The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,408 A great gift!

When the King of the Huyans said these words, his daughter Gamora's originally pink face turned even redder.

As for his daughter's thoughts, the Huyan King has been thinking about it since she brought Thain here.

Although Thain was suspected of taking great advantage of Gamora, the King of the Huyans still felt that it was safer to do so.

The creatures of the Shi'ak Empire have bird heads and human bodies, and have weird habits, which are completely different from the aesthetics of the Huya people.

The King of the Huyans just wants to send his daughter out for marriage, but probably no one of the same status in the Shi'ak Empire would be interested in her.

At the same time, the king of the Huyan people did not want to disobey his daughter's will.

As for the Gallente Federation, after such a long time, even the King of the Huyas has come into contact with very few Gallente Federation creatures.

Most of the time, the Huyan King and the Gallente Federation creatures interact through electronic light screens.

This situation, on the one hand, reflects the physical weakness of the Gallente Federation creatures themselves, and on the other hand, it also shows that the senior leaders of the Gallente Federation do not trust these alien creatures and are unwilling to expose their bodies to each other.

In terms of appearance, there is no obvious difference between humans and Huyans in the wizarding world.

Apart from some detailed differences in body structure, the biggest difference is probably just the skin color.

Even after Thane lifted the Bok disguise and showed his true colors, Gamora did not show any psychological gap.

The complicated expression on her face before was more due to the fact that many of what Thain said before were false. He might really be approaching Gamora deliberately, rather than the so-called "fate".

With the level four life level that Thain currently represents and the wizarding civilization he represents, Gamora must have reached a high level by marrying him.

Even though she is a Huyan princess.

The King of the Huyans was also quietly examining Thain's statement at this moment.

If the wizarding civilization is unwilling to release even this sincerity, then he must seriously consider whether he wants to lead his tribe to betray the Shi'ak Empire and the Gallente Federation.

Moreover, the sophisticated King of Huya also made the worst possible decision.

If the wizarding civilization is also the kind of civilized world that eats people without spitting out their bones.


If the King of Men marries his daughter to a fourth-level magician like Thain, at least his daughter and a small number of the Huya tribe may have a chance to survive.

This is the sorrow of the weak!

Fortunately, so far in the development of wizard civilization, there has never been a situation where creatures from this plane are sent out for marriage.

In the view of the Huyan King, it would be even more perfect if his daughter could combine with a level four powerhouse in the wizarding world like Thain and give birth to an offspring.

But unfortunately, there is no real relationship between the two now. The King of Huya can see that his daughter is still a virgin.

The series of statements made by the Huyan King made Thain not know how to resist.

He has also conducted many plane negotiations, and has been exploring the truth for a long time, coupled with the overall social outlook of the wizarding world and the Hu Ya people who are seeking life in the star realm. The clan is completely different, so much so that Thane can't keep up with the rhythm of the Huyan King.

In other words, their concepts and ways of thinking are completely different!

Thain did not think that marriage would bring much guarantee or real benefit to the Huya clan.

But from the perspective of the Huyan King, it seems that he can only do this.

Thain's current nominal wife is Natalya, and the wife he recognizes most deeply is Lina, but the women around him have been with him for so many years, and almost all of them occupy a certain position in Thain's heart.

Now that he has grown up, there is a big difference between Thane and the black magician.

Even Yuri, the little fox girl and others who were slaves have been treated kindly by Thane over the years, and their devotion must have been sincere.

In response to the Huyan King's forced statement, Thain could only say in desperation: "I already have a wife in the wizarding world..."

Strong men have more spouses, which is in line with the development trend of most worlds in the star realm.

This is an evolutionary necessity.

Including the King of the Huyans himself, there were many concubines of the opposite sex, but the biological mother of the Gamora sisters was his deceased queen.

Gamora failed to find out the identity of Thane's real wife, which made the King of Huyans a little regretful.

Of course, in the view of the King of Huyans, for a Level 4 creature like Thain in the Wizarding World, the identity of his wife should not be too simple.

But it doesn’t matter, what the King of Huyans wants is just a promise and a guarantee.


He pointed out that if he wanted to sign a legal contract with the wizarding world, he must also add the clause that Thane would marry Gamora.

In the subsequent conversation with the Huyan King, Thain gradually figured out the taste.

The King of the Huyans does not have to have any substantive relationship between Thain and Gamora, he just needs his daughter to have the identity of Thain's wife.

In this way, the safety of their tribe is not only guaranteed, but it also makes it easier for the King of Huya to persuade other members of the tribe, especially those fourth-level Huya.

Maybe some Huya people are not willing to join the Wizards Alliance!

Seeing that Thain was gradually showing signs of relenting, the King of the Huyans hit the snake on the stick and said directly: "In addition to Gamora, Gamora will also marry you‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏ ‎‏‏‏It’s gone.”

"I only have two daughters. If they marry you, the future of the entire Huyan clan will be tied to you, Master Thain. Master Thain, you won't harm us, right?" asked the King of Huyans.

Older gingers are more spicy.

Thain seemed to have put himself in the shoes of the Huya people and offered many benefits. Then, the king of the Huya people also gave Thain a "big gift"!

Everyone is self-interested, and Thain had to admit this.

If Thain really gets the two princesses of the Huyan tribe, taking into account the succession order of the Huyan king, this interstellar wandering race can be regarded as Thain's private army in the future.

If Thain doesn’t think about others, he has to think about himself, right?

Is he willing to let this powerful group be consumed as cannon fodder in the Wizards Alliance?

In such a short period of time, the Huyan king made such a series of decisions and considerations that even Thain had to face the opponent.

Just like the hidden meaning in Hu Ya's words, Thain was indeed moved.

In this negotiation, the only innocent person was Gamora's sister.

Before, I was just sitting back and watching the excitement as my sister was about to get married, which was considered as fulfilling my sister Gamora's wish.

Why did he suddenly get involved?

Without waiting for Gamora to say anything, Thain cleared his mind and didn't want to continue to bargain. He nodded and replied: "Okay, I agree to your request."

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