The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 144: Enriching Learning

From Magician Lanqi, Thain gained the basic knowledge of the other world that he liked.

It was also after the private lessons from Magician Lanqi that Thain returned to his previous class study state.

He is like a sponge, absorbing as much knowledge as possible.

Those weak apprentices only saw a senior apprentice who was unfamiliar to them, frequently appearing in the classrooms of various basic courses.

No one realizes that Thane's growth during this period was the period of his fastest personal growth since he left the underground world of Menzobra.

It was also almost two and a half months after Thain came to Jizhiyuan Holy Tower College that the magic messenger who sent him a letter to Grant finally flew back to the college and brought a reply from Count Grant.

Earl Grant and Thain were indeed father and son, and they were both concise and concise in their correspondence.

A letter that cost as much as one high-grade energy crystal, and the handwriting only took up half a page of letter paper.

Moreover, Earl Grant's reply did not mention any special events, but only expressed knowledge of Thane's arrival at the Holy Tower of Blue Origin.

He also briefly mentioned that the border war between the Lycian Alliance and the Orc Empire was still going on. He received Thain's letter on the front line of the battlefield.

Due to the high cost of magical letters, Thane did not continue to write to the count after receiving a reply.

According to his prediction, writing a letter once every two or three years would be enough.

Neither he nor Earl Grant is a mother-in-law person.

In this way, Thain's college life gradually returned to peace.

Life in the teaching building, library, and apprentice dormitory between three o'clock and one line every day is boring for most people, but for Thain, it is a life that makes him feel fulfilled.

Moreover, Thain's lifestyle is really not something that ordinary apprentices can imitate and endure.

Thain, who is only a senior apprentice and is in his twenties, has a performance in the Holy Tower of Origin that is close to being on par with the official magicians.

Official magicians generally have a life span of hundreds of years. They are accustomed to enjoyment and material appearance, and then they gradually immerse their hearts in the study of magic and the mysteries of truth.

But apprentices of Thain's age are still full of freshness and curiosity about the world.

As far as Thain knows, in Jizhiyuan Holy Tower Academy, apprentices hold large-scale events every week.

Little dances and social gatherings.

Almost all of these magic apprentices came from noble families.

This kind of dance, which reflects identity and style, is very popular among the male and female apprentices in the Holy Tower.

And the dance party is not just for fun, but also for the accumulation of connections.

Regardless of whether these magic apprentices can become official magicians in the future, at least with this learning experience at Jizhiyuan Holy Tower Academy, they and the families behind them will definitely have many more connections and channels.

This is one of the reasons why so many great aristocratic families in secular human kingdoms are trying to send their children to the Holy Tower to study.

Thain was not interested in this kind of aristocratic ball.

Even in the Holy Tower of Blue Origin, there are only a few apprentices who know Thain.

Tom, the intermediate apprentice who was performing academy tasks in Gem Bay, had not seen him in the academy until half a year after Thane had entered school.

On the one hand, Holy Tower College is too big, so unless you are willing to contact it, the chance of encountering it by chance is often very low.

On the other hand, Thain's time allocation and management have reached the extreme. He has even begun to set precise requirements on himself for what he should do every minute.

In the past, when he was at the Black Magic Academy, Thane was trying desperately to absorb the nutrients of knowledge in order to survive, in an attempt to become stronger.

Although he is no longer forced by external threats, it seems that Thain has become accustomed to the past learning method of squeezing himself to the extreme.

On the contrary, it was the somewhat "loose" learning model of other apprentices in the Holy Tower that Thain could not agree with and get used to.

He is still the lone ranger, appearing in various basic classes at Holy Tower Academy.

This situation lasted for two years.

It was not until two years later that Thain finally made up for his shortcomings in all basic knowledge areas, and also mastered more than ten kinds of low-level magic and below.

The accumulation of more comprehensive basic knowledge and the mastery of dozens of kinds of magic allowed Thain, a senior apprentice, to finally look like a "magician" in the wizarding world.

No one knows how far this low-key senior apprentice has made progress in the field of truth.

Only Thain himself knows exactly how much he has changed compared to two years ago.

Fire elemental transformation course, this is an advanced course of fire magic that requires spending two magic coins to participate.

In the Holy Tower of Blue Origin, there are many official magicians who teach this course.

Perhaps this is also because fire element magic has always been a major category in the field of magic elements.

In the process of selecting instructors, Thain saw a familiar name.

The classrooms located above the fifth floor of the teaching building in the middle of the college have always been a place only intermediate and advanced apprentices can enter at Holy Tower College.

Because generally only intermediate and advanced apprentices have the financial resources to learn advanced knowledge.

Although some low-level apprentices are rich, their knowledge is not up to standard.

To force them to learn more advanced knowledge will do them more harm than good.

Today, Thain entered this medium-sized classroom with a small internal space.

Perhaps because they arrived earlier, there were only three intermediate apprentices sitting scattered in the classroom.

The three apprentices were also very strange. They did not sit directly in the best seats in the center of the front row of the classroom, but in a more remote seat at the back.

Without paying too much attention to the three apprentices, Thain walked directly towards the middle of the first row of the classroom.

Thain's actions aroused the glances of the three intermediate apprentices in the classroom.

But no one reminded him of anything, everyone seemed to be waiting quietly for class.

As the class time gets closer, more and more intermediate and advanced apprentices enter this medium-sized classroom.

Although it is a paid course worth up to two magic coins, after the apprentices reach a certain stage, they can barely afford the cost of the relevant courses, and they are also well aware of the importance of this course in the use of fire magic.

Besides, the basic family status of apprentices who can come to the Holy Tower to study will not be much worse.

Perhaps their financial resources cannot afford to spend so much money on advanced courses related to all fire magic, but they will still grit their teeth to listen to this more important advanced course.

The Holy Tower apprentices who entered the classroom were obviously a little surprised by the unfamiliar-looking Thain who appeared in the first row.

In this fire element qualitative transformation course, there were almost twenty intermediate and advanced apprentices who came to attend the class, including seven or eight advanced apprentices.

It was also after a group of three senior apprentices entered the classroom that Thain's trouble began.

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