The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1513 Encirclement

The Orc Legion led by Eugene is definitely a special group among all the Orc Legions on the battlefield of the underworld.

Half-orcs have always been the object of discrimination in the world of orcs.

And the vast majority of orcs, because of their mottled blood, are indeed far inferior to the mainstream orc race in terms of strength and success rate of priest awakening.

Including many orcs, they are also accompanied by a large number of congenital diseases, and the death rate is very high.

But at this time, on the battlefield of the underworld, the courage and strength displayed by the Orc Legion was not inferior to that of other Orc Legions!

Eugene took the lead and stood at the front of all the orc legions.

Following him, most of the people in the front row of the orc army were Eugene's biological sons or adopted sons.

Father and son go into battle, looking at the orc clan‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏From its rise thousands of years ago to the present, every time there is a foreign war or a battle breaks out, Eugene and his children, Always in the front row.

This also directly led to more and more scars on Eugene's body, and more and more of Eugene's direct blood relatives died.

Correspondingly, Eugene's adopted sons and daughters gradually increased.

Most of Eugene's adopted sons and daughters are orphans from the orc clan, and some are extremely talented and potential orcs who were discovered by Eugene.

For the rise of a species, Eugene alone is not enough, he must also discover more power.

This war of civilizations is indeed an opportunity.

If Eugene can firmly grasp it, there is no guarantee that the half-orcs will be able to give birth to more gods in the future, or even form their own gods.

The orc god Campas also noticed the fighting spirit of Eugene and the orc legions.

Campas couldn't help but look at Eugene and others a few more times, but then his attention stopped at another orc god not far from Eugene.

Rexxar, who showed a fifth level of life, was stronger than when he was on the Crash World Battlefield.

Misha's big bear, whose size has also increased dramatically, is now squatting next to Lexa, showing the same level five strength as its owner.

The attention of the orc god Campas lasted only a few seconds.

Then, the bloody sword flew into Campas's hand.

The orc god changed his previous attitude of complaining and slandering. After letting out a long roar,

Pounce straight towards the increasingly approaching Gallente Federation's seemingly endless fleet!

Defensive warfare is not the specialty of Campas and the Orc World Legion.

Offense is their strength.

It is estimated that it is precisely because of this that the orc god Campas rushed into the hinterland of the Gallente Federation's fleet in a daze during the constant charges and attacks.

"If you rush too hard this time and fall in again, I won't save you."

"Protecting the underworld and withstanding the Gallente Federation's counterattack is our main goal." Blood River Commander Nevin Erink said coldly.

He was extremely enthusiastic before, but now he is the calmest one.

A bloody light of law, inspired from the handle of the sword, has now covered the whole body of the orc god Campas.

I don’t know if the orc master heard it.

Anyway, he turned into a bloody beam of light and rushed straight towards the center of the Gallente Federation fleet.

When the underworld collides with the remaining main vanguard fleet of the Federation.

On the periphery of this vast battlefield, a fierce war also broke out, but this time it was the Gallente Federation fleet that was surrounded.

Elune, who has been promoted to level eight, and the elven legions under her command are one of the main forces on this battlefield.

The wizarding civilization attaches great importance to the battlefield of the underworld star field, because it is related to the direction of the early war between the wizarding civilization and the Gallente Federation.

This time, there are only two eighth-level alliance masters sent to the battlefield of the underworld star field.

Not to mention there are other seventh-level alliance masters, the wizarding world's true spirit magicians, master-level knights, etc.

The two eighth-level alliance masters are Odin, the god-king of the Titan world, and Elune, the elf god.

Elune's strength is much inferior to that of Odin, but she is very popular in the Wizards' Alliance, and the Elf World is also a famously wealthy world in the Wizards' Alliance.

Compared with the orc world, the total amount of wealth is simply as big as heaven and earth.

At this time, behind hundreds of millions of elven legions, Elune, the god of elves, was coordinating the overall situation and ordered hundreds of elven gods under his command to lead the elven legions to continuously attack the federal front.

Because the most elite Chimera Legion in the Elf World was taken to another war zone in the Underworld Star Field battlefield by Hela, the ruler of the Titan World.

Therefore, relying solely on the slow-moving mountain giant

It is really difficult for people to tear apart the metal front of the Federation.

Although this front seems to Elune to be very fragile.

Attacking tough battles has never been the strength of the elves. This kind of thing usually has to be done in the orc world.

Of course, this also shows that Elune, the Elven God, loves her people very much.

If she allowed all the elves to launch a desperate attack on the Gallente Federation front, it would still be possible to achieve remarkable results in a short period of time.

But this time, the Elven God Elune did not do this, because she was not the only one in this war zone, and others were more suitable for this.

"My Chimera Legion has been transferred away. Do you have a way to quickly occupy the federal line and stabilize it after I tear it apart with the power of domination?" Elune came to the seventh-level dominator, the Undead Lord, and pointed ‏ ‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏Ask the fierce starry sky battlefield where the elements and energy shine brightly in front of you.

This star field battlefield is jointly responsible for the elves and the undead.

The elves who love life and are beautiful will one day fight side by side with the rotten and ugly undead creatures.

This situation will only occur under the majestic leadership of the wizard civilization.

Facing the elf god Elune's question, the undead king wearing the three-color crown was silent for a moment and then replied: "The Bone Dragon Legion under my command should be qualified for this task."

Undead creatures are generally taciturn, and the seventh-level undead master in front of him is no exception.

But in the Wizards Alliance, no one dares to underestimate the other party.

Not only because of the opponent's dominance level strength, but also because of the opponent's identity - in addition to being the master of the large alliance plane of the undead world, the opponent is also the contract summon of a powerful true spirit magician in the wizarding world.

That being, even the elf god Elune with level 8 strength, was not willing to provoke him by being disobedient.

So when she talked to the Undead Lord, she asked politely instead of asking the other party to do something in a commanding tone.

The Bone Dragon Legion is undoubtedly the most powerful among the hundreds of millions of undead creatures in the undead world.

As a member of the astral dragon system, even if these bone dragons do not have scales, dragon blood, and muscles, they have not insulted the name of "dragons".

As the white bone of the Undead King pointed forward, in the gray tide of death not far away, millions of ferocious bone dragons poured out of the gray death mist one after another, heading straight towards the Gallente Federation Front Go!

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