The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1563 Civilization Ruins

"Arthur is not alone at this time. In addition to taking away the 200,000 Neptune Guards around Blue Star."

"I heard that after arriving at the frontline battlefield of the Black Bat Civilization, some of the Sea Planet legions were ordered to be deployed on the spot, and some of them were unwilling to obey the orders of the current Neptune. Among them were many fourth-level creatures." Karazo, a fifth-level Kryptonian warrior, stood in front of Thane. said.

Regarding the war that is going on around the Black Bat civilization, these Kryptonian powerhouses are the ones who know best.

In recent times, Thain has occasionally conducted experiments.

Especially the part of the truth that he had just traded for equal value from the fourth-level magician Gilbert, made Thain fascinated.

Therefore, the task of inquiring about the frontline battlefield information was handed over to Karazo and others.

"Oh?" Thain replied.

The 200,000 Sea King Guards mentioned by Karazo were an elite army that Arthur took with him when he left the planet of the sea. The purpose is to support Blue Star.

But when Arthur himself later accepted the invitation to visit the star domain controlled by the Wizarding Civilization, the 200,000 Neptune Guards did not withdraw to the Planet of the Sea, but continued to stay on the Blue Star.

It is probably also to prevent the Kryptonian people from going back on their word and continuing to target the Blue Star creatures.

Unexpectedly, the 200,000 Neptune Guards that were specially used to defend against the Kryptonian Legion would now become one of the few cards in Arthur's hands.

These 200,000 Sea King Guards have followed Arthur all year round, and they also firmly adhere to the concept of Arthur inheriting the throne of Sea King.

When Arthur's younger brother Orm seized power on the planet of the sea and succeeded to the throne of Sea King in one fell swoop.

The 200,000 Sea King Guards were not led by a fourth-level creature, and also because they were dissatisfied with Orm's behavior of seizing the throne.

Therefore, the practice of not following orders and not taking the initiative was implemented.

That is to say, it does not recognize the legitimacy of Aum's throne and does not openly oppose it.

And Orm seemed to have forgotten the 200,000 Sea King Guards.

With the medium-sized plane background of the Planet of the Sea, it is not difficult to pull out a combat legion of hundreds or tens of millions, let alone only 200,000.

Arthur's return finally gave the seemingly forgotten Sea King Guards a new backbone.

They firmly adhere to Arthur's legitimacy and vow to regain what is theirs for their king.

Karazor mentioned that some of the legions in the Neptune World who defected on the front lines of the battlefield were very rare cases.

In order to secure his throne, Orm

He once went on a killing spree on the planet of the sea and eliminated a wave of people who disobeyed him, including even fifth-level experts.

This approach of his has certainly established his position through iron-blooded means, but it has also made a small group of people even more angry and dissatisfied with him.

Arthur suddenly led 200,000 Sea King Guards to appear on the front line of the Black Bat Civilization battlefield. At that moment, there was a level 4 Sea Planet strongman who encouraged the remaining troops under his command to join Arthur.

Why is it called "remnant army"?

Because the vast majority of the bottom sea planet warriors don’t care whether the throne is legitimate or not.

They are unwilling to surrender because surrender means that their families may be implicated.

Their level of life is too low, and it is really difficult for them to talk about civilization and justice.

The vast majority of warriors from the sea planet care more about their families and tribesmen.

Their home is still on the Planet of the Sea, so they can't defect so easily.

For these warriors of the sea planet, Arthur's behavior at that time was also quite generous.

Even though all the opponent's level four experts had defected and joined, Arthur still let go of the other Sea Planet warriors on the battlefield.

Because for Arthur, whether these warriors follow him or follow his brother, they are all warriors of the Planet of the Sea.

This war and grudges were caused by Arthur and Orm personally.

As long as Arthur can regain the dominance of the sea planet, these soldiers will also become his subjects.

After hearing this, Thane had never realized that Arthur had such a mind and principles.

"Perhaps we have all underestimated Arthur. He is not just a rough guy." Thain said.

Karazzo didn't comment on this, just nodded.

Thain suddenly remembered that he had asked Arthur what he thought of the ancient desert world.

Arthur's answer is that the ancient desert wasteland world is just a bird!

Thinking of this, Thane couldn't help but chuckle, and then said: "Maybe we should speed up our actions and prepare to support the Black Bat Civilization and the others."

"I don't know how the master's legion dispatching is going," Thain said.

The master didn't say anything, so naturally Thain couldn't act rashly.

Recently, he just asked Karazo and other Kryptonian legions to frequently inquire about the battle situation around the Black Bat civilization.

And the king of the Huyans led

The Huya Legion led by him, as well as the Ash Legion under Thane himself, have recently been stationed in various places around Blue Star.

Blue star creatures and Kryptonians have joined the Wizards Alliance, and some long-range inter-star teleportation arrays are also being set up in an orderly manner.

Seeing more and more buildings with the characteristics of wizard civilization appearing around the plane where they live, many Blue Star creatures and Kryptonians are curiously looking at these new things.

Thain himself has no war missions for the time being, so naturally he will not be idle.

He recently developed a new type of disposable magic bomb.

The principle of this one-time magic prop comes from Gilbert's in-depth research on inert crystals.

Since the inert crystal contains extremely huge inert energy that is difficult to activate.

So how powerful will it be to use a special method to detonate all the energy in the inert crystal at once?

Through experimental data, Thain concluded that the power of this one-time magic bomb depends on the purity, content, quantity and other factors of the core inert crystal.

Ordinary gray crystal, even if it is blessed with magic circle amplification, its power can be at the second or third level, which is good.

However, when Thain gradually began to dabble in the extremely precious and extremely pure fine gray crystal, the predicted experimental results made Thain couldn't help but be excited!

"This kind of magic bomb detonated by inert crystals is three to five times more powerful than ordinary energy crystals of the same level."

"And if it is mined around Blue Star, the best essence that even the fourth- and fifth-level Kryptonian experts are fascinated by can be made into corresponding magic bombs."

"Isn't it equivalent to a level 4 or 5 creature that self-destructed on the spot at close range?" Thain said slightly dumbfounded about his experimental data.

With this kind of exaggerated experimental data, Thain really doesn't know whether to say that the properties of inert crystals such as gray crystal are too special, or that the effect he achieved after fusing his own alchemy with Master Gilbert's research results is too great. Significantly.

However, before Thain could recover from the experimental data he had just obtained, he was interrupted by an outsider and informed of an unexpected piece of news.

——Master Gilbert and others discovered a civilization ruins in the deep sea of ​​Blue Star, near the center of the earth!

"Ruins? What civilizational ruins?" Thain asked in surprise. -------------------

PS: Our Ash Lord finally got the monthly ticket Rising Star~Happy~

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