The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1566 Ai Youlan Die Civilization

Thain knew the reason for Gilbert's approach.

The world is prosperous, and everyone is here for profit.

Gilbert and others are just earning benefits for themselves.

As the first discoverers of the ruins, Gilbert, Thain and others naturally have enough rights and space to seek benefits for themselves.

Thain was the person in charge of this area previously. It is really unjustifiable that Gilbert and others did not give Thain a share of any good things they obtained.

"Besides this crystal, what else did you find?"

"If it's an important ancient civilization prop..." Thain said.

"Of course there won't be anything else, just some crystal stones."

"If there are really ancient civilization props with certain research value, we will not touch them randomly." Master Gilbert said hurriedly.

Since this civilization relic has been reported to the wizard civilization, it belongs to the wizard civilization.

The wizard civilization will soon reward Thain, Gilbert and others based on the specifications of the ruins discovered.

During this period, if Thain, Gilbert and others took away some insignificant remnants of ancient civilization from the ruins, the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization would probably turn a blind eye.

But if the things taken by Thane and others are too precious and have even affected the normal judgment of the wizard civilization on the ruins of this ancient civilization, then it will obviously be a disservice.

The wizarding civilization may not punish or reprimand, but there is no doubt that this kind of thing is not easy to please.

Maybe even the good impression of discovering the ruins has been ruined.

Master Gilbert is old and strong. As soon as Thain made a few words, he knew what Thain meant.

After hearing Master Gilbert's answer, Thain felt relieved, and then looked at the crystal in his hand again.

"Is it really what you said? It's a hundred times stronger than the gray crystal essence that Blue Star gave me?" Thain couldn't help but ask again.

"At least!" Master Gilbert added.

When Thain heard this, he was speechless for a moment.

The power of the magic bomb designed and developed by him is directly linked to the purity and energy intensity of the gray crystal.

The magic bombs that Thain made before were generally powerful enough to threaten level four creatures, and the magic bombs made from the essence of gray crystals given to him by Blue Star executives

Explosive bombs can already threaten level five creatures.

On the battlefield, this kind of magical equipment that can be used suddenly at one time can be regarded as a good trump card.

And the thing that old man Gilbert handed to Thain now has greater energy intensity?

If it were made into a magic bomb, wouldn't it be expected to threaten level six creatures?

Although Thain has come into contact with many level six beings so far, he has never had any serious experience with a level six creature.

Previously, they were attacked by the Federation Shadow Fleet in the Beholder World Star Domain, although the Federation Shadow Fleet was comparable to any level six existence.

However, this kind of technology fleet group is still very different from real level six creatures. Thain cannot accurately get the data information he wants.

Gently squeezing the special crystal in his hand, Thane asked: "How many of these crystals have you discovered in total?"

"This crystal in your hand is the only one. Although we have received some others, they are not as strong as the one in your hand." Gilbert said.

The intention of Gilbert and others to hand over a precious crystal to Thain was also obvious, that is, to make him turn a blind eye.

Thain also believed that Gilbert and the other old men and women would not do anything outrageous.

"I know." Thain said solemnly.

After the professional ruins exploration team of the wizard civilization arrived, they quickly began to explore the secret land of this ancient civilization.

As expected of the "professionals" assigned by the wizarding civilization, the work progress of these ruins explorers far exceeded that of Gilbert and others before them.

In just a few months, this ruins was developed and explored to an extremely deep extent.

When Thain heard the relevant news again, he learned that the wizard civilization's ruins exploration team had figured out what this ancient civilization was called.

He also has a general understanding of the other party's civilization level, and has also roughly explored the contents of the secret realm deep in the Blue Star Deep Sea.

Recently, Thain has not been in a hurry to study the inert crystal that Gilbert and others privately gave him.

Instead, it is mainly building a defensive front for the wizard civilization around Blue Star.

This was the task assigned to him by Master Cuilis and the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization.

During this period, Thane had more dealings with his master Bogagaru.

Gargaru's external strength is stronger than Thane's. Many of the nearly 10 million legions he brought followed Gargaru's lead.

Because the other party was an elder, Thane followed Gargaru's attitude in most cases. He only occasionally made some additional suggestions, and Gargaru accepted them all.

In fact, since the war has not officially started yet, it doesn't matter who makes the decision.

Even if you give Orm, the new king of the sea, in the ancient desert world and the sea planet some courage, they will not dare to extend their troops to the wizarding civilization positions around Blue Star.

The main consideration for Thain and others is when the wizard civilization army will send troops to conquer.

It's a pity that the discovery of the ancient civilization ruins once again disrupted the plans and deployment of the wizard civilization. At least Thain and Gargaru did not get news from Trilis that they would send troops in a short time‏‏​​‎‏‎‏ ​​​​‎​‏‏Information.

"I heard that the ancient civilization relics discovered this time are really a top-notch civilization."

"The name is... the Aiyou Orchid Butterfly Civilization, which is a world civilization dominated by technology." When Thain visited Gargaru that day, Gargaru suddenly whispered to Thain's spiritual power.

Many of the fourth-level knights and magicians from the wizarding world who arrived around Blue Star were unaware of the condition of the ancient civilization ruins.

Maybe a very few level five creatures know something about the situation, but they definitely don't know much.

This shows the wizarding world's strong ability to keep secrets.

Gargaru is almost the temporary leader of the Wizarding Civilization Front around Blue Star. He is also a confidant sent by Trilis, so it is reasonable to know first-hand information about the exploration of ancient civilization ruins.

Sean, this uncle, is obviously someone who can't hold things back.

He couldn't share this news with others, but there was nothing taboo about sharing it with Thain, a junior in his sect.

Because Thane, who has level five strength, also shares almost half of the authority of the wizard civilization front around Blue Star. More importantly, he has a close relationship with Gargaru.

"Oh?" Thain made a surprised voice.

Immediately afterwards, Gargaru told Thane another piece of information, or an interesting anecdote.

"Based on the information collected by the ruins exploration team, they determined that the current Blue Star creatures... are actually the evolution and reproduction of pets kept by the Aiyoulan butterfly people of the ancient civilization." Jiagaru said while holding back a smile.

"Huh?" Thain was really surprised this time.

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