The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,383 Reorganizing the Body

Optimus Prime was not completely unconscious at this time.

After Thain arrived here, the two eyes of its metal head immediately lit up.

When he heard that it was the Decepticon who asked Thane to come here to treat it, Optimus Prime fell silent for a moment.

The planet Cybertron was destroyed, and Michael Bay, who was like a father, passed away. The impact and change in the mentality of these two combat robots was quite big.

"I don't know how to use the Rubik's Cube, and how can it help you recover from your injuries?" Thain said with a slight frown, and took out a shimmering cube from his arms.

This semi-finished world-class secret treasure does seem to be somewhat useful to the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron.

When Thane took out the cube, he clearly felt that Optimus Prime's energy pressure had changed slightly, including that its eyes were a little brighter.

"I have never used the Rubik's Cube personally, but since it is something left by my father..." Optimus Prime said, and then it asked someone to bring something through the unique communication method between robots.

What came was an advanced intelligent robot with a light blue metal shell. It had two specially constructed metal wings on its back.

A large part of the reason why Optimus Prime was able to escape from the planet Cybertron alive was because of the desperate efforts of the intelligent robot in front of him to rescue him. 🅆

This advanced intelligent robot is called Supersonic. As you can tell from the name, it has extraordinary levels in the fields of flight and agility.

The level of robot manufacturing in the Gallente Federation is quite high.

When Supersonic arrived here, he was holding a huge red metal skeleton in his hands.

Thane is no stranger to this red metal skeleton, because it was handed over to Optimus Prime through Thain's hands.

This red metal skeleton is the exoskeleton transplant that Thane received from the BHR678 space station. It is the last gift given to Optimus Prime by Dr. Michael Bay.

Unlike the Decepticons who directly used the half-body mechanical armor they had just obtained in the previous battle, it seems that Optimus Prime has not immediately used its unique bonus parts.

In addition to the red metal skeleton, the advanced intelligent robot Supersonic went back and forth several times, bringing in many mechanical props and boxes of high-quality energy blocks that Thain could not see the purpose of.

These energy blocks should be regarded as the highest-grade basic energy blocks used by the Gallente Federation military. When converted into energy essences commonly used in the wizarding world, they are third-level energy essences.

As for the energy crystal that is more valuable than the third-level energy essence... it should not be called basic energy, but should be called "godhead". Only creatures above level four can produce it.

The red metal skeleton was placed directly above the solution where Optimus Prime's head was soaked, and many mechanical props and energy blocks were also placed around it.

Some boxes containing energy blocks directly extended out special pipes and connected to the repair cabin where Optimus Prime was located.

When Optimus Prime was ready, Thane pushed the Rubik's Cube out of his hand.

With almost no use of Thane's extra energy, after the Rubik's Cube flew directly above Optimus Prime, it naturally began to emit glorious light in all directions.

And from those lights, Thane felt some clues of the power of the law.

No wonder Dr. Michael Bay was so shocked and excited when he saw the law of light brought by Thane from the wizarding world.

The light emitted by the Rubik's Cube at this time is so similar to the effect of the law light group brought by Thain!

However, the light emitted by the Rubik's Cube is much weaker, and not as "smart" as Thain's previous law light group.

As for what the specific gap is and what level of law application is involved, Thain cannot immediately figure it out now.

Faceless Mask faithfully recorded all the situations and data in front of him.

When Thain has time and energy in the future, he can naturally read it again and study it slowly.

At the same time, Optimus Prime's body began to change rapidly.

The red exoskeleton transplant originally placed on top began to spontaneously deform.

A large number of mechanical parts around him, as if they have souls, consciously move closer to Optimus Prime, and combine with the exoskeleton transplant to form a new "body" for Optimus Prime.

All the high-quality energy blocks brought here began to be consumed rapidly at this time.

The surrounding temperature increased significantly during this process, and even the metal cabin plates under the feet of this ordinary transport ship gradually melted and deformed.

However, compared to the consumption of materials and energy, Thane was more concerned about Optimus Prime's new body that was constantly taking shape.

Thane's Formless Mask faithfully records everything that happens in front of him.

In particular, the construction process of Optimus Prime's new body means that Thane has almost obtained a detailed analysis of Optimus Prime's entire body below his head.


The process of forming Optimus Prime's new body lasted for more than ten days.

At this time, the robots that broke out from the planet Cybertron were still sailing on a fixed route, and they had almost left the star field where the planet Cybertron was located, but they were not moving very fast.

The R7 fleet group that originally had a fierce confrontation with Thane and others in the Cybertron star field did not immediately chase them out. They were still clearing the remnants of the Cybertron star field who failed to break through and escaped.

This is the latest task assigned to them by the federal military.

And even if they chase them out, the strength of the R7 fleet group at this time is not enough to support them to continue fighting to the death with the Decepticons and other intelligent robots.

The intelligent robots were severely damaged, and even Optimus Prime only had one head left.

On the other hand, the r7 fleet group was not much better.

Trapped in the Cybertron star field, robots that frequently activate backup hidden energy to self-destruct have caused a lot of trouble and damage to these federal fleets.

Speaking of which, the robot army's self-destruction program was originally designed to target the wizard civilization.

Unexpectedly, in addition to the wizarding civilization, the Gallente Federation would also taste its own consequences one day.


Almost the day after Optimus Prime completed his body reshaping, the Decepticons who went out to stop him came back.

Compared with the state when it led the team to leave before, the number of advanced intelligent robots above level four that returned with it seemed to be much less.

Including the Decepticon himself, there are now many scars on his body.

The half-body mechanical armor given to it by Dr. Michael Bay even had a huge crack at the shoulder blade.

"We have temporarily repelled the federal fleet, but it is absolutely impossible to sail at the current speed."

"We must speed up!" the Decepticon said to Optimus Prime, who stood up again, and Thane around him.

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