The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1575: Saturated Firepower

The war between the Wizarding Civilization and the Gallente Federation has always been an all-out battle of the Trinity.

This also applies to their respective proxy wars.

If the war is not that intense, it will actually weaken the limelight of their top civilization.

At this time, the hostile legion in the wonderful plane has opened fire, and the wizard civilization will naturally not be idle.

The three giant space fortresses have never stopped fighting since they came to this low-level plane.

Especially the Ash Fortress in Thane, good guy, it's like the energy crystals used as the energy source for the fortress don't cost money.

Such exaggerated elemental output frequency and strike intensity attracted the two fourth-level knights who also came to this low-level battlefield to look askance.

In Thane's Ashes Fortress, every elemental beam shot out naturally costs money.

Fortunately, Thain has frequently carried out some combat missions with very generous rewards in recent years.

Moreover, Wo'jin, the goddess of wealth who is far away in the wizarding world, also relies on the industries she holds in her hands to continuously supplement Thain's resources.

For some basic war expenses, Thane is really not short of money.

In addition to the firepower of the fortress, the Ash Holy Tower magician army under Thain also gradually began to show its power.

Thain's Holy Tower of Ashes has been established for some time, and the magician army under his command has become more and more proficient in the field of clustered combat.

During this time, I have to mention that Thane’s establishment of exchange student cooperation with the Ebalut Empire was a stroke of genius.

Thain's original idea was to obtain a group of magic apprentices from the Ebalut Empire through legal means.

At least it looks better, and it is also distributed to many public magic academies in the Ebalut Empire, which is a certain benefit.

But the benefit beyond Thain's expectation is that a group of first-level magic instructors from the Ebalut Empire came to Ashes Holy Tower Academy to teach as external professors.

More advanced cluster combat concepts, the latest magic-linking techniques, and some new concepts about the underlying academic world are all benefits brought about by the exchange and cooperation between the Holy Tower of Ashes and the many public magic academies in the Ebalut Empire.

Affected by this, some Holy Tower colleges that had fought regional college wars with the Holy Tower of Ashes also followed suit and gradually began to cooperate with the Ebalut Empire.

"Magic Empire" is worthy of its name.

Of course, it is impossible for the Beren Empire to have any in-depth cooperation with the Ebalut Empire.

The Holy Tower of Thousands of Ashes is

The magician stood in a specific elemental formation, and a powerful magic craze gradually began to unfold on this low-level battlefield.

Naturally, there is a reason why the wizard civilization's magician army can compete with the Gallente Federation's battleship army in the field of long-range firepower.

The elemental magic released by magicians above level one is no less than the missiles or energy beams launched by the Gallente Federation ship fortress.

And because of mental control, almost all magic has remote tracking capabilities.

The Gallente Federation's fleet group firepower is still more standardized and universal. Many ammunition and weapons are produced in batches from heavy arsenals through assembly line operations.

The wizarding civilization is different. Every magician above level one is a relatively independent individual.

Even if they are both fire elemental masters, the specific directions of the elemental power they control are different, which also extends to their magic attack methods. It will change accordingly.

Thain discovered some time ago that the lethality of his blue fire against the Gallente Federation fleet group had weakened a bit.

The reason may indeed be that the Gallente Federation has specifically restrained this special flame.

But it is more likely that the Gallente Federation has once again upgraded their ship armor as a whole.

The cost of transforming all the Federation ships simply because of the decomposition of blue fire is too great, and it is impossible for the Gallente Federation to do this.

For this reason, Thane's decomposing blue fire should play a greater role in future wars.

It is just that he needs to conduct deeper research and exploration in this field.

Thousands of magicians in the wizarding civilization collectively released long-range elemental strikes, and used a combined magic method to release group-covering magic, which really shocked the enemy legions.

The sky of the entire wonderful plane seems to be covered by elemental magic.

The originally blue sky has now become colorful.

At first glance, it seems pretty good-looking.

"No matter which time it is, every time I see such a spectacular scene of elements, I can't help but sigh at the power of wizard civilization." An alliance god with level 4 strength who looks like a meat mountain walked out of the Ash Fortress with heavy steps. He sighed.

This bloated fourth-level alliance god is one of the alliance's strongest men sent by the Wizards' Alliance to support Thane.

Under its body, there are at least nearly 100,000 strong people with a body size generally between five and ten meters.

Alien creatures burst out of Thane's Ash Fortress.

Judging from the size of these alien creatures, they seem to be very similar to the Titans.

But they are the "Gomos Goron Tribe". That strong fourth-level creature is also called the "Gron King". Its weapon is a cyan metal rod on its shoulder.

They have no blood relationship with the Titans at all.

King Goron's sigh attracted the attention of another level four blue-black floating ray that flew out from the Ashes of Thane Fortress.

The people under the command of this floating ray god are slightly more than King Goron, and it seems that the number has exceeded 200,000.

Faced with King Gronn's sigh, and because there seemed to be no other strong wizards in the wizarding world around him, Level 4 Floating Ray couldn't help but said: "You stupid guy, you should have never been to a disadvantaged place dominated by the Gallente Federation." A battlefield, right?”

King Ge‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ King Long scratched his gray bald head like a rock with his thick fingers, and said: "I was transferred to the civilized battlefield at the end of the Underworld Star Territory War. Those on the front line really don’t seem to have fought any disadvantageous battles.”

The blue-black floating ray sighed and said: "Once you have experienced a hard battle, you will know that in a civilized war of this level, us fourth-level creatures are nothing in it."

"The wizarding civilization's magician legions and fortress magic cannons are indeed powerful, but if you try the Gallente Federation's saturated coverage one day, you will know what despair is."

"As if there is no end, waves of artillery fire are hitting our front. You can't even see where the enemy is. There are only amazing explosions all around."

"Even our fourth-level creatures can only play a limited role when covered by such artillery fire."

"In the propaganda of the Wizards Union, the evil Gallente Federation has destroyed thousands of worlds. This may be true."

"Even an extremely thick plane will be completely reduced to ruins under such a blow." Floating Ray said in a deep voice.

The words of this fourth-level floating ray made King Goron fall silent.

But after a moment, King Goron raised his head, waved the metal stick in his hand, and said: "No matter what, our mission now is to crush the enemies on the battlefield in front of us, isn't it?"

King Goron's words stunned the fourth-level floating ray, and then it replied: "Yes, you are right."

Seeing King Goron taking long strides and rushing towards the Ancient Desert Wasteland World Legion on the battlefield in front of him, the fourth-level blue-black floating ray suddenly felt that this stupid big man was not actually "stupid".

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