The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,438 The Flame

The subsequent assembly work of the Flame Golem took a lot of effort from Thane and Yuri.

In the field of golem manufacturing and repair, Yuli knows much more than Thane. After all, this is her main power system.

It was also during this process that Thain discovered through research that the Rubik's Cube not only has the ability to repair the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron, but also has the function of repairing Yuri's golem.

This should be the new ability possessed by the Rubik's Cube after its transformation and upgrade.

So Thain couldn't help but wonder, does the Rubik's Cube still have the ability to repair the wizarding world's space fortress, or even the Gallente Federation space battleship?

The result should be possible, but it requires massive amounts of material and energy.

Including Rubik's Cube itself also needs to collect and analyze the core information of many metal technology creations.

Holding the world-class secret treasure Rubik's Cube, Se‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏En can now really be called half a "machinist".

Yuli completed the painting of the outer metal of the Flame Golem herself.

The giant demon doll with a full metallic texture turned into a beautiful demon doll with a flame wave pattern under Yuli's description.

Thain's aesthetic ability in this area is relatively poor, because he has always focused on practicality.

However, the Flame Constructed Golem described by Yuli still made Thain's eyes shine.

When the upgrade and improvement work on the Raging Flame's golem was finally completed, Thain called Yuri to his side, and the world-class secret treasure Rubik's Cube broke away from Thain's hands and flew to the Raging Flame, which had basically been transformed.

What Thane has to do at this time is to give "wisdom" to the Flame's constructed golem.

This is a project that Thain has wanted to do for a long time, and it is also the core ability of the original Rubik's Cube.

In addition to constructing the golem, Thane believes that his formless mask can also give him wisdom.

But regarding the transformation of the Phaseless Mask, Thane is still hesitant and hesitant.

I plan to do a few more experiments before starting when the technology matures.

The work of improving and imparting wisdom to world-class secret treasures is definitely not something that can be accomplished simply.

When the Rubik's Cube emitted a faint shimmer and floated and hovered directly above the Flame's golem, Yuri, who was leaning next to Thain, couldn't help but nervously hold Thain's hand.

Yuri's attitude towards the Blazing Golem is similar to that of a relative, like the relationship between a knight in the wizarding world and his mount, or the relationship between a magician and his soul partner.

The Flame's golem may have been blocked only now

Grace gives wisdom, but probably in Yuli's heart, her demon doll has already been flesh and blood and is an inseparable part of her life.

That's why I can't forget the "Flame".

"Theoretically nothing will happen." Thain patted Yuli's hand reassuringly, making Yuli's tense and tense spirit gradually relax a lot.

Blue light burst out from the Rubik's Cube once again.

This time, the Rubik's Cube did not disintegrate into countless small particles, but only shot a beam of light from the tip of the cube.

After the beam hit the Raging Flame's constructed golem, on the surface, it seemed that nothing had changed.

The surrounding environment is still quiet.

But Thain, who mastered the Rubik's Cube, knew that more sophisticated and in-depth transformations had already taken place in the Flame's constructed golem.

"Zi‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏La~" A subtle electric arc flashed across the surface of the metal arm of the Flame Golem, but it quickly disappeared again.

After a long time, with Yuli's face filled with anticipation and Thane's thoughtful expression, the long-dormant Lieyan constructed a golem. Suddenly her chest lit up with red light, including a pair of light eyes. It lights up.

This should be a sign that the Flame is activated. The entire golem seems to be "alive"!

"Go try it."

"You can make friends with her first." Thain turned to Yuli and smiled.

Granting intelligence to the constructed golem was something that scientists from the destroyed Neisser civilization would never have dared to think about.

Only by combining the technology of the Gallente Federation and the truth of wizard civilization can such a miracle be born.

Yuri's Flame Constructed Golem, in summary, combines the technologies of three world civilizations.

The magic coins that Thain invested in this golem are not inferior to his own space fortress.

Yuli also walked towards the Lieyan with joy at this time.

This was not the first time she and Lieyan had met, but they had already carved each other into their hearts.

Including the flame-shaped golem that had just given birth to wisdom at this time, it did not show any hostility towards Thane and Yuri at this time.

Because of the wisdom given by the Rubik's Cube and Yuli's identity as a constructor, Lieyan also has a natural affinity with them.

Facing Yuli who kept approaching him, after the Lieyan got used to his body, he took the initiative to kneel forward on one knee and stretched his left hand forward.

Yuli walked directly to Lieyan's hand, and Lieyan took the initiative to send her into the cockpit.

After Yuri entered the central cockpit, the hatch was closed, and the Flame, which originally felt like it was coming to life, seemed to become stronger in an instant!

Only when the golem itself is combined with the constructor can it exert its strongest combat power.

Being in the Flame, Yuri can not only easily activate many of the deep combat functions of the Flame, but can also use her thoughts and constructor abilities to control other attached golems to fight together.

Thain has also ordered new accessory golems from the City of Steel.

The combat power of the attached golem does not need to be too strong, as long as it can match the level three or demigod level combat power.

On the one hand, a demon that is too powerful is expensive to make. On the other hand, Yuli does not have enough concentration to control other high-level demons.

In order to control several level four or above golems, Thain must have enough resources and wealth to build them, and Yuri must transform and advance to a higher level. OK.

Since the Neisser civilization is a large-scale world civilization, it must have a master-level constructed golem.

I don’t know what kind of powerful effects such a demon puppet has.

Watching Yuri control the Flame to run and jump in the Holy Tower experimental area, and stimulate the weapon system to test the combat capabilities, Thain sighed: "The adaptability of the Flame to Yuri is far better than the test drive on the Noqi planet. The power of Batian."

"It seems like there's still room for improvement between the two of them."

"The group of intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron... maybe I can take a look at them sometime." Thane said while touching his chin.

The intelligent robot family needs the Rubik's Cube to reproduce the population. Since the Rubik's Cube is now the property of Thane, the relationship between him and the intelligent robot family is unbreakable.

Not to mention, the human experience of fighting side by side and breaking through before.

After the completion and upgrade of the Flame's golem, Thane did not rush to find Megatron and other intelligent robots. Instead, he first came to the production plane of important slave creatures under his command - the world of Flame Insects.

The world of Yanchong was developed by Thane and many other knights and magicians of level four or above, and is currently in an extremely scientific environment with a slave creature screening mechanism.

Thane's share of interests in the world of the Flame Insect allows him to mobilize an elite slave army of two million for war at any time.

Hundreds of years have passed since the world of Yan Chong was conquered.

It seems that the indigenous creatures of this plane have adapted to a life ruled by wizard civilization.

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