The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,460 Elite Combat Legion

The dragons that covered the sky and the sun roared towards the starry sky where the Gallente Federation fleet group was located.

The surging dragon flames completely turned the surrounding starry sky into a sea of ​​fire.

The huge physiques of level 2 and above dragons can be directly compared to medium-sized federal ships.

The hard dragon claws directly tore through the proud metal armor of the Gallente Federation ship.

Most of the dragon knights hold dragon spears, which are used as sharp knives to break into the Gallente Federation fleet.

In fact, when the Dragon Knight Legion charged around the Gallente Federation fleet group, there was a lot of chaos on the Federation front.

The main source of chaos is the tens of millions of underworld creatures.

Among these underworld creatures, only a handful of trustworthy creatures above level four know the true will of the Blood River Commander.

And the vast majority of the underworld creatures and powerful people in the underworld had no idea what was going on before this.

These underworld creatures really thought that they had surrendered to the Gallente Federation.

Among them were many sixth-level underworld experts, who were in a state of confusion before this sudden chaos.

The Gallente Federation fleet doesn't care about the underworld creatures, which ones have really surrendered, and which ones have ulterior motives.

After receiving the news that the fleet group was under attack from the rear, almost all the federal fleets aimed their guns at the location of the underworld creatures, trying to eliminate these nearest threats.

The chaos caused by the underworld creatures on the federal front line provided a lot of convenience for the sudden attack of the wizard civilization army.

The Dragon Riders of the Beren Empire were indeed the fastest.

But after the Dragon Rider Legion, the Griffin Legion of the Aibarut Empire, the Flying Dragon Legion tamed by the Northland Witch Organization, the Mechanical Golem Legion produced by the City of Steel, the undead army of the Mamet Alliance, and the Titans The giant army of the world, the elven army of the elven world, and the orc army of the orc world all launched a fierce charge to the front line!

This is where the elites of the wizard civilization are deployed on the front lines of the battlefield in the Thanoras star field.

Although the gryphons are strong and strong, there is still a gap between them and the giant dragons.

But their number is far more than that of dragons.

Their streamlined wingspan, powerful steel claws, and being covered in a layer of demonized heavy armor make them the second legion in the wizarding world after the dragon legion.

The bipedal flying dragon army is good at using venom to attack, which is a kind of sub-dragon.

With the genetic modification of this species by the witches of the North,

, the comprehensiveness and functionality of the wyvern exceeds that of most subsaurians.

Moreover, these bipedal flying dragons were not all carrying knights. Many witches also stood on their backs to coordinate attacks.

The mechanical golem army produced by the City of Steel should be a special army that only appeared on a large scale on the front lines of the civilized battlefield after the end of the Neisser Civilization War.

These mechanical golems feel very much like the Gallente Federation's robot army, but their average size is much larger than ordinary robots, and their core power is also driven by magic energy. There are countless magic arrays carved on the surface, and they even have It can absorb the power of surrounding elements and repair itself.

The mighty army of mechanical golems carries the dreams and expectations of the emerging generation of mechanics in the wizarding world.

The recent period of civilization is undoubtedly the golden period for the development of the machinist system.

No matter ‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏Whether it is the destroyed Nessir civilization, the Rose Dynasty civilization that has taken refuge under the Wizards Alliance, or the Gallente Federation that is currently fighting against each other, these The profound truths contained in world civilization and the ready-made knowledge pedigree will undoubtedly carry forward the "machinist" system.

In the oldest period of the wizarding world, "wizards" held the power of the plane. This can be seen from the name of the wizarding world.

In the ancient, medieval, and modern wizarding worlds, "magicians" have the greatest say. However, among the various branches of magician lineages, the one with the strongest strength and the largest proportion is recognized as the "elementalist" system.

Many powerful people in the wizarding world have a hunch that since the "Elemental Master" profession, the people who have gradually taken over the leading authority of the wizarding civilization's spellcasters are likely to be the "machinist" group!

This is an era that makes countless mechanics fascinated and full of motivation, although there is only one true spirit-level mechanic in the contemporary wizarding world.

But who says that there won’t be a second, third, or even more true spirit-level mechanics born in the future!

The undead army of the Mamet Alliance behaved extremely low-key on such a battlefield.

Most of the undead creatures were silent at this time.

They were like a group of gray tides, silently rushing toward the Gallente Federation fleet.

Among all the member planes of the Wizards Alliance, undead creatures are the least afraid of death.

Because from the perspective of biological morphology, most undead creatures have almost "died" once.

The Titan Legion is currently the most eye-catching alliance legion on the front lines of this civilized battlefield.

Can be dragged here

Those on the front lines of the civilized battlefield are almost all the leaders of the Titan clan.

Even the lowest level giant has a first-level life level and an astonishing size of more than ten meters.

It is worth mentioning that the Titan World is the only special and powerful group in the Wizarding Alliance that, like the Wizarding World, only uses first-level creatures of its own species to participate in plane wars!

In other words, there is no Titan below the first level on this battlefield.

The sturdy Titans formed a square formation and charged towards the Gallente Federation Steel Front group.

Before these Titans, the most outstanding performer was the god-king Odin, the source of faith in the Titan world.

Wearing a full-body armor that was blue and emitted "thunderbolt" lightning, Odin, who had the title of "God of the Gods", suddenly threw the spear in his hand.

Where the world-level secret treasure Kungunil is pointing is also where the tens of millions of Titan giants are charging towards on this battlefield!

The Elf Legion from the Great World of Elf is the alliance legion with the most complex arms and the best coordination among all the large alliance planes on this civilized battlefield.

The three-headed Chimera, whose size is no less than that of a giant dragon, carries the elf sacrifice on its back and whizzes past the starry sky battlefield.

The hippogryph, which flies extremely fast, also carries elf archers one after another.

There are also hill giants born from the great world of elves, with a body as majestic as a mountain, walking forward slowly.

It is said that these hill giants are a new type of creature cultivated by the Elf God by combining the earth element creatures of the purple diamond world and the blood of Titan giants, and then bred by the earth vein aura of the Elf world. I don’t know if this is true. .

In addition to these complex arms, there are tens of thousands of large ancient war trees planted on the Sanoras star field front, all of which were specially transported from the elven world.

Coordinated with the Elf World Army in attacking, there is also the Orc World Army with a halo of war songs and an astonishing charging speed.

The Komodo war beast took heavy steps and rushed forward.

Blessed by the power of madness aura, command aura, sobriety aura, thorns aura, and other special war songs, the orc world is a relatively famous poor plane in the Wizards Alliance.

But there are few people in the Wizards Alliance who can afford to offend the truly elite orc core legion.

Legions from all directions coordinated their attacks, and the sudden power of the wizard civilization on the border battlefield of the Thanoras star field was impressive!

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