The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,474 Mirage

Mirage World Battlefield.

As a low-level plane, the Mirage World has special features in terms of plane rules and the power of laws mastered by native fifth-level creatures.

But this world is not the kind of plane with outstanding defensive abilities.

In terms of plane defense strength alone, it cannot compare to the radiation arc world with three star rings providing a protective front.

Thane stayed in the mirage world for five years.

With the Mask of No Form, he broke the illusion of the Mirage King, and assisted the fifth-level magician Jim Carey Donald and others to severely injure the Mirage King. After determining the overall victory of this low-level plane, he was almost ready to leave.

Jim Carrey and others seem to attach great importance to the power of the original law possessed by the King of Mirages.

They could obviously kill each other directly, but in the end they chose to capture them alive which was more cumbersome and troublesome.

Thain was of great help during his stay.

Jim Carrey said that the purpose of winning the Mirage World is to better attack the medium-sized plane - the Sapphire Flying Scorpion plane in the future, and to clear the way to win the Sapphire Flying Scorpion plane.

But now it seems that Jim Carrey also has very selfish motives.

The war of civilization is a public matter, and the personal desires of knights and magicians above level 4 are private matters.

All these private matters, taken together, are the official affairs of the entire wizarding civilization.

Thain himself usually has selfish desires, so he doesn't mind Master Jim Carrey making profits for himself during the civilized war.

And Master Jim Carrey is not a solitary eater. He comes from a well-known business family in the wizarding civilization, and he understands the importance of "distribution".

When Thane arrives in the Mirage World to participate in the war, in addition to receiving rewards from the Wizards Alliance, Master Jim Carrey also gives him a gift before Thain leaves.

In a specially reinforced magic confinement room, Thane saw the King of Mirages bound by countless chains of elemental energy.

Although the name is "mirage", the appearance of the mirage race has little to do with insects, but more like shellfish.

The imprisoned Mirage King at this time had its two huge red shells tightly wrapping its body.

Under the siege of the powerful wizard civilization, this mirage king is now scarred.

The gift given to Thain by the fifth-level magician Jim Carrey is a mirage bead dissected from the body of the King of Mirages.

This mirage bead is bright yellow all over, and occasionally there will be light blood lines appearing on the surface of the mirage bead, which makes people

One can't help but think that this thing was dug out bloodyly from the abdomen of the King of Mirages.

The King of Mirages has no godhead, so this mirage bead can be called the essence of his body, which contains extremely rich and mysterious illusory laws.

What’s even more valuable is that this kind of mirage bead is a renewable resource!

As long as the King of Mirages does not die and Master Jim Carrey keeps it for a long time and keeps feeding it some nourishing and nutritional needs, the King of Mirages will continue to contribute mirage beads to him.

For example, at this time, there are three mirage beads in the King of Mirage's body.

Among them, only the one given to Thain is completely "mature", and the remaining two mirage beads, in the words of master Jim Carrey, still need to be nurtured.

"I had my eye on it as early as the 24th Wizards Union Conference, but this guy rejected my ‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏ trade cooperation at that time."

"Aren't you just letting me take whatever you want now? Heh heh heh!" Master Jim Carrey sneered at the Mirage King who was bound in the confinement room.

When Sean heard this, his face was a little stunned.

It turns out that Master Jim Carrey has long been eyeing this mirage king.

Also, the plane where the King of Mirage is located was originally the plane of the members of the Wizards Alliance that is attached to the beholder world.

The Beholder World seems to have been a member of the Wizards Alliance during the 22nd or 23rd Alliance Conference.

On the premise of relying on the rules of the alliance to protect the rights and interests of some members, Master Jim Carrey is really not easy to buy and sell by force.

Thain has no interest in knowing about the past grievances between Jim Carrey and the King of Mirages.

After obtaining this precious mirage bead, Thane officially bid farewell to Master Jim Carrey.

"Next, the Wizard Civilization Legion will launch a war on the Sapphire Scorpion World, and Master Thane can lead the Ashes Holy Tower Legion to also participate."

"The Sapphire Flying Scorpion World is a production plane of extremely high-quality slave creatures. There are people in the Ebalut Empire who are willing to pay big prices to buy those flying scorpions."

"In addition, this medium-sized plane is also rich in various types of energy gems. It is an extremely rich world."

"Of course, the Gallente Federation and the Beholder World also have a lot of troops stationed in that plane." Master Jim Carrey said to Thane.

The more contact he had with Jim Carrey, the more he felt that he was more like a businessman than a magician determined to explore the truth.

Master Jim Carrey takes things very seriously when it comes to interests.

It's not that Thain doesn't like this kind of people, he just feels that he and Jim Carrey may not have that much in common.

What Thane admires more is friends like Green and Angele.

Although their strength, status and connections are inferior to the Jim Carrey in front of them.

Facing Master Jim Carrey's invitation to win over, Thain replied with a normal expression: "I will carry out whatever tasks the wizard civilization assigns to me."

"It was a pleasure working with Jim Carrey on War, and I look forward to fighting alongside him again in the future," Thain said.

After hearing Thain's answer, Jim Carrey nodded thoughtfully.

After leaving the mirage world, Thain took Yuri directly back to the radiation arc world.

He did not take the initiative to apply to the Wizarding Civilization‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏, wanting to participate in the attack on the Sapphire Flying Scorpion plane.

Instead, he honestly continued to stay in the radiation arc world, waiting for the next assignment from the wizard civilization.

Thain is actually a little tired. Since arriving at the star field battlefield where the Beholder World is, Thain has only rested for three years.

Especially the tough defensive battles over the past two decades have cost Thain a lot of energy.

Having just fought in the mirage world for another five years, the magic law of the mirage king is not so easy to resist.

The two knights, Tex and Martini, who were stationed in the radiation arc world with Thane at that time, have changed defenses and left this low-level plane in the past two years. It is said that they have returned to the wizarding world to rest.

The magicians of the Deep Blue Summoning Holy Tower left earlier.

Thain heard from Meili that the Deep Blue Summoner Baron came to the Radiant Arc World three years ago and expressed that he wanted to meet Thain to thank him for helping the Deep Blue Summoning Holy Tower in the previous war. The care of magicians.

But unfortunately, Thain was not in the radiation arc world at that time.

In the end, Master Baron could only regret that he would take the initiative to visit the Holy Tower of Ashes again if he had the opportunity in the future.

The other fourth-level creatures fighting side by side, the Ice and Snow Crystal Silkworm, went to station in a certain demi-plane behind them. The Wizarding Civilization required it to recruit a new combat legion in its home plane.

The Huya people haven't left yet, they are still stationed around the radiation arc world.

On the contrary, in this low-level plane, in addition to the Ashes Holy Tower Legion, another legion led by a fourth-level knight came two years ago.

It seemed that the other party was specially designed to replace and rotate Tex.

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