The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1401 Arriving at the border

The inspection by the Gallente Federation was not limited to that one time.

In the next month, the Federation conducted a total of seven large-scale inspections of the Huya fleet.

Fortunately, Thain was not found during this period.

The Gallente Federation seems to be searching for someone.

And while sailing in this dark and silent special star field, the Huyan fleet discovered two battles and explosions of varying sizes, not far from them.

The Huyans had no idea what was happening.

It is also unclear what entities are fighting against the federal fleet.

The Gallente Federation has no need to notify them, and the King of the Huyans is not powerful enough to meddle in their own business.

After passing through a giant interstellar port with extremely tight defenses, the Huyan fleet finally gradually sailed away from this dark star field where almost no stars existed.

At this time, there were not only the Huyan fleet group, but also several Gallente Federation fleets flying in the starry sky.

The overall eliteness of these Gallente Federation fleets is much higher than that of the Huyans.

Even in terms of strength, these federal fleets gathered together have already surpassed the Huyans. They will next arrive at a frontline battle star field with the Huyans.

It was only then that a few high-level officials, including the King of the Huyans, finally knew the destination of their clan.

"Transverse the Star Territory..." Thain frowned slightly, thinking about the information he had just received from Gamora.

After all, Gamora's level was still too low to participate in higher-level war decisions.

It was only through her father and other elders in the clan that she learned about the star field where the Huya clan finally went.

No, maybe even the King of Huya does not have the so-called decision-making power for war.

They were just assigned by the Gallente Federation to go to a target star field to participate in the war.

In the eyes of the top leaders of the Gallente Federation, these Huya people are just a string of numbers, or a nut.

Wherever you want them to go, these Huya people have to go.

There is no choice.

The power territories of the Wizarding Civilization and the Gallente Federation border on the star field, how vast it is!

Thain, who has only been promoted to level four for at least a short time, has never heard of the name of this star field.

Moreover, the limited information obtained from Gamora did not allow Thane to deduce what was going on around the so-called transverse star field.

It has been some time since the Civilization War began. The Wizarding Civilization and the Gallente Federation are both top-level civilizations, and they must have their own advantages and disadvantages on each battlefield.

That transverse star field may be a named star field that the Gallente Federation invaded into the hinterland of wizard civilization.

It is also possible

It could be that the wizard civilization counterattacked to a cross-Mars territory within the Federation.

Considering that these Huya people are essentially "cannon fodder", there is a high probability that they will be sent to the most dangerous battlefield.

The most dangerous battlefield is naturally where the wizard civilization has a certain advantage.

Therefore, Thane judged that the location of the intersecting star field was likely to be the latter - the wizard civilization was the attacker and the Gallente Federation was the defender.

But this is just a guess he made.

There are simply too many variables and too little useful information.

In addition to the information that the final destination is the Transverse Star Territory, Thane recently discovered another piece of information on his own.

Among the federal fleets traveling with the Huya people, there was actually a high-level intelligent robot from the planet Cybertron imprisoned and captured.

This is the feedback given by Rubik's Cube to Thain.

Since last time, using the special function of the Rubik's Cube to help him avoid detection from the federal surveillance machine, Thain later relied on the power of the Rubik's Cube to evade detection. Several federal inspections.

At the same time, it was also during this period of in-depth research that Thain gradually understood the properties and secrets of the Rubik's Cube.

Most of the truths in the astral world are universal.

Even though the Rubik's Cube is a product of technological civilization, Thain can still have his own understanding as long as he looks past the surface and directly studies the essence of its core laws.

And Thain has also begun to repair and transform the Rubik's Cube.

The reason why this unattractive metal cube helped Thain a lot last time was that Thain later guessed that the energy-gathering magic circle he carved on the surface of the Rubik's Cube played a role.

The Rubik's Cube, which has regained a trace of energy, can already exert a certain power.

However, the Decepticons extracted the original power of the Rubik's Cube too hard last time, so Thain has only restored certain functions of the Rubik's Cube, but has not fully restored it.

Learning that there was a highly intelligent robot from the planet Cybertron in the Federation ship that was relatively close to him was the feedback given by Rubik's Cube to Thane.

Just as Thain felt before, the Rubik's Cube does have a "spirituality".

Since it can give wisdom to intelligent robots such as Decepticons, why can't it awaken wisdom itself?

One of the benefits of using the Huya fleet to travel through the territory of the Gallente Federation is that there is a thick and reliable hiding place.

Especially after leaving the previous dark star field, the Gallente Federation obviously reduced the frequency of inspections of the Huya and other fleets.

Also, there is nothing that can be found in the first place. The Gallente Federation cannot always focus on these alien planet creatures.

With the start of the Civilization War, are there still many vassal planes and alien planet creatures entering the Gallente Federation?


If Thane traveled alone across the Federation Star Territory, the variables and dangers would be too great.

The Huyan fleet was a near-perfect cover.

The only regret that Thain has recently is that he was unable to rescue the high-level intelligent robots from the planet Cybertron that were captured in those federal ships.

He couldn't even contact the other party rashly!

The information fed back by the Rubik's Cube cannot confirm the identity of the advanced intelligent robot, but its approximate power level seems to be level four.

All of this can only be considered in the long term.

What Thain needs to do most now is to save himself as much as possible!

The Gallente Federation's inter-star space teleportation technology has developed well.

Even if the civilized war has brought some chaos, these Huya fleets need to be frequently inspected and audited by the federal troops stationed in various star fields.

But in the end, it only took four months to reach the federal border.

The smell of war is getting stronger and stronger.

Even though the surrounding star field seems to be peaceful, most of the federal fleet maintains its own order.

But as Thain's mood became more and more excited, and there was a vague feeling, Thain could still see through the chilling atmosphere hidden behind this peace and tranquility!

Four months also allowed Thane's Formless Mask to be fully charged.

It was during this month when Maskless Mask had just replenished its energy that Thain came into close contact with the Federation's top combat power.

That's a Dominator-class fleet!

The entire fleet group covered the sky and the sun, and large starships with a length of more than 2,000 meters could be seen everywhere.

There are even several ships among them that are larger than the terrifying hulls of the Wizarding World Space Fortress!

In other words, it was a magnificent space battleship with a length of more than 10,000 meters, or even 20,000 meters.

Any living creature appears extremely small in front of such a huge metal creation.

When approaching this federal master-class fleet, Thain tried his best to activate his breath gathering skills, the concealment function of the Rubik's Cube, and the power of the Phaseless Mask to the maximum!

The trembling from deep inside made Thain's face turn a lot white at that time.

At the same time, the condition of the Huya people was not much better.

This federal master-class fleet that appears here is said to guard the border, but it probably also plays a role in intimidating and intimidating the Huya and other federal vassal armies.

During this period, the alien creatures that Thain saw were indeed more than just the Huyans.

Under the orders of the Gallente Federation, billions of creatures from the Federation's vassal planes continue to rush to the front lines of the civilized battlefield and engage in fierce battles with the forces of the wizarding world.

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