The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1539 The feeling of home

Deep in a huge silver palace complex, Thain met the sixth-level light magician Fatis.

The indigenous creatures in the Sanok star field generally have dark skin and look like black ghosts, but the intelligent creatures in this star field seem to worship silver,

Silver products are the most expensive luxury items in the Sanok Sector.

As for the grandeur of building an entire palace complex with silver metal like this, only the former king of the Sanok people had such power and wealth.

When entering the palace complex, Thain looked at the nine-color light projected from the rock corners of the palace and couldn't help but be surprised: "Is it possible that the surface of this palace complex is plated with mithril?"

Mithril and fine gold are two extremely precious metal materials among the popular resources of wizard civilization.

They are called "popularization" because mithril and fine gold can generally be extracted and purified using derivatives of gold and silver.

They are called "precious" because the purification rate of secret realm and fine gold is very low. Mithril's magic power extends best, while fine gold is indestructible.

They all sell for a pretty penny in Wizards Unite.

With Thain's current net worth, he cannot afford the luxury of using a large piece of mithril to build a palace complex for himself.

It’s really... such a waste!

There's so much mithril, it's hard to do anything.

No wonder plane war is the fastest way to plunder resources. Just the palace complex made of mithril coating in front of you is enough to make any fifth-level creature look at it.

Even a sixth-level creature should be very satisfied with such a harvest.

Thain was so dazzled by the mithril palaces he passed by that he felt a little dizzy until he met the sixth-level magician Fadis.

The reaction of Karazo, Bruce and others was not obvious, because they did not know the specific value of mithril in the Wizards Union.

Master Fatis is a noble woman with long golden hair and a white-gold magic dress.

With the sense of smell of an alchemist, Thain was keenly aware that the magic robe worn by Master Fatis contained the unique soft atmosphere of mithril.

I don’t know if Master Fatis has put his trophies into practice. The purity of the mithril in her magic robe seems to be quite high.

After meeting Master Fatis, this sixth-level light system

The elementalists spoke highly of Thane's performance in previous wars.

Thane had not had much contact with light magicians before.

Just when Thain was considering whether to get close to this magician and find a way to discuss the secrets of light element magic with him.

The master actually paused Thain's work report and told him that someone was waiting for Thain in the side hall.

"Huh?" Thain slowly flew towards the side hall with a surprised expression.

Karazo, Bruce and others will continue to stay here. Master Fatis will invite them to join the Wizards Alliance and other matters. There is still a lot to talk about with these alien gods.

After arriving at the side hall, the expression on Thain's face changed from mild surprise to surprise.

At this time, there were two women who appeared in front of Thain, namely ‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​‎​‏‏ Thain’s mentor Lu Lianman and his master Cuilis.

The Master's secrets of Jade Fire Magic seem to be becoming more and more proficient.

Before Thain got closer, he didn't even notice that there was a sixth-level creature in this side hall.

When they meet again, Thain's mood can still be stable. His master, Cuilis, is used to seeing strong winds and waves, so he can also be stable, but Lu Lianman is not so stable.

Thain is the only disciple of Lu Lianman. He had not known whether he was alive or dead after performing a garrison mission in the Beholder World Star Territory. Lu Lianman thought he had died.

Unexpectedly, Thain reappeared in front of her after hundreds of years.

Because the news that Thain was still alive was too shocking and surprising, Lu Lianman finally ignored Thain's promotion to level five.

"You did a great job. I heard that you brought several alien creatures to join our Wizards Alliance this time?" Grandmaster Cuilis praised in a calm tone.

"Yes, they are Kryptonians and Blue Star creatures respectively. In addition, the Black Bat Civilization, the Wonderful Plane, and the Planet of the Sea also have great value and possibility to win over." Thain replied, but his attention Most of his eyes were on the Lulian vine behind Cuilis.

Lu Lianman's eyes were still red at this time. This was the first time that Thain had seen his mentor be so gloomy.

Cuilis didn't have a long business conversation with Thain. She could see that the master and disciple still had a lot to say. After chatting with Thain for a few words about their current situation, she left the place temporarily.

After Master Cuilis left, the atmosphere in this side hall relaxed significantly.

It feels a lot warmer.

Thain was relatively new to his master, and he mostly respected and loved Cuilis. He was not as natural and casual as when he got along with his mentor Lu Lianman.

Lu Lianman was indeed not like Cuilis, who only talked about business matters with Thain.

After Trilis left here, Lulianman quickly asked about Thain's physical condition, and took out a lot of high-quality magic potions from the space ring.

Speaking of which, Thain's magic potion has indeed been consumed over the years.

Especially when fighting side by side with those strong men from Krypton, many of Thane's restorative potions suitable for creatures above level four were distributed to them.

So much so that Thain's money is really tight right now.

This batch of high-quality potions from Lulianman comes at just the right time.

And Thain could tell that the instructor's pharmacy level should have improved in recent years.

Just judging from the appearance of these potions and the vague elemental rhythm they exude, they are more than one step ahead of the magic potions made by Thain himself.

In order to reassure his mentor, Thain drank a purple potion specially designed to restore energy on the spot.

When Lu Lianman saw this, her eyes narrowed into a pair of crescent moons, and then a gentle smile appeared on her face.

The gap between the mentor and the master is still quite big. The master asked about Thane's actions in foreign lands in recent years, and also focused on the situation of the survivors of Krypton and the blue star creatures.

Cuilis also obviously showed great interest in the gray crystal proposed by Thane.

However, due to the fact that Lu Lianman was by her side, obviously eager to inquire about her disciple's current situation, Cuilis did not immediately discuss the matter with Thain in depth.

Unlike Cuilis, Lu Lianman only asked about the shortcomings of the parents.

Especially in recent years, Thain has suffered any injuries, has he experienced any dangers, and whether the magic materials and energy crystals on his body are enough...

Although the situation with Trilis seems to be very different, Thain still prefers to like his mentor.

Only with his mentor can Thain feel like a long-lost home.

For a moment, he suddenly regretted building the Holy Tower of Ashes.

Maybe it would be a good choice to stay in the Holy Tower of Blue Origin and rely on Lu Lianman's wings.

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