The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,660 Tracking (Additional update)

Bond and others entered the space tunnel through the ruins of the Black Yin civilization on the periphery of the subspace, but when they reappeared, they had already appeared in the center of the subspace - the Ruins of Steel.

This is an extremely remote underground corner located on the outskirts of the Ruins of Steel.

And by coincidence, the place where Bond and others appeared was also the ruins of a biological battleship.

The central cavity of the biological battleship that Thain and others had not explored before was actually a portable space teleportation device.

The wizarding civilization developed the long-distance transmission magic array, the Gallente Federation developed wormhole technology, and the Black Yin civilization tens of millions of years ago developed space tunneling methods.

It is precisely with these similar technologies that the Black Yin Civilization can promptly mobilize its war beast legions to the battlefields where needed during the war.

The biological battleship that Bond and others appeared on was certainly not the one that Thain and his team had parked before.

But soon, Bond and his special forces found the contact information between the Black Yin Civilized Biological Warship and other warships.

Mainly found by Bond, this highly capable federal agent seemed to have absorbed a lot of the heritage of the Black Yin civilization.

Even these biological battleships that have been dead for tens of millions of years can be restored to their glory after some operations by him.

For example, those space chamber doors that should have lost their effect long ago were actually restored to use after Bond stimulated the remaining life potential inside the biological battleship.

Although the number of uses is limited and the number of people transported each time is not too many, it is also very convenient for Bond and others.

Within the extremely vast Ruins of Steel, Bond has contacted a total of 200 biological warships of the Black Yin civilization.

It can be seen that after the outcome of the civilized war came out, the remnants of the Black Yin Civilization, as the losers, still caused a lot of trouble to the Ai Youlan Die Civilization.

It is rare for their desperate charge to have such an impact on the central secret realm of Aiyou Landie civilization.

Of course, the 200 biological warships of the Black Yin civilization have already died and cannot die anymore.

These biological battleships can only be located by Bond, and not all biological battleships have the space cavity door function, which can also be forcibly activated.

In the final count, there were only about 50 ships left that could have their space chamber doors activated.

“Spread our men out and explore various areas of this steel ruin.

"Bond said to the agents.

The total number of agents under Bond is only one thousand, and among them, there are only five genetically modified warriors like him with level four or higher combat effectiveness.

The combat effectiveness of other agents is generally between level two and level three.

Just because federal creatures generally use technological weapons, and the combat effectiveness of agents is higher than that of ordinary soldiers, the real combat effectiveness of these agents has to be slightly higher.

In addition to nearly a thousand agents, the total number of angel robots teleported in was 20,000.

Distributing these robots to each agent team can also ensure their overall combat effectiveness and detection capabilities.

Bond's directing work is still very sensible and smooth.

After he gave the order, the Gallente Federation broke into the combat troops who arrived here and quickly got into action.

The eight-winged angel Fumila has followed Bond from beginning to end.

Because only Bond has the authority to command such a powerful angel robot.

Fumila is not the only Gallente Federation level six combat force currently entering the war in subspace.

In addition to Seren, the sixth-level pinnacle creature in the ancient desert world, the Federation has recently sent several powerful fleets to arrive.

Of course, the situation in the wizarding civilization is similar.

In addition to Trilis, who was rated as a high threat, many wizarding world level six knights and alliance level six creatures have recently arrived on the nearby battlefield.

The violent energy turbulence that Thane and others noticed some time ago was because after moving to this subspace, Trilis led the wizard civilization army and broke the blockade and siege of the Gallente Federation special fleet on the Huangsha No. 2 experimental base.

Master Howard and others were rescued, ensuring the early discovery results of wizard civilization in this top civilization ruins.

But at the same time, Cuillis learned that her disciple was not inside... It seemed that he was following an ancient civilization robot found in the secret area to explore deeper.

Cuillis was still very relieved about her disciple's abilities and past performance, but she couldn't help but worry about his safety.

Because the damage to the Eight-Winged Angel Fumila was too severe, after a short-term emergency repair, her current combat effectiveness is probably between the late fifth and sixth levels.

It's definitely not as powerful as it was at its peak, but it's definitely not weak in combat capability.

in Galen

When the federal military was unable to quickly dispatch other level six robots to this frontline battlefield, Fumila was still Bond's most reliable support.

Not long after, the special agent team dispatched by Bond quickly reported back the discovery.

"Boss, we found traces left by some wizard civilization creatures!" A team of agents reported.

Soon, Bond passed through the space chamber door and reached the vicinity of the special agent team.

This Black Yin Civilized Biological Warship is the one where Thain and others briefly parked before.

In addition to the obvious traces of excavation and development in the surrounding area, the Gallente federal agent team also used trace element detectors to accurately analyze how many level four or above creatures had briefly stayed here before.

In the perception of federal scientists, organisms above Level 4 are just walking radiation sources. The energy in their bodies is too huge, even if it is only in a certain area. A short stay will inevitably leave some traces in the surrounding space.

It is precisely based on this theory that Bond's special agent team has many special equipment invented by military industrial laboratories.

Not long after, Bond and others determined that those who had appeared near the biological battleship were none other than the long-missing Thane and his team!

"We can follow the traces they left and follow them all the way." A level four agent said.

Just when Bond was about to nod in agreement, another new discovery was made near the biological battleship where another team of agents was located!

"Boss, what is this new spectral prompt? Do you know what it means?" In the interrogation screen, a federal agent team discovered a series of special blood-red rune marks on the belly of the biological battleship.

This is the unique symbol of the Black Yin civilization, and because these blood runes were stimulated by Bond and others to activate the remaining life potential in the biological battleship, they actually formed a route spectrum!

This route spectrum certainly does not point to the core center of Aiyou Landie civilization.

In fact, the remnants of the Black Yin civilization that invaded this subspace did not reach the core of this subspace in the end.

Most of the more than 200 biological warships within the Ruins of Steel crashed in the middle and outer areas of the Ruins of Steel.

And what the bloody spectrum suggested was actually the location of a master-class combat power that crashed and fell within the Ruins of Steel from the Black Yin Civilization.

That seemed to be the last command center and leader of the remnants of the Black Yin Civilization.

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