases some things. It is said that even the Lord has died in it."

"But our wizard civilization, doesn't it still maintain its battlefield advantage over the Gallente Federation?" Thain said to the people around him in a deep voice.

Thain's words successfully made everyone around him come back to their senses from the shock of the powerful technological power of the Ai Youlan Die civilization.

Yes, wizard civilization is not necessarily worse than others.

As both are top-level civilizations, it is not certain who is stronger than the other. Only after fighting against each other can we see the true story.

It's just that the wizard civilization probably has no chance to compete with the Aiyoulandie civilization. After all, it is an ancient civilization tens of millions of years ago.

Now we don’t even know where the Aoi Orchid Butterfly creatures are. There are only some corpse specimens about the Aoi Orchid Butterfly Civilization and the Black Yin Civilization. They are gradually discovered by the surrounding star fields, attracting contemporary experts such as Thain to study them.

When Thain made his remarks, the artificial intelligence of Aiyoulandie Civilization also looked at him with interest.

This artificial intelligence nodded in agreement and said: "The strength of civilization cannot be easily measured. Dr. Charles Exar also said so back then."

"In the war between our Aiyoulandie civilization and the Black Yin civilization in the 'super-dimensional space', our Aiyoulandie civilization fleet was at a disadvantage at first, and even the main fleet was almost destroyed."

"In the end, it was General Hillman von Leyden who created a miracle. He led his fleet group, equipped with the new generation of space-time concussion bombs developed by Dr. Charles Exar, and fought with the strongest member of the Black Yin Civilization, 'Yin', and his subordinate Black The beast army perished together, frozen in time and space together."

"Our Aiyoulandie civilization has just won the dimension-ascension war, otherwise it would be hard to say what the outcome would be."

"Dr. Charles Exar said more than once that General Hillman von Leyden was the real

The savior of the Ming Dynasty, he has made greater contributions than the Doctor! Butterfly Shadow said excitedly.

This artificial intelligence that has given birth to a certain degree of wisdom obviously has a great sense of belonging to the Aiyoulandie civilization.

Its limited expression of emotions also lingers on the glorious history and civilizational achievements of Aiyoulandie civilization in the past.

From this point, it also reflects that Thain's previous praise of Ai Youlan Die's civilization has a certain effect.

If Thane shows hostility and abandonment of the Aiyoulan butterfly civilization, I don’t know how this artificial intelligence will deal with them.

Contrary to artificial intelligence, WALL-E, who doesn't store much memory of the past, stared blankly at the conversation between Thain and the butterfly shadow.

Wall-E doesn't have much affection for the Aiyoulandie civilization. He is a little unfamiliar with the name Charles Exar.

But it felt that this was indeed the name of its owner, and in Charles' limited memory, the longest picture appeared was that of a busy figure in a white coat, constantly walking in a gray and technological laboratory. In the meantime.

Wall-E looked like this at that time. He looked at his owner blankly, then used his robotic arm to grab a piece of experimental garbage on the ground and threw it to a specific location.

That's all it does in the lab.

Thain was the first to come back from the state of shock and surprise. When faced with the Butterfly Shadow’s mention of General Hillman von Leyden as the savior, Thain commented calmly: “Every strong civilization has It cannot be sustained by one person.”

"General Hillmann von Leyden certainly contributed a lot, but I think that in addition to General Hillman von Leyden and Dr. Charles Exar, there must have been a group of wise men and women in the Aiyoulandie civilization back then. A fearless devotee who gave his all in silence,” Thain said.

"Yes, Dr. Charles also said something similar!" Butterfly Shadow said excitedly.

This guy didn't have the indifferent and indifferent attitude he had when he first appeared.

Completely immersed in the past history, it was unconsciously gradually controlled by Thain to dominate the discourse.

Thain did not immediately ask about the topic he was most interested in. He first added: "But I think Dr. Charles Exar is still the well-deserved leader of the Ayran butterfly civilization back then."

"There is one missing General Hillman von Leyden. There were other generals in the fleet group of the Ai Youlan Die Civilization back then who could do similar things."

"But without Dr. Charles Exar, who could develop a weapon like the 'space-time shock bomb'?" Thain said calmly.

Thain's compliment without any trace made this artificial intelligence look at Thain with much enthusiasm.

Geli and other wizards in the wizarding world are also extremely intelligent beings. After they had calmed down, they looked at Thain with surprised eyes.

They really didn't expect that Master Thain, who had always given people a cold and aloof temperament, could be so eloquent and eloquent.

In fact, Thain is quite easy to deal with.

After getting acquainted with him, every knight, demon‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏mage or alliance alien god has a similar feeling.

It's just that under normal circumstances, Thain rarely goes out to socialize with others.

And he is not the kind of magician who always treats others with a warm smile.

Anyway, when almost all creatures look at Thane at first glance, they often think that he is not easy to mess with... he has the temperament of a black magician.

Seeing that the artificial intelligence was speaking more familiarly and enthusiastically, Thain asked further: "What is the 'hyperdimensional space' you mentioned before? And what does 'dimension enhancement' mean?"

In response to Thain's inquiry, Butterfly Phantom replied: "A scientist named Sisoto Lauren of the Aiyoulandie civilization proposed 40 million years ago that the star realm we are in is just one of countless dimensions. one."

"Beyond our star realm, there is a higher dimension of time and space."

"Scientist Charles Exar recognized the theory of scientist Sisoto Laurent, and then the Aiyoulan butterfly civilization started to explore ways to ascend the dimension with the strength of the whole family."

"The ultra-dimensional space is a special space-time place discovered by our Aiyoulandie civilization in the hundreds of thousands of years after that."

"Some plane civilizations also call it the 'Dimensional Battlefield' or the 'Despair World'."

"The war between us and the Black Yin Civilization was mainly fought there." Butterfly Phantom replied.

"Hi~! The world of despair... I seem to have heard it somewhere." Master Gilbert, who had always been low-key and silent, suddenly said.

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