The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1541 Attitude changes

After talking to Lu Lianman for a long time, Thain returned to the main hall.

At this time, the meeting between the sixth-level light magician Fadis and the Kryptonian powerhouses and blue star creatures has basically ended.

It can be seen that Karazo and other Kryptonian powerhouses are relatively calm, and the Blue Star creatures seem to be relieved. The outcome of the meeting should not be bad.

On the other hand, Bruce, the fifth-level creature of the Black Bat Civilization, still had the slightly frowning look on his face. At this time, Arthur from the Planet of the Sea lost his trademark casual expression on his face.

This shows that the situation of their talks was not ideal, at least they did not get much in return from the wizard civilization represented by Fatis.

"The law contract for you to join the Wizards Alliance will be sent to you in a while."

"After signing, you will be a formal member of the Wizards Alliance, including the alliance resource support promised to you, and all the resources and support promised to you will be in place." Master Fatis first said Said to Kryptonian Karazo and others.

"As for the conditions mentioned by your Black Bat Civilization and Planet of the Sea, our wizard civilization will discuss it carefully and will respond to you in time when the results are available. You can continue to wait with the army." Fatis then told Bruce Others said.

Finally, Fatis looked at Thain and said: "Master Thain, you have achieved many meritorious services in recent years, and the Wizards Alliance has also issued rewards to you."

"It shouldn't take long for Thain to return to the wizarding world to rest." Fatis smiled at Thain.

Thain had already received some information in advance from his mentor Lu Lianman, and his reaction at this time was extremely calm, and he expressed his gratitude to Master Fatis very politely.

It's just that Thain didn't see his master Cuilis in the main hall.

It seems that the master has left here and returned to her Jade Fire Fortress.

When he took Karazo, Bruce and others to leave, the sixth-level magician Fadis seemed to sigh and said: "Trilis has a good disciple."

Thain once again bowed respectfully to Master Fatis and then took the people away.

After completely leaving the silver palace complex of the Sanok people, Thain no longer cared to appreciate and sigh this huge palace complex covered with mithril, and immediately asked Karazo, Bruce and others about the wizard represented by Master Fatis. Civilization, what on earth did you talk to them about.

The negotiations with Karazor and the Blue Star creatures were quite satisfactory. The resource support and military assistance that Thane had promised to these Kryptonian creatures have been implemented.

Thane promised them before

The benefits promised are actually quite conservative.

Because Thain doesn't know what the wizarding civilization will do at that time, he doesn't dare to promise others anything in the name of the wizarding civilization.

In the end, the benefits Karazo and Blue Star Creatures gained from joining the Wizards Alliance were much greater than originally expected.

This made them all feel relieved.

However, Master Fatis's negotiations with the Black Bat Civilization and the Planet of the Sea were not ideal, which incidentally also affected the Wonderful Plane and the Electric World.

The Black Bat Civilization and the Planet of the Sea, as two medium-sized world civilizations, must have more power and win-win value than the Kryptonians and Blue Star creatures.

But when Master Fatis met with them, the benefits he gave were not obvious, and the total amount was only equivalent to that of Kryptonians.

This made Bruce and Arthur slightly dissatisfied, but fortunately they did not show it on the spot.

The wonderful plane is just a low-level plane, so there is no need to say more about it.

Another special thing is the electric world where Barry lives.

The world of lightning is extremely far away from the warring star field between the Wizarding Civilization and the Gallente Federation. Judging from the current momentum of the civilized war between the two top civilizations, the furthest it can reach the ancient desert wasteland world and the Black Bat Civilization is already the limit. .

The Electro-optical world does not seem to be worried about being affected by the war between the two top civilizations.

And as for the situation in the electro-optical world, Barry has not revealed much about it until now.

So far, Thain doesn't know whether the world of lightning is a low-level plane or a medium-sized plane.

This also seriously affected Thain's judgment on wooing the world of lightning.

Thain first mentioned some things about Karazo and Blue Star creatures, and some things that need to be paid attention to when joining the Wizards Alliance in the future.

Then he said to Bruce and Arthur: "The difference in attitude of Master Fatis should be based on the fact that your Black Bat Civilization and the Planet of the Sea have not firmly surrendered to the wizard civilization like the Kryptonians before, and directly sent out Legion’s way of participating in our war in the Sanok Star Territory.”

"Our wizarding civilization is a powerful world with clear distinctions between grudges and grudges. Whoever treats us well will be rewarded more by us."

"The Kryptonians and Blue Star creatures can receive more resource support than I said before because they stood up very early and took practical actions."

"If your Black Bat Civilization and the Planet of the Sea directly send out legions to express their attitude this time, I believe that

The results will be completely different. "Sain said.

Thain's words made Bruce silent for a long time, and Arthur's face showed some displeasure, but he didn't say anything.

This is because the situation is different, and Thain's attitude towards getting along with these alien creatures has also changed slightly.

Now that he is within the control of the wizard civilization, Thain does not need to deliberately win over these powerful alien creatures as he did before.

Want to sit on the wall and wait and see what happens, but also want to reap the benefits?

There are so many good things in the star world!

The Wizards Unite is not a charity either.

And everyone who truly understands the existence of the Wizards Alliance system knows that this behemoth is actually a giant beast that eats people without spitting out bones.

It is impossible to just think about getting benefits from the Wizards Alliance.

Absolutely‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎In most cases, these creatures from the plane world are quietly squeezed out of the last trace of value by the Wizards Alliance. In the end, these alliance creatures even I have to count the money for the wizard civilization!

Of course, Thain cannot be too ruthless when it comes to dealing with black bat civilization, sea planet and other plane worlds.

He has already had a good relationship with Bruce, Arthur and others before, and he does believe that these world civilizations have great win-win value.

So Thain continued: "My master Cuilis is now in the world of Sanok. She is a powerful sixth-level magician."

"I will mention it to Master Master again later to win over your Black Bat Civilization and Planet of the Sea and other planes to join the Wizards Alliance."

"I will also ask Master to consider your requests carefully."

"The top level of wizard civilization is not the only one represented by Master Fatis."

"If you can get my master's tendencies, the alliance policy support you previously expected will be possible," Thain said.

Thain's words made Bruce and Arthur look at each other. Finally, Bruce said: "Then I'll trouble Master Thain."

No matter how many rumors there are, there is no intuition to witness it with one’s own eyes.

I personally had close contact with the Sanok Star Field battlefield and found that the wizard civilization indeed had a great advantage. In addition, what I had heard before was that the wizard civilization had almost engulfed the main force of the Gallente Federation's vanguard fleet that had fallen into the underworld star field battlefield.

So Bruce Wayne should also have an idea of ​​where to stand next.

In response to this, Thane said "hmm" calmly.

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