The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,476 Goodbye Rose (Additional update)

In front of the special magic altar in the underground part of the Holy Tower of Ashes, Thane met Rose, who had condensed the true form of divine power.

Rose must have been in good condition in recent years. After the two met, Thane found that the Spider Queen was in a good mood.

"You have also been to the front lines of the civilized battlefield. How do you feel?" Spider Queen asked.

The Spider Queen was still wearing her favorite crystal high-heeled shoes. Looking at the white and tender toes under the other's slender legs, Thane couldn't help but think of the first time he met the Spider Queen Rose in the underground world within the Holy Tower of Dark Fire. .

"The level of danger far exceeds any plane war I have participated in before, and this time I almost didn't come back." Thain replied.

Thane may be referring to the time he infiltrated the Gallente Federation, or he may be referring to the defensive battle in the Radiant Arc world.

All in all, in the war with the Gallente Federation, Thane did feel the risk factor, which far exceeded that of ordinary plane wars.

What's even more unbearable is that this danger is completely uncontrollable.

Maybe if you have a little bit of bad luck, you will die directly.

The survivability of level four creatures in top-level civilized wars is still a bit low.

So Thain couldn't wait to return to the wizarding world, not only to regroup his strength, but also to seek to break through level five as soon as possible.

As for the war benefits of the Sapphire Flying Scorpion plane... Thain felt that he could see further than the fifth-level magician Jim Carrey.

Some resources and wealth have to be earned and spent.

Thain's calm expression made the Spider Queen lift her chin and take another look at him.

It's true that the two haven't contacted each other for a long time, and dating back to the last time they contacted each other, Thane and the Spider Queen still had a "little conflict."

Probably, the Spider Queen wanted to ask Thane to study the Formless Mask, but Thain refused.

But later, when Lina was promoted to level four, she heard that she got a lot of help from the Spider Queen.

This in turn made Thane owe the Spider Queen some favors.

In some cases, this powerful being from the dark realm is not so unkind.

Neither Thane nor the Spider Queen are good at politeness or being polite.

After the two met, most of their conversations were about serious matters, and their words were concise and to the point.

Thain mentioned some of his experiences in recent years, such as: marrying the Huya people, making friends with the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron, and going to the star field where the Beholder World is to participate in the war.

For a cold-blooded strong person like the Spider Queen, just talking about favors with her is useless.

The alliance between Thane and the Spider Queen is more of a combination of interests.

The Spider Queen needs a fourth-level magician like Thane to do something for her, and the location of the Ashes where Thain's Holy Tower is located is just right.

And Thane often needs to borrow the power of the Spider Queen.

The Holy Tower of Ashes has grown to its current scale in a very short period of time, and the Spider Queen is indispensable!

When she heard that Thain had married a powerful Huya people, the Spider Queen only raised her eyebrows slightly.

And when he heard that Thane had made friends with intelligent robots from the planet Cybertron, and even mastered the world-class secret treasure Rubik's Cube, which was extremely critical to the intelligent robot family, the spider queen couldn't hide the surprise on his face.

Although the Spider Queen has not been in the wizarding world in recent years, she must have heard about Optimus Prime, Megatron and other intelligent robots who have recently joined the Wizarding Alliance. .

Even the Rubik's Cube is controlled by Thane. It can be imagined that his relationship with the intelligent robot family is definitely not as simple as "making good friends".

"Give me the Rubik's Cube, and I can satisfy you whatever you want!" Spider Queen Rose said without hesitation.

After hearing this, Thane shook his head and said, "Senior Rose, you should know that this is impossible."

"The Rubik's Cube is a treasure awarded to me by the wizarding civilization. If it appears in your hands, what will other people think?" Thain said.

As expected, Spider Queen Rose still couldn't change her habit of wanting to possess the best treasures when she saw them.

Before Thain revealed that he had a world-class secret treasure, the Rubik's Cube, he thought about it for a while. In the end, he decided to have a frank conversation with the Spider Queen.

The greater the strength one possesses, the greater the weight in the Spider Queen's heart.

In the past, Thane could only look up to the Spider Queen, and his life depended on the Spider Queen.

But now, the status gap between him and the Spider Queen has gradually narrowed, and he may even talk to her as an equal in the future.

For example, now it is absolutely impossible for the Spider Queen to harm Thain at will. What is the difference between this and cutting off her arm?

"Only at the fourth level, you already have two world-class secret treasures with you. You guys are really lucky." The Spider Queen said with a bit of sourness.

The eldest lady who can speak the truth in the Black Realm shows such an attitude, Thain should be the only one in the wizarding world.

I didn’t know that this situation was

What will those black magicians think when they see this?

In addition to introducing himself, Thane also learned from the Spider Queen what the spider queen has been mainly busy with in recent years.

The Spider Queen has been a multitasker over the years.

On the one hand, she separated her spiritual thoughts and developed a belief system in Faerûn.

On the other hand, there are many plans on the civilized battlefield with the Gallente Federation.

The Spider Queen's body is currently located in the Savage World Group, which is a medium-sized star field within the Wizarding Alliance, and is relatively close to the frontline battlefields of the Gallente Federation.

In addition to the direct dark biological power under her command, the Spider Queen also gathered a large number of faith servants in the wild world group.

Such as: fallen dark elves, fallen blood elves, and other alien creatures who have taken refuge under the Spider Queen's belief system.

The total of these ‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎‎ is really impressive. Coupled with Rose, who has level 6 strength, the whole thing is almost comparable to the Gate of Elements and the Chapter of Knights. medium-sized organization in the wizarding world.

And with Rose's status in the Black Realm and her relationship with the Beren Empire, she should also have good things at the world-class level of secret treasures.

Rose gathered troops in the wild world group, naturally intending to participate in the civilized war and divide the profits of the war.

It was also from Rose's mouth that Thane roughly learned that many planes in the wild world group belonged to the Western Islands and the Beren Empire.

It seems that many knight legions in the Western Islands and the Belen Empire directly use elite beasts of level one or above produced by the Savage World Group as mounts.

For example, under the command of Klopp, the dominant knight of the Wizards Alliance, there was a level 6 Moon-Screaming Silver Wolf King as a mount companion.

The Silver Wolf World of the Ancient Temple is a well-known medium-sized plane in the wild world group.

On the Beren Empire's side, in addition to the Dragon Rider Legion, which is powerful in the surrounding star field, and the slightly inferior Dragon Legion, it also has a large number of beast-like legions.

In terms of the development of the knight profession, the Beren Empire has indeed reached the forefront of the wizarding world.

The Servants of Faith Legion under Rose will most likely act together with the Western Islands or the Beren Empire Legion next.

That is another star battlefield that is different from the underworld star field battlefield and the beholder world battlefield.

Rose even invited Thane to apply to go to the front line of the civilized battlefield.

With Rose protecting him, he would definitely be better than Thane fighting alone in a civilized war.

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