The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1570 Help (Additional update)

"Go quickly, I will help you open a way to break out later." Hippolyta, holding a spear, walked up to her daughter and said.

At this time, Amazon Queen Hippolyta was wearing a brown animal skin uniform.

This is the normal standard for Amazon warriors. Before taking over as queen, Hippolyta had always been the strongest Amazon warrior.

However, after becoming the queen, Hippolyta rarely showed her wild side, and she usually treated others in a friendly and gentle manner.

In the entire wonderful plane, Hippolyta's popularity, respect and love even surpassed that of the Guardians.

"I won't leave!" Gal Gadot said firmly.

When she came back, she almost broke through the blockade between the ancient desert world and the sea planet coalition forces and rushed in.

But at that time, the blockades deployed by the two world civilizations outside the wonderful plane were not strong. I probably didn’t expect that anyone would ‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎ Rush back.

So much so that Gal Gadot actually led a few of his female warriors to kill him back.

But at this time, if you want to escape from the blocked magical plane, the difficulty will increase exponentially!

In particular, the Ancient Desert World Legion showed off a new technological weapon this time - an energy film covering the entire plane and sky.

Of course, this energy film is not used to protect the marvelous plane, but to prevent the creatures in the marvelous plane from trying to escape.

The function of this energy film is completely opposite to the plane barrier in the normal world.

Although the ancient desert wasteland world also has certain technology, it is obviously impossible to build a device of this level based on the other party's technological level.

So where did this technological weapon come from? Of course no more words are needed.

Gal Gadot's stubbornness made Hippolyta sigh.

Of course she understands her daughter the most.

When she was young, Hippolyta was just like Gal Gadot, impulsive and fearless.

But later on, I experienced a lot, especially after becoming the queen. When encountering problems, I must first consider solving problems with my mind instead of using force and muscles.

Therefore, Her Majesty the Queen has rarely taken action in recent years.

If it hadn't been for this joint invasion by enemies, Hippolyta probably wouldn't have put on her military uniform again.

I hope her daughter can change and grow up in the future, Hippolyta sighed inwardly.

"In order for our tribe and the weak to continue, you must take on a more important mission!" Hippolyta looked at Gal Gadot solemnly.

"Sometimes, life is harder than death!"

This was the first time in the past thousands of years that her mother had spoken to her in such a serious tone.

From my mother’s words,

Gal Gadot felt a handover of mission and ardent expectations.

At this moment, Gal Gadot burst into tears.

In the starry sky, millions of wizards and civilized armies, led by Thane, flew toward the battlefield of the mysterious plane.

The movement of millions of legions is really not an easy task, especially those of the Alliance biological legions. Not all of them have space fortresses as vehicles, so their marching speed is relatively slow.

While heading to the battlefield of the Wonderful Plane, Thane had already learned that the current situation in the Wonderful Plane was precarious.

Three fifth-level creatures, more than a dozen fourth-level creatures, and tens of millions of low-level legions. The opponents facing the wonderful plane are three times stronger than themselves!

Even with the support of the blessing of this plane, their situation is still very difficult.

And long before Thain and others set out, they heard that the dimensional barrier of the wonderful plane had been breached, and the two sides were now in the plane. , engage in a fierce battle.

The enemy legion with many Gallente Federation technological weapon bonuses is really not something that the wonderful plane can stop now.

Under the offensive momentum of the ancient desert wasteland world, the wonderful plane is not the first low-level world to be annexed and destroyed.

Taking into account the precarious situation of the Wonderful Plane, and the fact that the Wizarding Civilization really needs the Wonderful Plane, an ally with a good reputation in the surrounding star fields, coupled with the relationship between Thane himself and the fourth-level creature Gal Gadot.

So Thain decided that except for a few of the slow-moving Wizards Alliance legions who could ride on several space fortresses directly to the war front, the other legions and the troops responsible for logistics supplies would continue to travel at the original speed.

Thane personally led the space fortress and quickly flew towards the mysterious plane by frequently activating time and space jumps.

In the history of wizard civilization's foreign wars, the cannon fodder has always been the first to attack. After almost absorbing the firepower, the wizard civilization's knights and magician legions pressed forward.

Now he has become the leader of the wizard civilization army. The actions of this mage Thain have attracted many people's attention.

"Three million legions are not too many. If we squeeze them a little, our space fortress can barely fit them in." A fourth-level knight named Gree advised.

There are three space fortresses under Thane's command, including the Ashes Fortress, which are the vehicles of Thain and two other fourth-level knights.

Although Lenna and Xia Ya have also been promoted to the fourth level, they have not established a knight's hall for the time being, and they are not very wealthy, so naturally they do not have a spatial fortress nearby.

When he returns to the wizarding world in the future, Thane may find time to buy one for each of them.

"The alliance legions sent by the Wizards Alliance this time are almost all elites.

Medium-sized and sturdy alien creatures abound. "

"So many creatures rushed into our fortress in a hurry. It would take too much time to appease them, and it would also cause a certain amount of chaos."

"Time is extremely important now. I think the value of the wonderful plane is higher than the little war loss we may suffer." Thain said.

"Yes." Gree replied with clasped fists.

Thain is the full commander of this battlefield. Whether they are powerful wizards, civilization, or gods from other worlds in the alliance, they must listen to him now.

In addition to Thane, there are two other level five creatures rushing to the aid of the wonderful plane this time, namely the King of Huyans and the level five Kryptonian warrior Karazo.

Such strength is enough to crush the coalition forces of the ancient desert wasteland world and the sea planet on that battlefield.

Therefore, Thain did not feel that there would be anything risky in leading a small number of elite legions to make a sudden advance.

Even because of the intensity of the battlefield around the wonderful plane, it is not certain that the wizard civilization will continue to give him reinforcements in the future.

After breaking away from the large, slow-moving army, Thain and others' speed was obviously faster.

Three space fortresses, one large and two small, are in the shape of a pin, jumping one after another.

Except for Thain's Ashes Fortress, which is a specially enhanced modified fortress, the fortresses of the other two fourth-level knights are all ordinary model fortresses.

When Thane and others arrived outside the wonderful plane, the battle in this low-level plane was already at its final stage.

A layer of light yellow light curtain blocks the connection between the Wonderful Plane and the outside world, but through this layer of light curtain, one can vaguely see the dire straits currently facing the Wonderful Plane.

Thane, who possessed the Formless Mask, almost immediately discovered a small gap near the ground in the wonderful plane.

There, the fourth-level creature Gal Gadot was wielding a long sword and a metal buckler, and was struggling with the fourth-level creatures on the two sea planets.

Gal Gadot was obviously seriously injured. Every time she raised the arm holding the buckler, it was very difficult.

Including the relatively simple armor gaps, there is also a lot of blood seeping through.

Behind Gal Gadot, there are about 200,000 wonderful plane creatures, who are facing encirclement and pursuit by hostile creatures that are several times more than themselves.

Seeing this situation, Thain ordered: "Go help them!"

After all, Thane was the first to fly out of the space fortress. -------------------

PS: Currently there are 394 monthly tickets, and 72 more chapters need to be added~

In the lottery for customized pillows, Xiaodou suggested that everyone just do it for free every day and don’t get involved~

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