The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1560: The troops are divided into three groups (more updates)

Barry has been in contact with Thane and others from the wizarding civilization for so many years, but he has never expressed his intention to join the Wizarding Alliance.

But at this time, faced with the war crisis in the Black Bat Civilization and the mysterious plane, he chose to help without hesitation.

This situation is also because Thain and others paid too much attention to "utility" when communicating with this electrical creature.

Bruce Wayne, Gal Gadot and others moved Barry emotionally or conceptually.

Of course, there is also a reason. Barry only represents himself and joins the Black Bat civilization's counterattack, and does not involve the electro-optical world behind it.

Just like when it supported Blue Star for almost nothing.

Barry's statement made Thane look at it sideways.

But what caught the attention of those around him more was the attitude of Carl, the fifth-level Kryptonian warrior.

With his previous performance in the war in the Sanok Star Territory, Carl had proven that at a young age he was already the strongest among the Kryptonians.

And the Kryptonians have also joined the Wizards Alliance. Carl's statement not only represents himself, but may also represent the attitude of the Kryptonian survivors and the Wizards Alliance behind him.

Regarding the attitude of Carl, Bruce and others, Thain decided to let them go back to participate in the war after discussing with his master Cuilis and other powerful wizards.

Only by personally experiencing and recognizing the terror of their enemies can they understand the value of joining the Wizards' Alliance.

However, for Arthur on the Planet of the Sea, Cuillis and others also suggested that he should wait a little longer and it would be best to act together with the wizard civilization army.

Faced with such an answer, Arthur in the past would have definitely cursed: "Still waiting? How long will you let me wait? Who knows when the wizarding civilization army will be ready?"

But at this time, Arthur, who was experiencing drastic changes on the planet of the sea, seemed to have gradually calmed down after the initial period of rage.

To Thane who came to persuade him, Arthur said in a deep voice: "Go back directly to the sea planet? Wouldn't I be so stupid that I would be besieged by Orm and his army when I go back?"

"I plan to go to the front lines of the Black Bat Civilization battlefield first."

"Since Orm has chosen to lead the sea planet to join the ancient desert wasteland world camp, I want to see what is so powerful about the ancient desert wasteland world?" Arthur snorted coldly.

When Thain saw Arthur's eyes, he looked clear and calm.

Thain, who had settled a lot and was familiar with this guy, finally nodded in agreement with his statement.

Arthur still did not join the Wizards Alliance after all, and Thain and others could not force him to stay where he was.

And people like Arthur are soft-spoken rather than tough-minded.

Compared to Orm, who had betrayed and defected to the Gallente Federation, Thane and other wizard civilization powerhouses still preferred the familiar Arthur.

Under certain circumstances, it is not impossible for the wizarding civilization to help Arthur and regain control of his mother plane.

And helping Arthur regain his due rights is also a good publicity example in the Wizards Alliance.

"Your brother Orm was able to inherit the throne of Sea King under unreasonable circumstances, and quickly ended the civil war, and led the sea planet and the ancient desert wasteland world Forming an alliance, I believe there is definitely the influence of the Gallente Federation behind this."

"Don't worry, our wizarding civilization will not let such 'unjust acts' go unchecked."

"I believe you have also seen the strength of our wizard civilization." Thain said to Arthur.

Arthur nodded heavily, and then, together with Bruce and others, took his phantom chariot and quickly drove towards the Black Bat civilization.

Before Bruce from the Black Bat Civilization left, he had approached Thane several times. From the look on the other side's hesitation, Thain knew what Bruce wanted to ask.

It's a pity that this time, Thain didn't make any promise to Bruce.

Because before Triris didn't speak, Thain didn't know quite when the wizard civilization army would march to the front line of the Black Bat civilization.

Moreover, the negotiations with the Black Bat Civilization and the Black Bat Civilization's joining the Wizards Alliance cannot be settled in a few words in a short time.

From the perspective of the wizarding civilization, what does the destruction of the Black Bat civilization and the wonderful plane have to do with us? !

However, Thane still spoke kindly to Bruce, after all, they invested a lot in them in the early stage.

Although the wizard civilization has now become a party that is calm and can be sold at a high price, Thane still did not show too much, and still left a good impression on Bruce and others.

"Don't worry, once our wizard civilization is ready, we will definitely send troops to help your black bat civilization!"

"Of course, when you go back this time, you must first talk to your own civilization

The level 4 and above creatures have negotiated to join the Wizards Alliance. ” Thane said to Bruce.

Bruce, Arthur, Carl and others left alone.

In particular, Carl did not say hello to Karazo and others before leaving, nor did he bring any Kryptonian legions with him. He participated in the resistance war of the Black Bat civilization entirely in his personal capacity.

Karl's behavior is already familiar to other level four powerhouses on Krypton.

As early as when Carl stood unequivocally with the Blue Star creatures, he felt separated from the vast majority of Kryptonian warriors.

Even many low-level Kryptonian warriors admire Carl's strength.

The departure of several fourth- and fifth-level creatures did not affect the deployment of the tens of millions of wizard civilization armies.

After arriving in the Sea of ​​Chaos Star Territory, Trilis mainly divided her forces into three groups.

The direction of the star field that the largest number of legions are heading towards is the general direction of the Golden Rock World Group.

According to the information that has been discovered, the Gallente Federation has deployed a large number of fleets in the Golden Rock World Group, and the Golden Rock World Group is indeed the most important metal raw material development site for the Gallente Federation near this local battlefield. Star field.

This main army headed towards the Golden Rock World Group in order to facilitate a pincer attack on the Gallente Federation in the future together with the sixth-level magician Fatis in the Sanok Star Territory.

The other branch of the legion was led by Sein's master Bogagaru. It was mainly responsible for clearing away the idle forces and wandering races in the Sea of ​​Chaos Star Region.

The Sea of ​​Chaos star field and its surroundings will be treated as the back garden of wizard civilization in the future, and there cannot be any uncontrolled plane groups here.

To ensure that the order of the Sea of ​​Chaos star field is clear, it will also be convenient for the future when the wizard civilization army is dispatched, and its rear will not be disturbed by the invasion of some wandering races in the star world.

Even if they are the logistics and transportation troops of the wizard civilization, these wandering races in the astral world may not be able to defeat them, but they will be annoying to death by then.

The last group of legion personnel with the smallest number were dispersed by Cuilis to various parts of the Sea of ​​Chaos star field and around Blue Star.

The purpose is to explore veins of inert crystals such as gray crystal. -------------------

PS: Chapter 76 needs to be added~

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