The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,579 The Power of the White Star

After the crystal blue trident appeared, it penetrated the sand crocodile's back with one blow.

Thain noticed that the opponent tried his best to avoid it before being hit.

But a burst of special law-suppressing power actually made it inevitable for this powerful fifth-level sand crocodile to escape.

This is the power from the sea!

The wonderful plane is rich in species, with forests and various tropical rainforests spread all over the place. Before the war, there were few barren wastelands.

In the astral realm, there is a saying that water is the source of life.

The seawater coverage area of ​​the wonderful plane is actually quite wide. Even if it is not as good as Blue Star, the ocean coverage area is close to 60%.

When this crystal blue trident appeared, the power of the original law contained in it seemed to be vaguely connected to the sea of ​​this low-level plane.

That level 5 sand crocodile was as if it was restrained for a moment by the power of the sea from a wonderful plane!

World-class secret treasure!

There is no doubt that this crystal blue trident that suddenly appeared is a world-class secret treasure!

And after noticing that the Sand Crocodile was penetrated by the trident, Thane felt a vague sense of a familiar aura appearing outside the plane.

When Thane looked up and looked outside the barrier of the wonderful plane, the first thing that appeared in his field of vision was a giant mermaid with a size of nearly 10,000 meters.

Then there seemed to be a small black dot on the giant mermaid's earlobe, which was the source of Thain's familiar feeling.

"Tourmaline?" Thain couldn't help but question.

The giant mermaid with a body of 10,000 meters is almost bigger than a space fortress in terms of physique.

In the previous battle between Thane and Sand Crocodile, both sides had physical collisions.

But Thane's true form of the Ash Demon is basically about one thousand meters in size.

The menacing sand crocodile actually expanded its true body to a distance of three thousand meters.

However, whether it is one thousand meters or three thousand meters, compared to Shirahoshi, who has a physique of nearly 10,000 meters, it seems to be a bit "smaller".

Because of his familiarity with Bixi, Thane probably also knows that Bai Xing’s 10,000-meter physique is not due to her opening her true body, but because Bai Xing is so big in the first place...

Including Tourmaline's true body, it is also a giant dragon turtle with a diameter of several thousand meters. That is her true body.

As for the appearance of a little girl that Bixi usually shows in front of Thain, it is purely her appearance after transformation.

with white

Xing's physique is close to that of Xing. When the world-class secret treasure "Poseidon Trident" is held in her hands, the length, weight, and penetrating power of the trident are also greatly increased.

This treasure of the sea clan in the wizarding world is said to be the weapon of Avril, the king of mermaids, a dominant creature. In terms of grade, it is not inferior to the Maskless Mask.

And it can be seen from many aspects that this Poseidon Trident was developed and used to an extremely profound extent in the hands of Bai Xing.

It is a valuable treasure that perfectly matches the attributes of the White Star.

There is a huge crystal blue trident stuck on the spine. The originally menacing Level 5 Sand Crocodile is now like a meteorite falling from the sky, falling straight towards the northern area of ​​the wonderful plane.

The sudden situation left everyone stunned.

Thain was the first one to come back to his senses. Just as he was about to fly to the northern battlefield, he intercepted the fifth-level sand that fell to the ground again. Crocodile time.

A low groan of pain came from behind him.

Thain turned his head and saw that Amazon Queen Hippolyta was naked, extremely weak and pale, huddled together.

The sand crocodile's fire sandstorm hit just now. Thain protected most of Hippolyta, but some of the fire energy still affected her.

The animal skin armor, which had long reached its endurance limit, was completely destroyed by the flames.

Even with Hippolyta's fifth-level life level, she was unable to use her divine power to gather a piece of clothing to cover her body, which also reflected her weakness at this time.

I'm afraid even a second- or third-level creature can complete the "god-slaying act" against Hippolyta.

A large part of Hippolyta's weakness at this time was caused by the erosion of the radiation explosion just now.

Regarding the power of this kind of radiation, if a living body has not experienced similar harm before, it will indeed face a lot of trouble when it comes into contact for the first time.

Thain himself didn't feel much. He had undergone radiation body refining long before the fourth level. At this time, the law body he had after being promoted to the fifth level was even stronger.

The blue-purple crystal just now was just a bit surprised by the power of the explosion. As for the erosion by the power of radiation, he felt it was just average.

A beam of elemental light popped out from Thane's fingers.

The condensed elemental clothing quickly covered Hippolyta's body.

Now that Bai Xing has arrived, ordinary level four combat power will not have much effect.

After instructing Cram and Yuri to send Hippolyta back to the Ash Fortress to rest, Thane

Flying towards the north alone.

Northern battlefield.

The level 5 sand crocodile fell from the sky and made a big hole in the ground.

Or a basin, which is more appropriate.

The crystal blue Poseidon Trident was still pinned to the Sand Crocodile, making it difficult to move for a long time.

When Thain arrived here, he couldn't help but sigh. Although this sand crocodile had gone through his previous fierce battle, his condition was no longer at its peak. Including Bai Xing's attack just now, it was also suspected of being a surprise attack.

But to be able to achieve such an effect with one strike, Shirahoshi's strength is indeed far greater than that of Thane.

And it is obviously stronger than Sai En's master Bogagaru.

Although both Thane and Gargaru undergo body training, they belong to the ranks of melee magicians.

But obviously Shirahoshi, who has a body of 10,000 meters tall, is not bad at melee combat.

The main body alone has a body of nearly 10,000 meters. I wonder if Bai Xing has a larger true body of the law?

Thinking of this, Thain had to sigh that the power of blood is also an important factor in whether a living body is strong or not.

The bloodline they inherited also plays a large part in why Bai Xing and Tour Xi are gifted and have combat prowess far beyond their level.

"Sain, let me help you!" A clear voice came from the sky.

What was originally a black spot the size of a grain of rice turned into a giant dragon turtle that even Thain was stunned by in the blink of an eye.

Tourmaline's physique seems to be a bit bigger than what Sean remembered.

Also, tourmaline is now in the "long body" stage.

It’s been a while since I’ve seen a woman change her shape and have a more majestic and majestic figure. It’s also reasonable.

Thain's huge dragon head, which originally looked a bit silly, now has a faint aura of power.

Two giant cyan ribbons circled around Tourmaline's body.

The sharp dragon claws, like mountains, were directed towards the place where the sand crocodile was suppressed, and took a fierce photo!

Bai Xing seemed to be a little worried about Tour Xi. After throwing the Trident of the Sea Emperor to suppress the Sand Crocodile, his true form also descended into the wonderful plane.

I don’t know whether it’s because there are too many creatures above level 4 in the wonderful plane at this time, or because the damage caused by the war in this world is too severe.

When the White Star passed through the plane barrier and descended into the wonderful plane, Thane felt the will of the wonderful plane and shuddered in pain.

It was as if some huge thing had forced its way into her body.

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