The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,316 Hela’s Question (Additional update)

"Then there's no need to think about it, of course it's me!" Fourth-level knight Muge said, patting his chest.

This is an unusually stocky-looking fourth-level knight. He is wearing heavy black armor and his skin is also black. From a distance, he looks like a piece of black coal.

The weapon used by the Mugh Knight is a blunt ax without an edge.

Beings who use this kind of weapon often have absolute confidence in their own power.

This is a weapon that only powerful warriors who prefer to use pure power to completely crush their enemies will use.

In fact, the one who is more powerful and has higher defense than the Mung Knight is the Bauhinia Shield Markarth Knight.

But Knight Markarth is old after all, and as a powerful fifth-level knight, it is best not to be exposed to the battlefield from the beginning.

"Knight Mg can take the lead in attacking, but if he fails in the middle, I can take the lead." Thain said proactively. 🄼

"You?" Knight Mg's eyes widened.

He didn't mean to look down on Thane, but as a magician, Thain was at the forefront of attacking the alien battlefield, which was beyond the expectations of Knight Mung.

This is also related to the fact that Knight Mugh did not know that Thain had undergone jade fire body refining, and his physical strength was far beyond that of ordinary fourth-level creatures.

On the other hand, the fifth-level knight Marcus was not surprised. He had been in a state of deep thought, not knowing whether he agreed or disagreed.

At this time, the fourth-level warlock Angelet also smiled and added, "In addition to Thain, I can also step in if necessary."

Although the Comoine Serpent is not a bloodline species known for its strong physique, as a bloodline sorcerer, Angelet's physical strength is obviously far superior to other magicians of the same level.

The blood warlock is the only special profession among the major spellcasting professions in the wizarding world that can compete with the knights in physical strength.

In terms of recovery and resistance to beatings, some warlocks with special bloodline perform better on the battlefield than knights.

There are many huge space gates. Under Green's control, the elemental agitation becomes more and more intense.

A large number of war legions are already under the space gate, ready to attack.

Thain and others also roughly discussed the preliminary steps for the war in the Flame Insect World. As for the many indigenous biological specimens captured by Green, they were also distributed to the magicians of the four holy towers for research.

The two space fortresses belonging to Thane and Mugh Knights are suspended directly above the largest space gate, and will serve as the first war platform to break into the world of worms.

This was requested by Thane because he wanted to see the power of his space fortress.

At the same time, Markas and others also intended to let Thane's space fortress take the lead.

Because of the four space fortresses invested in this plane war, Thain's Ashes Fortress is indeed the most powerful and powerful.

It is the best choice to enter the world of worms as a wizard civilization legion and gain a foothold in the world.

While Thane and others were sharpening their knives in the demiplane outside the wizarding world, in the Titan world, Hela, who had just returned to the Mountain of the Gods, was teaching her two ignorant brothers a lesson.

"Tell me! Who did you sell the golden apple stolen from the Golden Apple Orchard to?" Hela sat unceremoniously in the Temple of Death, looking at Thor and Loki below.

Hela, who had just returned to the Titan world, learned that a golden apple disappeared from the golden apple orchard. She could guess with her eyes closed that it must have been done by these two little bastards.

Although there are a lot of mature golden apples in the Titan World, each one is specially recorded. It is impossible to say that there is an error in the number of golden apples.

Although golden apples are the wealth of the entire Wizarding Alliance, Titan World, as the cultivator and owner of golden apples, also has internal digestion indicators, so Thor and others can eat so many when they were young.

My sister's majesty cannot be violated.

Thor and Loki looked at each other, waiting for the other to speak first.

Seeing that neither guy had any intention of speaking, Hela sneered and pointed her slender finger directly at Thor, signaling him to confess.

Thor couldn't help but rolled his eyes. Everyone in his family seemed to favor Loki. Is it because this guy was the youngest?

Just when Thor was pondering whether he should keep silent about his friend Thane, a silver python quietly appeared in Hela's hair and spit out the snake letter at Thor.

The giant earthly python—Jörmungandr, is sister Hela’s pet and most helpful assistant.

It is said that this was a gift given to their sister Hela by their grandfather before leaving the star realm.

Sol's eyes couldn't help but moisten. Why was it that no good thing could happen to him?

Sol has never met his grandfather, and he has never received any substantial benefits from his grandfather.

Even the hammer in his hand was obtained from his parents with great difficulty.

Unlike his sister Hela, whatever props he pulls out are world-class secret treasures.

Among the dominant creatures, Hela is considered extremely wealthy.

Facing the cold snake eyes of the worldly python Jörmungandr, Thor made a "gurgling" sound in his throat, and then told his sister all the inside information.

No way, Sol was bitten by this snake many times when he was a child.

Thor has a natural fear of Jormungandr. Of course, what he fears most is his sister.

The name of the god in the Titan world is tabooed as "Goddess of Death", which shows how powerful Hela is.

Hela's face showed a hint of surprise and surprise when she heard that Thor had sold the golden apple to Thane for 70 million magic coins.

During this period, Thor certainly did not forget to explain to his sister the role Loki played in the process.

In fact, the one who actually entered the Golden Apple Orchard to handle the case was Loki, who had clerical talents such as stealth, theft, disguise, and shadow.

And the reason why Loki was able to obtain the golden apples was not because of his outstanding talent for stealing, but because he had the privilege of entering and leaving the golden apple orchard at will given by Thor and others' mother.

Even Thor does not have this privilege, which shows how favored Loki is.

In fact, Thor once had this privilege, but his mother deprived him of this right since he broke a branch of a golden apple tree when he was a child.

The confession from Thor made Loki want to jump up on the spot and hit his stupid brother on the head.

What made Loki vomit blood even more was that Thor stated that he only received 30 million magic coins, and the bulk of the 40 million magic coins was given to Loki.

However, her sister Hela did not pay too much attention to this matter.

After she pondered for a moment, she suddenly glared at her two brothers fiercely and said, "The golden apple you took away will be counted as my share."

"Don't do anything like this again in the future, or I'll make you look good!" Hela squeezed her fists and said.

Thor and Loki nodded in agreement like chickens pecking at rice.

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