The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1506 Protecting Blue Star

The peace envoy of the Blue Star creature met the Kryptonian leader Karazo without much difficulty.

At this time, the fifth-level Kryptonian Karazo was in the process of deploying his legion.

Seven hundred thousand Kryptonian warriors will be divided into the main force to attack Blue Star.

A small number of branch forces were sent out to capture three other life planets and some other resource planets.

This is a big cake and the benefits are huge, but Karazo is also responsible for the lives of the soldiers under his command.

It can reduce a little damage, of course it should be reduced a little.

The Blue Star creature's request for peace surprised Thain.

When the other party proposed that a living planet could be divided and given to the people of Krypton for recuperation, Thane could not understand the brain circuits of blue star creatures.

This is the first time that Thain has seen such a "weak" creature.

Of course, this kind of performance of Blue Star creatures will make a strong man like Thain, who was born in the wizard civilization, feel very safe.

If Blue Star Creatures joins the Wizards Alliance, the top management of the Wizards Alliance ‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏ will probably like these guys very much, and their treatment will not be bad!

Because the higher-ups of the wizarding world need "sensible" brothers like Blue Star Creatures to firmly support them in the wizarding alliance and to ask for and take some unreasonable treaties of the wizarding civilization.

When the Blue Star creatures set a good example, the higher-ups of the Wizarding Civilization can easily extend similar treaties to the entire alliance!

It was also when he heard this and actually came into contact with what kind of race the Blue Star creatures were, Thane suddenly had an idea - he wanted to protect Blue Star.

This is a seemingly absurd idea.

But it is very reasonable, and especially in line with the self-interests of wizard civilization.

Blue Star's abundant reserves of gray crystal are not only needed by the Kryptonians, but Thane believes that the wizarding world is also very interested!

Compared to Kryptonian humans, who have outstanding combat capabilities and evolutionary systems, Thane feels that if the wizarding world wants to radiate power here, it is safer for the Blue Star people to act as agents.

Thain once represented the wizard civilization and went on missions to the world of Hengsha and the World of Ghost Crow.

Therefore, I am relatively familiar with the process of the Wizards Alliance, as well as some deep-seated attitudes towards the vassal plane.

This is the advantage of having more experience and seeing more. Some experience and principles cannot be understood by just doing research in the laboratory.

Asking Thain's master Bo Jiaru to come here may not necessarily be more than Thain thinks.

The weakness of the Blue Star creatures and their habitual compromising thinking are particularly suitable for the wizard civilization to rule here.

Help the Kryptonians rebuild their homeland?

Come on! The wizarding world is not that noble, and Thane cannot really put himself in their shoes just because of some compliments from Karazo and others.

After all, Thane is still on the side of the wizarding world.

Thain, who is alone in this strange star field, is not only thinking about how to safely return to the star field controlled by the wizard civilization, but also thinking about how to strive for the greatest benefit for himself and the wizard world.


Discovered a considerable reserve of inert crystals, and attracted an astral civilization to join the Wizards Alliance?

In the midst of a civilized war, Thane believes that if he accomplishes these things, he will definitely be greatly rewarded by the Wizards Alliance!

For magicians, the improvement of strength and the exploration of truth are inseparable from the material foundation.

Without the large number of high-quality resources and top-notch props obtained from the wizard civilization over the years, Thain would never have grown so fast.

Although the civilized war has caused the number of knights and magicians above level 4 in wizard civilization to drop sharply in recent years, there are also a large number of newly promoted warriors above level 4 who have gradually emerged in the war.

Among them, there are countless people who have achieved breakthroughs in realm and strength.

Civilized war is indeed full of dangers, but it is also an opportunity.

When the Blue Star messenger conveyed this wish to the Kryptonian leader Karazo, Karazo was still pondering.

It can be seen that he is very confused.

It is naturally the best to be able to capture Blue Star without any bloodshed.

When temporarily sending away the Blue Star envoy, Karazo first looked at the other fourth-level Kryptonian warriors around him, then looked at Thane who had been staying beside him the whole time, and asked casually: "Master Thain, What do you think about this?"

Faced with Karazo's inquiry, Thain said: "A living planet is definitely not the bottom line for the Blue Star people. I think we can ask for more from them."

Thain's words are actually an expression of his position.

The fifth-level Kryptonian Karazo also nodded and said: "At least two living planets, otherwise there is no need to talk to them, just destroy them! We can also get what we want by stepping on the corpses of blue star creatures everything."

"But in this case, the losses to the Kryptonian Legion will not be small." Thane said calmly.

Thane's statement seemed to be for the sake of the Kryptonian Legion, but in fact he wanted to preserve Blue Star.

The fifth-level Kryptonian Karazo frowned slightly at this time, and he was a little confused.

The total population of the Kryptonian survivors is not large, and there are only 700,000 Kryptonian warriors above level one.

Two living planets are enough for the survivors of Krypton to recuperate.

And they almost managed to capture Blue Star without a single blow, which was quite tempting.

But what Karazzo is not sure about is whether the Blue Star creature will regret it, whether there is any conspiracy, or whether the Blue Star creature has other back-up plans?

The safest way, of course, is to directly destroy Blue Star and occupy the magpie's nest. From now on, this place will be the base camp of the Kryptonians.

But there is no absolutely perfect solution in this world.

Thane's statement did not immediately allow Karazo to make a decision. He would then discuss it with other fourth-level Kryptonian warriors, so he temporarily shelved his plan to launch a war on the Blue Star mainland.

A large number of Kryptonian legions were displayed outside the Blue Star, which put great pressure on the Blue Star creatures.

During this period, Thain was sensible and did not interfere any more.

The Kryptonians decided to apply for a relatively empty spaceship warehouse as their temporary laboratory.

Talking too much is not necessarily a good thing, and Karazzo is not the kind of person who will be easily influenced by Thane.

He only needed to mention it. During this period, Thane took out many of his own magic potions and gave them to the soldiers of the Kryptonian Legion.

He gained the favor of many Kryptonians.

For example, the fourth-level Kryptonian female warrior Kram always likes to run to Thane's laboratory whenever she has nothing to do.

Sometimes she would bring another fourth-level female warrior Missoli with her, who was more beautiful.

But Missoli always looked melancholy and was not interested in the various experimental instruments that Thain was playing with.

On this day, Thane was tinkering with an energy cannon developed by Blue Star Biology. It is a technological weapon with gray crystal as its energy core.

The way blue star creatures use inert crystals such as gray crystals makes Thane, a magician who explores the power of elements, feel a little mesmerized. I feel I have benefited a lot.

Recently, Thane has also dissected and studied the bodies of many Kryptonian warriors who were seriously injured on the battlefield or simply died.

He also has a very deep understanding of Kryptonians.

"Master Thain, what are you doing again?" Kram, with mushroom hair, once again dragged his good friend Misori to Thain's laboratory.

This female warrior seemed to be very interested in the experiments conducted by Thane.

Even though I don’t understand anything, I always like to ask questions every time.

"This energy converter is very special. I'm studying its operating mechanism." Thain glanced at the two fourth-level Kryptonian female warriors who entered the laboratory, and then focused mainly on the Blue Star energy cannon in front of him.

The two Kryptonian warriors also knew that Thain did not like to be disturbed by others during his experiments, so the voices they spoke and the noise they made at this time were obviously much smaller.

After a long time, Thain stood up from the experimental table again. While packing up the instruments in front of him, he asked in a normal tone: "How are you talking about it? Have you decided to conquer Blue Star by force?"

"I haven't decided yet. I think it doesn't matter what I do."

"Tyras and the others thought it would be better to conquer them directly, but Missoli thought it was better to talk. After all, Karl is caught in the middle, which is really not easy to do." Crum shrugged, and then pushed his best friend away. come out.

Thane glanced at the taciturn fourth-level Kryptonian female warrior Missori and said nothing.

After a long time, Thain suddenly said: "I also think it would be better not to have a direct war conflict with the Blue Star creatures."

"Oh?" Kram, who was looking around the laboratory, turned around and said in surprise.

Misori also raised her head at this time and looked at Thain. -------------------

PS: The update time for today’s third chapter is still uncertain, hope you understand.

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