The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,381 Taking the Lead in the Charge (Additional Update)

The effect of golden apple potion is very intuitive!

It is indeed the top treasure of the Wizards Alliance that attracts all sixth-level creatures.

Golden Apple proves its worth with its real curative effect.

And according to Thain's mentor Lu Lianman, the golden apple potion also has a certain potential for fourth-level creatures like him to use the potion for the first time.

However, at this juncture, Thane did not care to feel what subtle improvements the Golden Apple Potion had brought to his body.

Just feeling that his vitality was quickly restored and his strength gradually returned to its peak state, Thain immediately entered the fighting state again.

"On a civilized battlefield full of dangers, such a top-notch medicine is almost like your second life." Thain couldn't help but sigh.

There are two golden apple potions in his hand. During the Insect World War, Thane also took the purple potion made by his mentor Lulian with the honey of the Void Aphid King. However, the insect king honey potion and the golden apple potion, Still missing one or two levels.

Another golden apple potion has been properly put away by Thain.

On this trip from the federal territory to the wizarding civilization, we still don't know how many difficulties and obstacles we will encounter. The second golden apple potion must be taken at a critical moment.

After rejoining the battle, Thane did not blindly fight against the Gallente Federation fleet.

Instead, he was very organized and actively moved closer to other advanced intelligent robots on the surrounding battlefield.

In this extremely chaotic battlefield, where participation levels are generally high, fighting alone has no future, and it is not the kind of frontline battlefield where there is a way out.

Time is still the most important factor for Thain and others. The top priority for Thain and others is to break out of here as soon as possible.

They don't even have time to integrate the robot army and count the damage.

There are still quite a few advanced robots of level four or above around Thane.

Originally, he was at the core of the intelligent robot army on the planet Cybertron. In addition, his flying speed was relatively fast. Cooperating with Yuri, Thain moved while fighting, and soon passed by the battlefield where several advanced robots were. .

He even saw Shockwave, an advanced intelligent robot with level five combat power.

Shockwave seemed to have suffered unclear injuries from the previous attack by the blazing white light beam.

However, it was relatively far away at the time, and it was considered an extremely lucky advanced intelligent robot. In the end, only the metal components on its back cracked.

These metal robots are different from ordinary flesh-and-blood creatures. Thain can restore his status as quickly as possible on the battlefield by taking potions.

But it is more troublesome for these robots to recover and repair their scars.

Under normal circumstances, they may have to go back to the factory and rely on some technology and mechanized processes to repair the damage.

Under the guidance of Shockwave, Thane finally met the robot leader of Cybertron, the Decepticon.

The Decepticons were in a relatively extreme mood at this time. The collapse of the planet Cybertron, the erasure of the bhr678 space station, and the unknown life and death of some intelligent robots such as Optimus Prime made the sixth-level robot who advocated joining the Wizards Alliance fall into hatred. , angry, even self-defeating mental state.

For a moment, it even regretted getting in touch with the wizarding civilization.

However, after seeing the death of their former home planet, companions, and father, another thought of the Decepticons was why they didn't rebel against the Gallente Federation earlier!

It has had enough of being enslaved and bullied at will.

At this time, the Decepticon has been equipped with the silver-black half-length mechanical armor it just obtained from the bhr678 space station.

Under the premise that the mechanical armor and all its own functions are exerted to the limit, the Decepticon's body deforms and grows to a height of nearly a thousand meters, which is not inferior to a medium-sized federal warship.

The turbine-type particle energy emitter was constantly venting firepower from the Decepticon's chest.

As for the Decepticon's right arm, it also transformed into a huge silver-black sword at this moment, destroying a federal warship in front of it and splitting it in half.

Densely packed drones, numbering in the tens of thousands, surrounded the Decepticons in all directions to the west, firing tiny energy beams at it with a clanging sound.

However, the attack power of these drones is a bit low. They are okay against low-level creatures, but against powerful level six intelligent robots like the Decepticons, they cannot even break through the outer metal of their bodies.

Ironically, these metals are made of the Gallente Federation's top special alloys.

The metal suitable for the Decepticon body is also used by some top federal fleets.

The production of this alloy is not large in the entire Gallente Federation.

The arrival of Thane finally slowed down the Decepticons' venting fighting state.

The deceased is gone. As a leader, the Decepticons still have to consider the living people.

The population of the intelligent robot family is only one million. The explosion just now and the recent war have caused the death of many intelligent robots.

Only by rushing out with the remaining clan members can there be any hope of rising.

Moreover, Thain also has a "Rubik's Cube" obtained from the bhr678 space station. According to Dr. Michael's statement during his lifetime, with the characteristics of this Rubik's Cube, as long as robots are produced, the intelligent robot family will have the opportunity to awaken to a new era. of tribesmen.

"We must break out immediately. The blazing white light beam just now and the ongoing battle have made our formation extremely chaotic and killed a large number of robots, but at the same time, it also caused a huge loophole in the deployment of the federal fleet. !”

"While the other support fleets of the Gallente Federation have not arrived in time, we must rush out in one go. Leader of the Decepticons, you take the lead!" Thane said to the Decepticons in front of him.

Fortunately, many creatures above Level 4 in the surrounding battlefields, including Thane and Shockwave, suffered unclear injuries, but the Decepticons did not suffer any injuries from the previous blazing white beam of light.

It's not that the Decepticons' defense power has been exaggerated to the point where they can be immune to such horrific attacks.

It was entirely because the Decepticons had charged too hard before. They were the leading intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron.

Under the premise that the blazing white light beam aimed at the planet Cybertron to launch a long-range strike, because the Decepticons rushed to the front line of the battlefield, it was spared the consequences of serious damage.

When Thain and others need to break out of the encirclement, a powerful person leading the charge will help them gain great hope of survival.

And with the Decepticons taking the lead to launch the charge and breakout call, other intelligent robots and ordinary robot legions in this chaotic battlefield will also spontaneously move closer here, which can be regarded as indirectly twisting the power into a rope.

The violence and resentment in his heart were gradually replaced by reason.

After the Decepticon exploded the large drone fleet in front of him with one claw, he angrily rushed towards the direction agreed with Thain and others.

Thain followed immediately.

Under their leading example, more and more intelligent robots from the planet Cybertron that still have combat capabilities and have survived are moving closer to them.

"No reason, today is the last day of the month, so I will add another chapter for everyone~"

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