The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1521: Harmony is the most precious thing (additional update)

Gal Gadot, a fourth-level creature from a strange plane, has no favorable impression of Thane.

Because the wonderful plane creatures are more in line with nature and the breath of life.

And Thain's whole body revealed the smell of sulfur coming from the devil, as well as the even more heart-stopping jade fire flames and ashes flames!

If it were Thain's mentor Lu Lianman who appeared here, or another powerful person in the wizarding world of plant and water systems, he would probably be able to get along with Gal Gadot.

Plane worlds with milder characteristics, including the Great Elf World and the Activated Fairy World in the Wizards Alliance, should also be able to establish good connections with the wonderful planes.

Faced with Thain's words, Gal Gadot said nothing.

Research is indeed not what she is good at.

Gal Gadot felt sorry for the Kryptonian boy in front of her, who had to endure physical pain at such a young age, but ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ She really didn’t think about it, thinking that all the bottom creatures of Krypton are Because of the lack of rare elements such as inert crystals, he is so weak and accompanied by various physical defects.

Gal Gadot was still silent, while Thane continued to talk to himself: "Kryptonian creatures are definitely intelligent species with the highest talent and potential among the many star races I have come into contact with."

"Look at that child just now. Even an intermediate magic apprentice in the wizarding world may not be able to master the ability to fly."

"But that little guy can already use the kryptonite in his body to control the power to fly."

"It's incredible."

"But for Kryptonians, success depends on kryptonite, and failure depends on kryptonite."

"If there are enough inert crystals, it would be okay to provide them with growth. Their evolution speed is much faster than that of ordinary plane creatures."

"But if this necessary element is missing from their growth environment... for this race, it will be the end of the world." Thain sighed.

"I don't know if we can develop an inert crystal that can replace this gray crystal." Thain touched his chin and considered.

That is another topic in another direction, and it is not something that Thain can figure out at this stage.

However, according to Thain's in-depth research on the gray crystals mined by Blue Star in recent years, he found that not only was it difficult to discover the inert energy in the gray crystals, including conducting in-depth research on some of the characteristics of the crystals, it was also very difficult for him to discover the inert energy in the gray crystals. difficult.

Even research and application are very difficult, so trying to copy and mass-produce it is even more difficult to imagine!

After all, this kind of inert crystal is a special ability that can only be used by a very small number of races and civilizations in the star world.

Quantity crystallization is not the mainstream energy in the star world.

"Master Thain, are all your considerations based on strength and killing?"

"I think Master, if you think more about how to make the world a better place, I believe it will bring happiness to many living beings." Gal Gadot choked Thain at the right time.

Thain didn't mind Gal Gadot's implicit rejection and contempt.

Everyone has his own ambitions. Among the magicians in the wizarding world that Thain has come into contact with, there are also many magicians who do not like to fight, but prefer to dabble in life research.

For example, some plant magicians in the Wizarding World specialize in developing magic seeds with high yields of food, and then dump them into the Wizarding Alliance market.

There are also magicians who are good at alchemy, and their main research focus is on the refining of special magic alloys.

Many space fortresses, war airships and other platforms in the wizarding world ‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ all use the wisdom of these magicians.

If a magician like Thain's mentor Lu Lianman fully developed her pharmacy abilities, it would probably benefit many beings in the wizarding world and wizarding alliance.

It is these various magicians that build the prosperity of the magical civilization in the wizarding world.

Thane is a common man, as Gal Gadot said. Since his growth and rise, it seems that most of the fields he has been involved in are pursuing how to make his magic more lethal.

Including delving into alchemy, but also in order to obtain more destructive magic props.

After thinking about this for a long time, Thane said: "The pursuit of ultimate lethality is the path I have decided to take since I was a magic apprentice."

"Perhaps one day in the future, when nothing can threaten me anymore, including when my power reaches its peak, I will consider doing something that benefits the entire wizarding world or the entire star realm." Thain suddenly said.

"Oh, Master Thain already has such a strong level of power, who else can threaten you?" Gal Gadot asked.

"You think I'm strong because you haven't seen anyone stronger."

"In the wonderful plane you are in, the strongest creature should only be level five, right?"

"Including this nearby star field, it seems that in recent years, there have not been too fierce medium-sized or above plane wars."

"When you come into contact with more worlds and civilizations, you will realize that us fourth- and fifth-level creatures are actually nothing."

"Only in those ignorant and self-contained planes, some fourth-level creatures will be bored.

Called himself a ‘god’. "Sain sighed.

"I don't call myself a 'god', but I am very interested in the more worlds and civilizations you mentioned."

"This time I will go to the wizarding civilization with you. I hope I will not be disappointed." Gal Gadot said.

"Currently, the war between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation is still going on. There will definitely be no disappointment. But when the time comes, it may give you a shock." Thane said with a smile.

Gal Gadot rolled her eyes and turned to leave.

Looking at the back of this vigorous female warrior, Thane touched his chin and muttered: "What kind of power system do creatures in this wonderful plane use?"

"I really want to tie her to the experimental table and study her carefully..."

The process of migrating the survivors of Krypton from the crimson planet to the surrounding blue star ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ is a big project.

Fortunately, the Blue Star creatures don't care about past grudges and have surprisingly gentle personalities.

The process of the 40 million Kryptonian survivors migrating from the crimson planet to the surrounding blue star will be strongly supported by the blue star creatures.

A large number of technological ships were driven outside the crimson planet during this time.

When the survivors of Krypton entered those ships one after another, Kram, standing next to Thane, suddenly said: "I understand Karl somewhat."

"If I were asked to take action against these Blue Star creatures now, I probably wouldn't be able to do it." Kram, a fourth-level female Kryptonian warrior, sighed.

Not just Kram, Thane noticed that most of the Kryptonian warriors looked at these weak blue star creatures with some complicated and deeply hidden emotions.

The Blue Star creatures have developed to this point, and there are still so many friendly civilizations. Sure enough, there is a way to survive.

Among other things, Thain himself had mentioned to the Speaker of Blue Star that after they join the Wizards Alliance, perhaps the Wizarding Civilization would open up to them some of the technological secrets they seized from the Gallente Federation.

Unknowingly, even Thane fell into the trap of these blue star creatures!

Because he really can't feel any rejection or vigilance towards these gentle and helpful creatures.

On the contrary, when there is any benefit, these blue star creatures will always be thought of.

"There should not be many creatures like the Blue Star Civilization in the entire star world." Thain said with emotion. -------------------

PS: There are currently 233 monthly tickets, and 90 more chapters need to be added ~

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