The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,455 Bad News

In response to the continuous increase in troops in the Beholder World, although the Wizards Alliance did not send other knights and magicians of level 4 or above to lead the legions to support Thain and others, they did send an alliance legion that Thain was very familiar with - the Huya people. Legion.

It was also on the eve of the arrival of the Huya Legion that Thain and the wizard world's level four and above powerhouses stationed around the meteorite belt received several bad news!

The war legions that the wizard civilization had previously advanced to the underworld star domain were defeated!

The Gallente Federation's vanguard fleet pursued them one after another until they reached the border of the Thanoras star field. The army of wizard civilization collapsed again and again!

If not Odin, the titan master with the title of "God King", stepped forward.

He led his Titan Legion to withstand the fiercest charge of the Gallente Federation's vanguard fleet. Subsequently, other wizard civilizations and alliance masters in the star field showed up to assist.

I am afraid that the second defensive front that the wizard civilization has painstakingly deployed in the Thanoras star field will be broken due to this.

Coincidentally, another bad news is that the Gallente Federation has several more Dominator-class fleets stationed in the underworld star field.

Today, the federation’s dominant power in the underworld star field has reached seven!

Among them, there were even two jumbo-class giant mechas that performed extremely well and appeared on the front lines of the civilized battlefield.

It is said that a master-level strongman who led the legion of the wizard civilization to counterattack into the underworld star field was severely injured by the opponent.

It almost achieved the first dominant achievement since the outbreak of civilized war, with both sides falling.

A lot of bad news came, catching Thain and others off guard.

It was also at this time that the beholder army accumulated on the opposite side of the gray-white meteorite belt suddenly launched a fierce attack on the garrison line of Thain and others.

Those beholders and the Gallente Federation behind them must have known about the battlefield trends in the underworld star field for a long time.

Therefore, troops were added to the battlefields on all fronts early. The purpose was to support the battlefields of the Underworld Star Territory and Thanoras Star Territory and distract the wizard civilization.

Thain and others received the news not too slowly, but the overall layout of the Civilization War has little to do with level four creatures like them.

The mission of Thain and others is to follow the instructions issued by the Wizards Alliance and complete the current garrison mission.

"How could it be defeated?" Thain was puzzled.

Failure came too suddenly.

Not only Thain, but other knights and magicians in the wizarding world are probably also confused.

But the battlefield of the underworld star field is too far away from them.


Unless Thain applies to be transferred out of this place and goes to the Underworld Star Territory and Thanoras Star Territory War Zone in person, he will not get any useful information.

However, Thain has personally seen the power and scale of the federal fleet group. It is not incomprehensible that the wizard civilization once again suffered a huge defeat on the frontline battlefield...

Civilized war is inherently full of uncertainties.

The Wizarding Civilization failed twice in succession in the underworld star field, which is not good news.

Civilized wars sometimes attach great importance to "power". The "power" of wizard civilization has obviously fallen out of favor in recent years.

Even if there are great victories in some local battlefields, those major battlefields are still the ones that everyone is most concerned about.

Shaking his head, the situation on the front lines of the civilized battlefield has nothing to do with Thain. All he can do now is to be himself.

As long as every knight and magician does their job well and exerts their strength in the war, Thain firmly believes that victory still belongs to them.

"Turn on the firepower system of the space fortress to the maximum to withstand the offensive pressure of those beholders!"

"Also, notify the other garrisoned legions in the radiation arc world to get support here as soon as possible!" Thain ordered.

Facing the all-out attack of the Beholder Army, Thain not only mobilized all the defensive forces around the meteorite belt, but also himself was frequently on the front line.

At this time, Thain's foresight in giving up the initiative to attack was revealed.

If a fierce attack was launched at that time and happened to catch up with the reinforcements from the Beholder World and the Gallente Federation, Thain and others would probably be in a bad situation.

Even if the lives of Thain and others are not in danger, if they take the initiative to attack and lose their troops, it may be difficult to continue to defend this meteorite belt.

It is better to defend from the beginning to the end and develop the garrison capability to the extreme.

The process of stationing Thain and others in the meteorite belt was very difficult.

At the beginning, there were indeed only six beholders above level 4 on the opposite side, but as more and more federal fleets appeared, the pressure on Thane and others increased sharply.

Those federal legions seem to have found a stable cross-space transmission method to the world of beholder demons.

When four federal fleet groups and two level four giant mechas with comparable level 4 biological combat capabilities also appeared on this starry sky battlefield, Thain and others performed extremely difficultly even if they were shrinking in defense.

Personal bravery is indeed of little significance in this level of civilized warfare.

Thain's combat power is comparable to level 5, but there is also one among the beholder army on the opposite side.

Level five beholder.

And as time goes by, the reinforcements from those beholders seem to be increasing.

Many wizarding civilization creatures in this front have the illusion that they will be directly submerged under the ray coverage of the Gallente Federation and those beholders.

It was also in this context that Thain and others finally ushered in the Huyan Legion.

"I didn't expect that we would fight side by side again under such circumstances."

"You won't regret joining the Wizards Alliance, will you?" Thain, who had just returned from the frontline battlefield and was dusty, smiled at the King of Huya who arrived in this meteorite belt.

Although the words were joking, the King of the Huyans said seriously at this time: "Of course not. Now that we have joined the Wizards Alliance and made a contract, we, the Huyan clan, will definitely follow the Wizarding Civilization and fight to the end!"

Repeated job hopping is something that ordinary civilized people cannot handle.

At least the Huya people don't have this capital.

Now under the command of the wizard civilization, the Huyan King can only go to the dark side.

They probably also heard the news that the wizard civilization army was defeated again in the underworld star field.

The Wizarding World did not deliberately block such information, and it is estimated that a blockade would not be able to block it.

As for what the Huyan King and others are thinking in their hearts, it is unknown.

"I firmly believe that the wizard civilization will achieve final victory. The decision you made at the beginning will not be wrong." Thain patted the King of Huya and said.

The Huyan King also nodded in approval. After receiving the garrison task from Thain, the Huyan King seemed to casually ask about the current situation of his two daughters.

Since Gamora and Gamora followed Thane, Thain has not touched them yet.

Now both women are staying in the radiation arc world, including Selena, Erin and other women from the Holy Tower of Ashes.

Thain still takes great care of the people around him.

The current battlefield in the starry sky and meteorite belt is too dangerous, but it is much safer in the radiation arc world. -------------------

PS: There are currently 10,255 monthly tickets, which exceeds 10,000! Thanks to the leaders of "Klopp", "White Rose Cemetery" and "Book Friends 61402382" for the reward! Thanks to all readers for voting! It is now second on the monthly vote list, a new achievement for Xiaodou since he wrote the book six years ago! Excitement, joy, unforgettable and other emotions are intertwined!

Xiaodou did the math and found that chapter 105 needs to be added!

There will be five updates until the end of the extra update, thank you for your support!

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