The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,436 New type of devil (additional update)

The process of treating Lenna's injuries was very fast. She has a strong ability to withstand blows, and the injuries she suffered were not serious.

And what Lenna knew about the situation around the frontline beholder world was only based on her vision.

If Thain wants to get more detailed information, he has to go out and inquire about it himself.

Maybe it was because I hadn't been intimate with Lenna for a long time. The process of applying the medicine to Lenna's body gradually changed in the middle and late stages.

Lenna was also blushing and didn't know how to refuse.

The needs of knights in this regard are much higher than those of magicians.

Lenna had never asked for help from Thain on her own. In the past, Natalya had pulled her along.

The two quickly got into the mood.

It may be that he is in his own holy tower, and there are restrictions placed between the floors of the holy tower. This time, Thain did not bother to impose soundproof barriers. .

Lenna's combat effectiveness is very durable, and Thain's is not bad either. Without Natalya, Lenna is no match for Thain.

When the two of them were in darkness, Xia Ya, wearing cool and tight-fitting training clothes, came to the top of the holy tower.

She had just finished the body-training experiment, and she still had a very strong smell of female sweat.

The reason why he came to the top of the Holy Tower in such a hurry was because he heard the news that Lenna had returned to the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade.

Xia Ya, who has a deep hatred for the world of beholder demons, is also very concerned about the frontline battle situation in Feilan's half.

Especially the Ernst family and her family, many members participated in the garrison war of the Steel Wall Fist Knight Hall.

I wonder how damaged the two knight families have been after so many years.

Knights in the wizarding world are generally more concerned about their own bloodline and family development.

Compared with magicians who advocate exploring the truth and respecting their teachers, these knights are undoubtedly much closer to the world.

Lenna's family is much luckier than Shaya and Natalya's families.

Although they also suffered a lot of losses in the recent war, at least Lenna's parents, the two Sky Knight-level Roshans, did not die.

I even heard that Lenna's father performed well in the war and had been promoted to a demigod level knight.

It was also in previous exchanges that Thain learned that Lenna's parents performed exceptionally well on the battlefield with Thain's "fat-burning secret skills."

including rena

She also taught her parents the other secret techniques for exploding fat that she obtained from Thain.

Thain didn't mind at all about this.

Anyway, it does not involve his own core mysteries. Teaching these fat-burning secrets to Lenna's parents will also give them a higher chance of survival in the plane war.

At first, Xia Ya couldn't find Thain and Lenna, because they both seemed to have turned off their crystal ball communication and knight medal communication methods.

Later, when Xia Ya found a certain floor on the top floor of the Holy Tower, Xia Ya, who heard some sounds, said "Teng!" and her face became even redder.

Qing spat, and Xia Ya flew away in a hurry.

After returning to her residence, Xia Ya could not calm down.

Xia Ya, who had not experienced anything like that for many years, bit her lower lip slightly and tossed and turned‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏After a long time, she stretched her hand towards her leg with trembling between.

The Holy Tower of Ashes is located in the spacious experimental area on the middle floor, where Thain is watching and studying the assembly of Yuri's new golem.

The new golem has not yet been named, and this work is left to Yuli.

The huge demon doll is close to two hundred meters in size, which is much higher than the previous silver-armored demon doll.

And because it involves the use of special malleable metal developed by Steel City, the combat status of this golem can also be changed.

Having to use more expensive malleable metals is not to say that Thane has nowhere to spend his money, but after seeing the fighting style of the advanced intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron, Thain believes that the changeable shape and volume can Help the golems adapt to more complex war environments, especially the war with the Gallente Federation.

Thane still remembers the way Megatron, the now renamed Decepticon, fought during the breakout war outside the planet Cybertron.

Under normal conditions, Megatron's height can be reduced to about ten meters, but during combat, it can switch its size to between a hundred meters and a thousand meters at will.

The larger size and more astonishing weight allow Megatron to explode with stronger impact in battle, and even dismantle giant federal battleships with his bare hands.

However, when faced with the intensive energy rays of the Gallente Federation, a person as powerful as Megatron would shrink his body size as much as possible and make his state more defensive.

There is still a big gap between robots and golems and real flesh and elemental creatures.

From the beginning of the design, Thain had to consider every detail.

Although Thain was an elementalist at this time, he considered himself to be half a mechanic now.

With a deeper understanding of machinery and golems, Thain's level in this area has far surpassed other magicians of the same level in the wizarding world.

Therefore, Thane was able to make some extremely tricky demands to the alchemy teams of the City of Steel and the City of Sky.

Two more rectangular black elemental moment cannons were slowly mounted on the shoulders of the devil.

Soon, a special silver layer of metal covered the two moment cannons, wrapping their muzzles filled with evil spirits.

The black elemental moment cannon is produced in Sky City. It is said that it is a secondary gun added to the special space fortress. Thain has connections in Sky City, so ‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏ ‎‏‏‏So I can get a few spare artillery pieces.

The silver metal compartment was purchased from the business alliance Capecchi. Produced in the Alliance's large world - the Norman Federation.

The Norman Federation also has considerable warship manufacturing technology. At this time, it is the war of civilizations. The performance of the Norman Federation in all aspects makes the wizard civilization extremely satisfied.

This technological civilization, which was exposed to have many rebel lurkers during the Wizards Alliance Conference, seems to be wholeheartedly on the side of the Wizarding Civilization.

You know, during the period when the Civilization War just broke out, the wizard civilization had a large number of legions ready to fight, and they all gathered around the star field where the Norman Federation was located, intentionally or unintentionally.

Including this time, there were many alliance legions stationed in the Norman Federation.

But judging from the results, the Norman Federation is much more reliable than the seemingly obedient Beholder World.

It takes a lot of time to assemble a new type of constructed golem, and the test drive and running-in process after Yuli's breakthrough is expected to be no less.

This is one of the shortcomings of this type of technological civilization.

Even if Yuli had the power to provide a lot of help to Thane earlier, she was nothing without the constructed golem.

Just as Yuri's constructed golem was about to take shape, Thane welcomed another alliance envoy, a fourth-level magician from the Sky City.

"Mage Thain, this is the mission reward that the Alliance asked me to give you."

"Thank you for your contribution to civilized warfare!"

The fourth-level magician named Bosh handed the dark cube into the hands of Thain.

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