The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,431 Enemies and Friends (Additional Updates)

"The giants of light from the civilization of the Kingdom of Light have approached me twice, wanting to build a cooperative front with us against the Hades Empire."

"This war with the Gallente Federation may not be able to operate within the tens of thousands of years predicted in advance." Daenerys said.

As a true spirit master who has been sitting in the border star region of wizard civilization for a long time, Daenerys has a lot of autonomy to a certain extent.

However, she did not immediately reach any agreement with the civilization of the Kingdom of Light on behalf of the wizard civilization.

Instead, take this matter back to the wizarding civilization in advance and discuss it with other high-level powerful people in the wizarding world.

The civilization of the Kingdom of Light is also a top civilization!

Since the development of wizard civilization, it has long been known that it is not the only top civilization in this huge star realm.

Except for the Gallente Federation that is currently fighting, it belongs to the top level of civilization‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏.

The civilization of the Kingdom of Light, the civilization of the Hades Empire, the civilization of the Immortal Domain, and the Clan of Light that left this starry sky all belong to the top level of civilization.

And some worlds entered the top level of civilization much earlier than the wizarding world!

There are not only hostile relationships among civilizations, but also cooperative relationships.

The wizard civilization and the civilization of the Kingdom of Light are extremely far apart. This distance is so far that even the dominant masters are stunned by it.

The long distance in time and space means that it is difficult for the wizard civilization and the civilization of the Kingdom of Light to have any direct conflict of interest.

Not to mention, there is a Hades Empire civilization sandwiched between these two top civilizations.

The wizard civilization is also quite far away from the civilization of the Hades Empire... In the early years, the wizard civilization had a gap with the civilization of the Hades Empire, and the civilization of the Hades Empire also noticed this new top civilization.

But at that time, it was precisely because the distance between the two top civilizations was too far, and the emergence of the first level nine creature in the wizarding world in the previous generation, that the possible war between the two world civilizations was blocked.

However, after so many years, the two top civilizations have not completely let go of each other.

The wizard civilization has stationed a large number of elite combat legions in the direction of the Mingha Empire all year round, just to prevent threats from that world.

Including this war with the Gallente Federation, the Wizarding Civilization did not mobilize combat legions in that direction.

Daenerys, the true spirit level magician, was transferred back to the wizarding world just as a dominant powerhouse stationed on a rotating basis.

After Daenerys left, there was actually a new master-level powerhouse in the wizarding world who was transferred.

Wizarding civilization has itself in other directions

The Gallente Federation naturally has potential enemies going up, but they are not as prominent as the Wizarding Civilization.

Beyond the borders of the Gallente Federation, there are also world civilizations that are extremely dissatisfied with the Federation.

Most of them are medium-sized worlds, but there are also a few large worlds.

But those world civilizations, frightened by the constant pressure of the Gallente Federation, did not dare to step forward rashly.

They are also silently paying attention to the war between the two top civilizations.

The wizarding civilization also tried to win over those worlds and complete the encirclement of the Gallente Federation.

It's just not very effective.

Those world civilizations are also very sophisticated, and they will never "end" easily until the situation in the war of civilizations is completely clear.

This battle between the top civilizations of the Gallente Federation can also be seen as a battle over the "national destiny" of two world civilizations.

Winner‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏Everyone takes it all, loser... Whether it is the Wizarding World or the Gallente Federation, once they show weakness, internal and external difficulties will ensue. .

The wizarding civilization is in trouble, and the Hades Empire may come to pick peaches.

If the Gallente Federation is unlucky, other hostile world civilizations around the star field where it is located will also follow suit and step on it.

this is the truth.

The two world civilizations have no retreat.

However, there is indeed no conflict between the wizard civilization and the civilization of the Kingdom of Light. On the contrary, the two civilizations are highly cooperative.

The civilization of the Kingdom of Light is the mortal enemy of the Hades Empire, and the relationship between them is, to a certain extent, more intense than the relationship between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation.

Those giants of light hate and hate the death and darkness creatures of the Hades Empire.

The two world civilizations are feuding.

"Although the giants of light from the civilization of the Kingdom of Light are extremely restrained in their general attributes against the creatures of the Minghe Empire, the strength of the Minghe Empire still far exceeds that of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light."

"There is a strange movement in the direction of the Minghe Empire. Could it be the first pharaoh..." Bev, a seventh-level true spirit magician, pondered.

Daenerys remained silent in response to Bev's words.

She did not receive accurate information, but only made corresponding judgments.

Naturally, the earlier we can prepare for signs of abnormality detected early, the better.

Then Ms. Bev nodded and said: "Cooperation with the civilization of the Kingdom of Light can be proposed at the next high-level meeting."

"Master Shen'ao Nordin, a seventh-level true spiritual astrologer, also said that the potential crisis of our wizard civilization lies in that direction, and we must guard against it."

"This war with the Gallente Federation seems to have to be pushed forward as soon as possible. I wonder if the general trend will be established in 20,000 years." Bev sighed.

Although there are some changes in the direction of the Minghe Empire, there is actually no need to be too anxious on the wizarding civilization side.

The Minghe Empire is far away from the wizard civilization. If the other party wants to launch an expedition to the star field where the wizard civilization is located, it cannot be decided in a moment.

And it involves preparations for war between top civilizations, and the wizarding world will definitely be aware of it by then.

Besides, the Minghe Empire also has its own enemies. Compared to the wizarding world, which is extremely far away and not very hateful, the civilization of the Kingdom of Light is their real mortal enemy.

There is a real change in the Minghe Empire, and the civilization of the Kingdom of Guangwei cannot stand still for the first time.

No, the civilization of the Kingdom of Light is trying its best to communicate with the Wizarding World across the long territory of the Minghe Empire.

"It's a pity that the fairyland civilization cannot join the war between us and the Gallente Federation. Otherwise, 20,000 years will be enough for us to establish the victory of the civilized war." Daenerys said regretfully.

"The fairyland civilization has its own troubles. The three religions are divided, Buddhism and Taoism are fighting, and humans and monsters are fighting against each other."

"The Immortal Realm, which has been in a state of infinite expansion and development for more than 100,000 years, is finally facing a catastrophe. In my opinion, it is a good thing."

"Although we have good relations with many saints in the Immortal Realm, as a leader of civilization, I don't want to see the powerful Immortal Realm become a rope."

"If they had been a whole, I wouldn't have dared to let them get involved in the war between us and the Gallente Federation." Bev shook her head and said.

Daenerys heard this and said with great interest: "The time and space distance between the Fairyland civilization and our wizarding world is farther than the Hades Empire. Are you worried about them?"

"There are no permanent friends and no permanent enemies. Distance is not a problem. As long as there are interests, even the closest allies will turn against each other," Bev said.

Daenerys sighed this time and said, "No wonder Douglas and Vivian are so optimistic about you. We are relieved that the wizarding civilization is in your hands."

When Bev saw this, she smiled and said: "I am just the leader of contemporary wizard civilization, and I need the help of Rogge, Alice, and Thaneses."

"If wizard civilization wants to prosper, it needs the unremitting efforts of its successors, and I am just an insignificant part of it."

"I only hope that when our generation hands over the power to the next generation, it can live up to our expectations and the prosperity of the wizarding civilization today."

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