The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1388 Continue

The magic shield in front of Thane has been broken by countless layers.

Thain always tries his best to gather a new shield just before the magic shield breaks.

The main test of this breakout battle, at least for now, is whether Thain's defense is strong enough.

Only by supporting a sufficient number of magic shields could Thain survive the extremely dense rain of energy rays for a longer period of time until he successfully breaks through.

Of course, during the charge, Thane did not forget to show off his proud magic to the Gallente Federation sniper fleet directly in front of him.

No matter which battlefield the fourth-level magician is on, in the eyes of low-level creatures, he is definitely regarded as a high-end combat power.

The part that constitutes the largest proportion of civilized warfare must be the bottom battlefield. 🄼

When this charge breaks through, Thain is unlikely to release any forbidden spell-level magic.

But ordinary large-scale magic can still be easily obtained.

And with Thane's average magic strength, Gallente Federation ships with average defense would be difficult to completely offset even if they put up energy shields.

Only those particularly outstanding frigates, as well as the Gallente Federation's advanced fleet whose specific combat power is comparable to that of fourth-level creatures, are capable of resisting Thane.

For example, Thain waved his magic wand again at this time, and the densely packed federal drones that came to attack in front of him exploded in succession.

The cost of these drones is very low, and their defense power is also very poor. Their main focus is attack power.

When filled with ammunition and energy, the individual combat power of these drone groups can threaten first-level creatures.

In terms of cost performance, the drone fleet produced by the Gallente Federation is more cost-effective than those low-level robots.

The dense drones in front of me mainly come from the three Gallente Federation cruisers directly in front of Thane.

These three federal ships should be special models of space battleships. On the surface of their hulls, there are dense honeycomb-shaped passage openings.

Those drone swarms surged out of these honeycomb-shaped passages.

After waving his hand to destroy the drone swarm in front of him, Thain raised his magic wand, pointed at the three federal ships, and pointed his finger in the distance.

Three red and white elemental rays shot out from the head of Thane's magic wand.

Two of them successfully hit two federal ships that were unable to dodge. Only one, due to the opponent's emergency evasion, only hit the rear of the ship and did not hit the core area.

Two violent explosions were not very eye-catching episodes in this chaotic battlefield.

The ships of the Gallente Federation may seem tough, but in the face of Thane's level 4 power, it is still difficult for ordinary ships to withstand it.

Moreover, many federal ships are precision-made. Unlike level four creatures that can continue to fight after one arm is crippled, it is very likely that an explosion in a small area of ​​a federal ship will cause the entire ship to lose its combat effectiveness. , or even an internal explosion.

Thain, who easily destroyed two federal ships, continued to rush in the designated general direction without any delay.

And that ship was just a fish that was hit in the tail by Thain, and Thain didn't care about chasing the opponent now.

With the blessing of Formless Mask, Thain can be used as a fifth-level creature on the battlefield.

He and the Golden Iron Beast cooperated to break through at a relatively close range, which can be regarded as a relatively smooth breakout among the entire Cybertron planet's intelligent robot army.

The level 5 intelligent robot Golden Iron Beast is not bad in mind and reflexes, and it also intends to actively cooperate with Thain.

In the curved breakout formation composed of all the robot legions under his command, Thain and the Golden Iron Beast himself are the two outstanding points.

However, in this chaotic battlefield, as a more eye-catching and prominent target, it will definitely receive the enemy's attention.

Just like the fiercest level six robot Decepticon at this time, it is currently under siege by several main fleets of the Federation. It can be regarded as its ability to survive for so long under the dense attack of ships.

The most outrageous thing is that the Decepticons are still advancing slowly at this time, and they have not completely stopped because of the encirclement and obstruction of many fleet groups in the Federation.

"Have you located the wizard world intruder?" Behind, in a certain flagship, a federal general asked.

"Not yet. The intruder from the wizarding world seems to have a very strong ability to hide and gather breath. He can even block our detection radar."

"However, based on the power fluctuations coming from the frontier battlefield, we can roughly determine that there are more than a dozen high-energy burst areas, which are likely to be the opponent's activity areas."

"And traces of the release of magical elements from the wizarding world were indeed found in those areas." The federal staff member inside the ship replied.

On an extremely chaotic battlefield, it is indeed very difficult to capture a very small target.

Not to mention that the cunning invader of the wizarding world is still deliberately restraining his aura.

But since the opponent is in a fighting state, there will definitely be some clues remaining. Even Thain's Formless Mask cannot clear them all for him.

New instructions were quickly issued, and the federal attack ship behind them, which was in a state of energy accumulation, deliberately targeted more than a dozen coordinate areas transmitted from the top.

Dozens of astonishing energy beams with explosive power comparable to a full-strength strike from a fourth- or fifth-level creature suddenly penetrated the starry sky battlefield.

But in this chaotic battlefield filled with dense light rain, the addition of dozens of beams of light was not conspicuous.

At this moment, the area where Thain and the Golden Iron Beast were, as expected, attracted several long-range energy-focused strikes.

And two of them are heading straight towards Thain.

The chaotic battlefield pattern left Thain with no extra energy to focus on the two focused rays.

Because there were too many energy rays shot at him, even though Thain had activated his elemental body and the magic shield on his body was not interrupted, he still felt great pressure.

It wasn't until the Maskless Mask, which was at its limit of carrying capacity, gave him an early warning that Thain quickly responded and made evasive and defensive actions.

But it's still too late.

In other words, the strength of the magic shield on Thane's body has been worn away.

Two focused rays, after breaking through Thain's body shield, one penetrated his shoulder, and the other penetrated through his abdomen.

The powerful energy rays penetrated and caused the particles to evaporate, causing Thane's true form of law to stagger.

This is an attack ray that is comparable to a full-strength strike from level 5 and level 4 creatures respectively!

In particular, the pale white ray that penetrated from Thain's abdomen already reached the fifth level of strength, so much so that even though Thain still maintained the body of elements and the true body of the law, he still felt burning pain.

But Thain did not stop himself.

With his health, it was impossible to kill him with just a level five beam.

Even if a level five creature comes to fight him directly, Thane will be confident enough to take on the challenge.

Besides, in such a crisis-ridden battle, it is absolutely normal to suffer such two blows suddenly.

Another new layer of magic shield was raised again by Thane!

Under the phaseless mask, Thain looked forward with solemn eyes.

While resisting the influx of fire from all directions, Thane wiped his abdominal wound and continued to charge forward.

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