The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,309 Whimsical

Most of Thain's speeches were predetermined, and he had provided a speech list to the Wizards Alliance in advance.

Chevalier Mane told him he was free to play within "limited" limits.

The specific scope of this limitation needs to be tasted by Thain himself.

The issue of demi-humans mentioned by Thane is mainly that in the past tens of thousands of years, the status of the demi-human race has not been guaranteed in the wizarding world.

Even the sea creatures have their own mermaid masters to speak for them, but the demihumans are still third-class citizens in the wizarding world.

And Thain mentioned more than that, he also talked about the racial division of the demihumans.

"Nowadays, there are more and more 'subhuman' creatures in our Wizarding Alliance, and some subhumans clearly have the blood of our wizarding world, but because they were born in a different world, they are not recognized by our wizarding civilization."

"I hope that this alliance conference can redefine the category of demi-humans and ensure the legitimate rights and interests of creatures in the wizarding world." Thain said.

Thain's statement caused two waves of varying degrees of uproar at the conference.

The previous item he proposed was okay. It was mainly about the issue of equal rights for demi-humans in the wizarding world. Most of the people who paid attention to this proposal were creatures from the wizarding world. The larger number of alien creatures participated with the mentality of having fun.

But the latter content he mentioned is related to the interests of many alliance planes, especially those other worlds dominated by humanoid creatures.

Apart from anything else, there are many half-orcs with human blood in the wizarding world in the orc world alone. If the second motion proposed by Thane is passed, wouldn't it mean that many half-orcs may join the wizarding world's nationality? !

What a crazy thing!

Two waves of noises occurred one after another at the conference, causing Cuilis, who was in the corner of the conference room, to turn her head to look at her disciples in shock.

Lu Lianman was also a little confused at this time. Facing the instructor's questioning eyes, Lu Lianman blinked blankly.

At this time, at the conference site, there were also hundreds of demi-human creatures of level 4 or above in the wizarding world who were equally complicated.

These local demi-humans in the wizarding world were very excited about the suggestion made by Thain, and they wanted to thank the fourth-level magician on the spot for speaking for them.

But for the second suggestion made by Thane, most of these demi-humans were full of resistance.

There is also a so-called "chain of contempt" within the wizarding civilization.

The local knights and magicians in the wizarding world often look down on demi-humans, and demi-humans look down on the otherworldly humanoids in the Wizarding Alliance, while the otherworldly humanoids don't look down on those of the same race whose bloodline is "tainted".

The embarrassing position of half-orcs in the world of orcs is the most realistic portrayal.

Of course, not all orcs are caused by creatures from the wizarding world who cannot control their lower bodies.

The Wizarding World can only be said to bear a small part of the blame.

The Wizards Alliance conference is not a vegetable market, and it is impossible to allow these creatures to continue to quarrel.

After a brief period of confusion, Ms. Bev pressed forward with her magic wand, and sure enough, the venue became quiet again.

"Then, let's decide by vote." Ms. Bev said.

The passage of any transformative provision is very difficult and often requires a long period of pain.

Facing two suggestions put forward by Thane, the former brought some benefits to the local demi-humans in the wizarding world with 37% of the votes, while the latter was rejected with 72% of the votes.

Fighting for the rights and interests of the demi-humans in the alliance was led by Klopp, the master knight of the Western Islands.

In this way, it was almost an overwhelming vote, but it failed to pass at the Wizards Alliance Conference. It can be seen how huge the resistance was.

However, Thain's speech on behalf of the demihuman community also attracted the attention of many people.

For example, those native demi-humans of Level 4 and above in the Wizarding World, or level 4 alien creatures with a certain bloodline from the Wizarding World, have planned to make a special trip to "visit" the Thain mage after the Alliance Conference.

After Thain's speech, in theory he should have resigned.

It's already pretty good to be able to show up at the Wizards Alliance Conference as a fourth-level magician.

You know, even a sixth-level magician like his master Cuilis may not have the opportunity to speak during the Wizards Alliance Conference.

But Ms. Bev seems to be interested in Thane.

After Thain finished his speech and even the voting session had passed, Ms. Bev suddenly asked surprisingly: "So, Master Thain, is there anything else you want to say?"

Is there anything else you want to say? Ms. Bev has never asked this question in previous speeches.

So much so that Thain was a little stunned. This was an unexpected change beyond the plan.

At this time, Thain was still pondering. The voting results just now proved that not all whimsical speeches could be passed at the Alliance Assembly.

Based on traditional cognition and the resistance of vested interest groups, there are many things that even the dominant creatures of the wizard civilization cannot do whatever they want.

The wizard civilization is not a dictatorial civilization!

But it was Ms. Bev's questioning and the fact that Thain, as a fairly young fourth-level magician, had a vigor and energy that other veteran knights and magicians did not have, that he made another suggestion.

"I know that the black magicians in our wizarding world have always been discriminated against and suppressed by major holy towers and knight halls."

"But I want to say that not all black magicians and black knights are born bad people."

"They may have been forced to take this dark path because of some accident."

"I would like to propose that the black magicians and black knights in the wizarding world be given a way to change their ways!" Thain raised his head and said to Ms. Bev in the center of the conference.

The sensation caused by Thain's words was even more intense than when he talked about the demi-human clause just now!

What is a black magician? This is a special group that every magician knows from the beginning of his apprenticeship that he needs to be wary of and resist with all his might.

They are the dark forces in the wizarding world and a cancer in the eyes of some powerful people.

The failure to completely eradicate the black magicians and black knights from the wizarding world has troubled many creatures in the wizarding world. Now someone actually wants to speak for the black magicians?

There is no doubt that Thain's speech will definitely label him as "whimsical" and "close to dark forces" from now on.

Although his actions will make the demi-humans and some black magicians and black knights in the wizarding world have a favorable impression of him, the vast majority of powerful wizards who are righteous and conservative will stay away from him.

This is an extremely realistic situation. Thain has gained something and also lost something.

There are some words that cannot be said carelessly in the Wizards Alliance.

But Thane didn't care.

"Absurd!" Before Ms. Bev could push the motion to a vote, a fifth-level knight who disagreed with Thain couldn't help but pointed at Thain and shouted directly at the alliance meeting.

This fifth-level knight wearing black armor appears to belong to the Erie Knights Alliance.

He is also the most determined anti-black magician and strong black knight in the wizarding world.

When the fifth-level knight spoke directly at the conference, many powerful wizards and civilizations turned their attention to the half-sitting silent knight in the front row.

This is an extremely powerful being!

At least in this alliance conference, there are only a few people present who can compete with him.

The opponent is also the absolute leader of the Erie Knights Alliance.

If Thane speaks for the demi-humans, there is a hint of Klopp, the dominant knight of the Western Islands, behind him, then this fifth-level knight who just pointed at Thain's nose and scolded him, the representative behind him is this During the conference, the powerful master remained silent from beginning to end.

"It's interesting." In the Beren Empire camp, a dominator-level knight who also showed a tough aura looked at the conference site with his arms folded.

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