The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,422 Goodbye Decepticons

When there is bad news, there is naturally good news.

Faced with the sudden war launched by the Gallente Federation, although the wizard civilization was passively attacked in the early stage, because it had already prepared for war mobilization, it quickly established a firm foothold and achieved unparalleled success in many star fields. Philippines advantage.

The Hengjuan Star Territory where Thain was previously located was one of the battlefields where the wizard civilization took the initiative.

In addition to the transverse star field, the wizard civilization has counterattacked in many star fields.

For example, in a place called the Shiluzi Star Territory, the wizard civilization broke through the Gallente Federation's blocked border and directly entered the Gallente Federation.

It is said that the Shiluzi star field is an important energy-producing star field on the border of the Federation, where the wizard civilization army has seized countless energy crystals and non-attributed energy blocks.

Shi‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎The good news in the Luzi Star Region is just one of the good news that Thane received after returning to the hinterland of the wizarding civilization.

There are many other good news, too numerous to mention.

And Thain guessed that there was some news that the wizarding world had deliberately hidden.

The news that Thain made in the Cybertron star field can definitely be regarded as a point of propaganda for the wizard civilization, but after Thain returned to the wizard civilization, he did not hear anything about it.

As a top-level civilization with a profound foundation, the Wizarding Civilization has a wider reputation in the surrounding star fields and deep in the starry sky than the Gallente Federation.

Even if the Gallente Federation suddenly takes action and takes the initiative to provoke a war of civilizations, it is impossible for the wizarding civilization to have corresponding back-ups.

The reason why there is no too "explosive" information yet is that Thain can only consider that the wizard civilization is preparing to take the "big one".

It is estimated that deep in the distant starry sky, those powerful alien civilizations who are aware of the war between the Gallente Federation and the Wizarding Civilization are also quietly watching the war between the two top civilizations.

Speaking of which, the good news about the wizard civilization collected by Thain are basically good news on the scale of small and medium-sized star field battlefields, and have not yet touched on large-scale battlefields.

Major factors that can affect the direction of the war between the two top civilizations, and only key wars in large or larger star regions can have this qualification.

Nowadays, many plane civilizations in the starry sky have only seen the rebellion of the underworld star field and the world of beholders, which has a huge impact on wizard civilization.

From this perspective, the Gallente Federation has a head start.

It indeed played a big role.

Thain is looking forward to what the wizard civilization's back-up plan will be.

This war of civilizations has just begun.

Even Thain wasn't in a hurry, and probably the higher-ups in the wizarding world were even less anxious.

And the Gallente Federation is eager to take action first, is it a bit timid?

They have to fight, because if they delay any longer, the winning rate against the wizard civilization will be even lower.

The rebellion of the two large worlds is also... If it were a wizarding civilization, I am afraid that they would not be in a hurry to let the two large planes that intend to surrender take action so quickly. Instead, they would continue to lurk, and they could only suddenly make a sudden move at the critical moment. Get angry.

Thain's experience of going to the planet Cybertron this time was actually an accident.

The wizard‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎The initial instructions given by the civilization’s high-level officials to Thain were only to contact and make friends with the Decepticons and others first, and did not require the Decepticons and other intelligent robots to immediately Tick ​​reflex.

It can only be said that it ended up in that situation because I was forced to do that.

Since the Gallente Federation can instigate rebellion against members of the Wizards Alliance, how can the wizarding civilization be connected with the large worlds under the Federation?

It’s just that there are not many large worlds under the Gallente Federation.

It is far from having as many members and talents as the Wizards Alliance.

The path taken by the Gallente Federation is more about developing interstellar colonization and strengthening itself.

The wizarding civilization develops its strength through the alliance system and takes a different path to hegemony.

With the green light from the upper level of the Wizarding World, Thane quickly arrived at the hinterland of the Wizarding Star Territory, a medium-sized plane called the Flowing Cloud World.

Liuyun World is already very close to the Wizarding World. Through the teleportation array of this medium-sized plane, Thain can directly reach outside the Wizarding World.

In the world of Flowing Clouds, Thane met Klopp, the high-ranking powerful man in the wizarding world who sent him to the planet Cybertron this time to perform a special infiltration mission.

In addition to Klopp, Thain also met another person he did not expect.

"Decepticon, you actually managed to break through?" Thain looked at the level 6 intelligent robot that appeared next to Klopp with a look of surprise on his face.

The appearance of the Decepticons at this time is very different from when they parted in the Alpha-007 star field.

Originally, the metal body of the Decepticons was mostly silver and black, and the overall shape was streamlined.

At this time, the appearance of the Decepticons was covered with many golden "patches".

Yes, patch. On the Decepticon's body, Thane found many wounds visible to the naked eye. Although most of these wounds were healed by special techniques at this time.

But Thain could see that the methods used to cure the Decepticons should be the secrets of mechanics in the wizarding world. Therefore, they were incompatible with the metal body of the Decepticons themselves, giving them a sense of "patch".

The mechanical mysteries of the wizarding world and the machine technology of the Gallente Federation are completely different things.

However, it is already rare to be able to repair a Decepticon's injuries using mechanical means.

Seeing each other again, a smile appeared on the Decepticon's humanized metal ‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎face.

This is a very sincere smile. It has been a long time since the Decepticons showed similar emotions.

"Yes, with the timely response of the powerful wizard world support corps, the remaining intelligent robots led by Optimus Prime and I were able to escape successfully." The Decepticon said respectfully.

The Decepticon's answer made Thain couldn't help but glance at Knight Klopp in front of him.

Thain had previously told the Decepticons and others that there was a supporting corps of wizard civilization in the Alpha-007 star field, which was completely deceptive.

The purpose is to make the Decepticons and other intelligent robots determined to break out with him and give it a try.

But unexpectedly, this group of intelligent robots actually encountered the response team of the Wizarding World.

Also, given the powerful strength of the Decepticons and others, and the fact that they were not good at hiding, it was obvious that under the circumstances at that time, they were more likely to be surrounded and targeted by the Gallente Federation's continuous fleets.

If it weren't for the support of the wizarding world's legions, it would have been absolutely impossible for the Decepticons and others to successfully break out of the Gallente Federation star field.

What makes Thane happy is that it seems that not only the Decepticons have successfully broken out, but Optimus Prime and some other intelligent robots have also escaped.

These intelligent robots are unfamiliar with the Wizarding Civilization. Even if they join the Wizarding Alliance in the future, they will definitely tend to befriend Than, who is more familiar with them.

And having had a life-and-death relationship for a period of time, Thain is also optimistic about and appreciates these intelligent robots, and does not want them all to perish.

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