The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1572 Sea of ​​Fire

When Thain arrived at a close position in the wonderful plane, Karazo and the Huyan King also came close to him.

Not only did Thain take action against the small group of pursuing legions on the Planet of the Sea, but also the fourth and fifth level creatures from the Wizards Alliance, so that the momentum was very frightening for a while.

At this time, the alliance between the ancient desert wasteland world and the sea planet in the wonderful plane should also have discovered the arrival of Thain and other wizard civilization legions.

However, they did not expect that Thain and others would arrive so quickly, so they had no countermeasures launched yet. There was only a layer of light yellow energy light film that covered the outside of the wonderful plane.

"Notify the fortress to activate the main cannon." Thain ordered.

Not long after, three beams of unusually bright white light lit up in the starry sky.

The most eye-catching one is the Ash‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏Jin Fortress. At the very front of the fortress, a fortress main gun of astonishing caliber slowly protrudes from the middle of the metal deck. .

Although the main guns of the other two space fortresses were not as bright as the Ember Fortress, they were still very eye-catching.

The energy accumulation time of the three-beam space fortress main cannon is not long. This is why Thain's purpose is only to penetrate the energy film covering the surface of the wonderful plane, rather than deliberately targeting the plane barriers and planes of this low-level plane. itself.

The will of the plane itself is spiritual, and she can distinguish between good and bad creatures from other worlds.

People like Thain and others enter this wonderful plane as saviors. Not only will they not be subject to any plane suppression effects, but they may also get a certain increase in the power of the plane.

Of course, with the tragic scene and weak state of the wonderful plane at this time, the wizard civilization army should not expect that this low-level plane will can bring them too much help.

Three main gun beams quickly cut through the starry sky.

The energy strike of the space fortress's main gun and the elemental torrent released by Thane through his magic wand each have their own characteristics.

Broken down, the main gun of the space fortress is more effective when targeting such a large-scale energy shield or plane barrier.

After all, the space fortresses of the Wizarding Civilization are constantly being updated, and have special bonuses when breaking down the dimensional barriers of other worlds, or the AT protection stance of the Gallente Federation.

Thain himself has seen and experienced this many times.

In particular, the special dissociative elements contained in the fortress's main cannon have aroused Thain's great research interest.

It’s a pity that because of the main artillery secret of Wizard Civilized Space Fortress, it involves

The upgrade components were too complicated, and Thain's final research results were not great.

Anyway, he doesn't mainly study fortress energy cannons. As long as some things can be used, there is no need to delve too deeply into them.

The three main gun beams, with a steady supply of energy, hit the light yellow light film outside the wonderful plane.

The cage that prevented the escape of creatures in the mysterious plane was attacked by the space fortress of the external wizard civilization, and soon began to collapse and become unstable.

Hippolyta, the fifth-level powerhouse, exhausted all her remaining strength before opening a small escape window for Gal Gadot and others.

But at this time, under the full energy concentrated attack of the three space fortresses of the wizard civilization, this pale yellow light film quickly collapsed and dissipated.

The moment this light film dissipated, the three wizard civilization fortresses stopped their energy output.

Se‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏En pointed his magic wand forward. In addition to the many strong men around him who followed him towards the wonderful plane, three fortresses also moved towards the wonderful plane. The plane is gradually oppressive.

At this time, the originally green and wonderful plane was filled with seas of fire.

The Ancient Desert Wasteland World Legion seems to be particularly capable of arson and destruction. The whole world is now in a state of anxiety, with the smell of killing and death spreading throughout the world.

Thane didn't know Hippolyta, but he knew that she was the only level five strongman in the wonderful plane.

Wuxiang False glanced downwards, and Thain found some power fluctuations belonging to fifth-level creatures in the south-central direction of the plane, where the forest area is the largest and the area where the sea of ​​​​fire is the most serious.

Transforming into a gray flaming meteorite falling from the sky, Thane flew straight towards the Amazon rainforest.

At this time, there are still many battlefields in the wonderful plane. Some of the powerful wizards who entered the wonderful plane with Thain followed him to the Amazon rainforest, while others dispersed to other areas of this low-level battlefield. .

The battle plan formulated by Thane and others is to annihilate all the hostile legions in the wonderful plane and arrange this low-level world as one of their bridgeheads in this star field battlefield.

And as the subsequent war progresses, the wizard civilization army led by Thane and others will gradually move towards the ancient desert wasteland world and the depths of the sea planet.

Until the future, they will unite with Cuilis in the Sea of ​​Chaos Star Territory and the legion led by Master Fatis in the Sanok Star Territory.

Therefore, at least for a long period of time in the future, the coordinate position and role of the wonderful plane

, will be very important.

Thain helps Gal Gadot not just because of friendship.

"The army of wizard civilization has appeared, and there are several fifth-level creatures and a large number of fourth-level creatures. We need to evacuate here first!" In the middle of the Amazon forest, watching the energy light film in the sky shatter, there are a large number of wizards The powerful civilizations came one after another, and the fifth-level mermaid from the sea planet couldn't help but said with some trepidation.

"Shut up! If you hadn't insisted on capturing that Amazon Queen alive, we should have ended the battle here long ago!"

"So what if the wizard civilization army is here? Just kill them too!" An angry roar came from the mouth of a level five sand crocodile. It was carrying a crescent bone blade, and the violent aura it carried was threatening to More than sharks.

This is a ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ fifth-level creature that masters the power of the two laws of sand and fire. Its body is gray in scale, its ferocious fangs and huge crocodile mouth It is very eye-catching. It is a warrior under the command of Seren, the sixth-level peak powerhouse in the ancient desert wasteland.

He is also the person with the greatest authority in this magical battlefield.

When this level five sand crocodile refused to withdraw from the strange plane, not even the sharks of the same level could refute it.

As one of the powerful people on the Planet of the Sea who stands at the upper echelon of power, the shark knows that although on the surface, the ancient desert wasteland world and the Planet of the Sea have established an equal alliance and cooperation.

But in fact, in most war decisions and deployments, the legions of the Planet of the Sea have to obey the instructions of the ancient desert wasteland world as much as possible.

Including this expedition to the wonderful plane, Neptune Orm also told it that in the field of legion dispatch, listen more to the opinions of the level five sand crocodile.

A low roar of "Hiss!" came from the bloody mouth of the fifth-level sand crocodile, and the extremely violent energy storm of sand and fire under his feet swirled around him.

Holding the huge bone blade in his hand, this fifth-level creature, whose hands were already stained with the blood of creatures from a strange plane, kept walking towards the sea of ​​​​fire in front of him.

"Hey hey hey, you can't hold it anymore, right?"

"I really want to know what it would feel like to completely cut you in half? Hiss!" The sharp fangs were still dripping with saliva.

As the fifth-level sand crocodile's movement towards the flames turned into a charge, an Amazon female warrior half-kneeling on the ground, struggling to hold a spear, appeared in its field of vision. -------------------

PS: I am busy with other things in the morning, so I only have two updates~

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